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Which Way Should The Camper Trailer Face?


Over the years, one of THE most frustrating aspects of camping has been the moment that we arrive at a campsite for one of our rare two or three night stopovers and deciding which way the camper trailer should be positioned.

It's very important to me that the trailer should be adequately positioned in order to maximise our comfort for the duration of such a stay, particularly in regards to where the sun will set as there is nothing worse than having the afternoon sun glaring in on where you are trying to sit and relax (and prepare a meal) in front of the tent after a long days drive.

Setting up close to, but not necessarily directly under trees, is preferable where the shade they afford covers at LEAST front section of the camper trailer, especially if one does not feel like spending the extra time setting up the awning.

My husband and I have had many explosive moments during this critical time and it was only recently that I discovered exactly WHY he behaves like a complete ninny unable to follow my directions.

We had just pulled up at a nice little campsite where there was a body of water and immediately our eight year old son disappeared through the long grass to go and investigate - water and mud of course being a little boy magnet.

When my husband asked the inevitable question - "Which way should the camper trailer face?" I told him - "Put it so the front is facing the water" - the reason being, which I thought was logical - so we could keep an eye on the boy as well as have our main eating/sitting area positioned so as to NOT have the hot late afternoon sun beaming in on us.

Moments later Richard starts backing the trailer in then gets out of the car and unhooks it and tells me we will have to push it around.

I'm not sure why we have to do this, as it seemed logical that he would just back it in a little further and the front would open out towards the water, as I had suggested.

Now, there is a couple set up in their caravan next to us, watching us, and I really hate that because I'm sure we become a great source of entertainment during these set up times.

So there we are pushing and pulling the trailer - well, I am really just standing there with my hands on it not knowing what the heck my husband is doing because suddenly the trailer is positioned sidewards and I say to him....."But why have you turned it this way? When we open up the tent it will be sitting on top of the firepit!"

He is beginning to look flustered and says something about the tree being in the way so it HAS to go this way because it won't fit under the tree, and "why didn't I listen to him in the first place and have it the way HE had suggested!"

He continues to push it this way and that, not really making much progress and I begin to worry that the darn thing is going to end up IN the water!

"Richard.......it was really simple...You just had to back it in a little way the way you had it and then everything would be fine!"

"Now I have to hook it back up to the car to put it where you want it!" he says through gritted teeth.

I'm really not understanding his whole thought process at this moment, but not wanting to make a scene in front of our audience I tell him through equally as gritted teeth...

"Ok....well put it where you like...I really don't care either way."

(It's at about this point that I would like to smack him about the head with a leafy branch.)

"Why is it so difficult to understand my instructions?" I am thinking to myself as he angrily reverses the car and makes a big fuss about re hooking the trailer back up.

In his temper tantrum he starts driving forgetting to put the wheel of the trailer up so it drags in the dirt.

He then gets out of the car, realising what has happened and blames ME for his error.

I'm standing there watching him reverse the trailer, wheel safely up this time, towards me but he's doing it so that the trailer is coming in at an angle therefore making it that if we opened the tent part up the BACK would be facing the caravaners FRONT, which to me seems quite snobbish at a campsite.

Side on is ok - you still have your privacy to sit and eat but to have your "back" facing their "front" just doesn't seem very friendly....especially if you are to be there for two nights and have already exchanged pleasantries.

"What ARE you doing?" I ask quite baffled and more than a little irate at this point.

"Just back it in and the front will be facing the water!"

"You said you didn't want to be facing the afternoon sun!" he says...

"It WON'T be if you put it where I told you.......the FRONT facing the water!"

I feel as though I am speaking to a martian! What does he not understand about what I am telling him!

Suddenly, and somehow it dawns on both of us....

What I am referring to the "front", and has been all along, is actually what he calls the "back" of the camper trailer with his logic being that the "front" of the trailer is the part that hooks up to the car and the "back" where, when we set it up is where the door to the tent is and the kitchen opens out.

This to me is ridiculous because when we are talking about setting it up it seems logical to call the "front" the place where you go in and out of the tent and have your awning up - like a front verandah and do all of your "living"- cooking, eating etc.

Why on earth would you call that the "back"?

We argue for a few minutes over this point with him refusing to refer to the "back" ( in his eyes) as the "front" so I give up and just tell him to put the damn thing wherever he pleases!

All in all it takes about thirty minutes to find the final resting place for the camper with both of us feeling very hot and bothered.

We are still arguing about it even though we are now home.

I understand his reasoning - skewed as it is, but in MY eyes we are actually towing our home on wheels BACKWARDS and the point remains particularly when setting up camp, where the door is HAS to be referred to as "the front" and until we can agree on this we will continue to become confused and have these domestic spats much to the delight of other campers.

Perhaps hubby should remember the little thought for the day we saw posted up on a notice board in a town called Sandstone...

"Marriage is a partnership where one person is right and the other is a husband."

:-X ;) ::)


Maybe this will make it easier ?

There is the door right. See the green thing on the ground in front of it? That is the front door mat.....and I'm positive I have heard Richard call it "the front door mat" !



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:) Ah you can't beat camping to bring out the best in an argument! Have a good time then?

GREAT time. I don't want to be "home". We're itching to get out there again but soon the inolerable heat of summer will make camping unpleasant.

Winter with a campfire is the BEST time to go over here.

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That's a great looking camper! What make is it? We more or less decided to stop camping after this last summers outing. Mainly because we always take 2 of our dogs with us and they are both getting a bit old for the outdoor life! But I think they would love that sleeping platform! Might get a few more years out of the Mrs yet! (Camping that is!)

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I think the one we have is a trackabout. It's an offroad trailer.

We only went to a camper trailer as back when all four kids were camping with us we had run out of room in the car to fit the tent and all the other "stuff".

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