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Youtube/google Issue


Hello all. Hopefully this isn't in any sort of violation with the blog/site rules. While it is not 100% about music, it could be relative to anyone using YouTube with monetization for any of their songs. Also, just in case I show up missing one day, you may know why. I've had my monetization disabled in YouTube for reasons explained below. This is in response to a comment saying it was disabled because I tried to make a second Adsense Account while trying to access Analytics with my original email I set up Adsense and YouTube with. Anyone else bothered by the fact that they created .gmail address and a Google Plus page without my knowledge or permission?

That's not quite what happened. Re-read this sentence from the email: "we noticed that your account information matches a currently approved AdSense account associated with rd2graphics@gmail.com"

What?!? I said when I read it, I never created an rd2graphics@gmail.com email address, and I most definitely never tied it in to my Adsense Account. Like automatically being forced to use Google Plus from YouTube, someone at GOOGLE, or through their software, took my Adsense Account and removed my yahoo.com email address and replaced it with the gmail.com address. Which I can only gather that is why I could no longer log into my adsense account with my yahoo.com address. I will go through the steps 1x1 hoping to some light on the subject.

1. I used to have a YouTube account and an Adsense Account. Everything worked fine.

2. Google bought YouTube.

3. In April, I could no longer access my Adsense account with my yahoo.com email address. BUT, since I found out my payment stats were run through YouTube analytics I thought all was well.

4. There was an associated Adsense Account in Youtube, the analytics seemed to be working okay (aside from the fact that when I looked at the all of my earnings since having videos monetized in YouTube, it showed HALF of what I actually earned (as well, my views were 1/2 what they used to be). Posted about that a while back, but that's another topic)

5. In November I noticed my payment threshold was going to be reached.

6. Remembering I couldn't log into Adsense with my yahoo.com address, I thought I'd go back and try it again to make sure everything was fine as far as receiving a payment.

7. I could not log into Adsense with my yahoo.com address. I did password reminders, username/email reminders, etc... after eventually being able to log in, the next screen said something to the effect of this account not having a valid adsense account, or something like that. It was November and it wasn't an email but instead a message that was on the screen after logging in.

8. Then I received the email above about my account being associated with this "automatically created for me" gmail.com address.

9. I went to try the gmail.com address. It worked. That's the exact second I realized that not only did Google create a Google Plus account for me, which I could easily tell on YouTube, but they also created this gmail.com address for me.

10. I looked around and saw all my old stats and payment history, etc. I also noticed that I need to update my payment method. I used to get checks but I guess that wasn't offered anymore. Did the whole bank account thing, got their initial deposit, put it in and voila. Payment method set up.

11. After going back to YouTube, I got a very quick message that went away when I clicked on my username. It said my monetization had been disabled. So after seeing that, I clicked on the arrow by my user icon in an attempt to see if there was any kind of message in my inbox about it. There wasn't.

11. Went to look at my monetization settings and that is what lead me to here.

12. Initially, the status circle next to monetization on YouTube Channel Settings-->Features was red. I can't recall if it said disabled next to it. I'm not exactly sure when it happened, but at some point, that red circle changed to green and gave me the "view monetization settings". Which clicking on that took me to a page saying Your Monetization tab has been disabled. Clicking on that takes me back to Google page with a list of reasons this may have happened. None of those reasons have happened.

Whew, so it has taken me quite a while to connect all the dots but I guess, at the very least, I may have figured out why I have not been able to find anyone able to help me. I read Wired magazine. There was an article In 2011 with Horowitz about Google Plus and the desire to be a big player in social media. Mentioning the privacy issues that were connected with it's first effort Buzz. Here's the link to that article: http://www.wired.com/magazine/2011/09/ff_google_horowitz/

Funny to me that with Buzz, privacy was an issue. They knew that, then took all YouTube users and forced them into Google Plus, hence giving them bigger numbers of Google Plus users. Now, while technically that in and of itself is not a privacy issue per se, it seems to me a clear violation of users rights. You don't see banks automatically creating accounts for people that do not inquire about having an account there. I've been on computers since the 80's, was fascinated with the internet since I first realized what it could do through its use at my College Library. When Google came along I thought it was magic. I loved it and everything it could do. Someone would ask me a question, what would I say? Google it. Loved it. But in recent years Google has gotten so big that it has crossed the line when it comes to user privacy. It's a shame they are violating the privacy and trust of all of it's users which are the exact ones giving them the content for which they are known for.

When I read the current problem going on about the man being arrested for violating a restraining order by sending an .gmail invite to his ex-girlfriend http://abcnews.go.com/Business/google-invitation-sends-man-jail/story?id=21481276 . A light bulb went off. Maybe due to that issue and the legalities they are going to be needing to set up and face, they have opted not to address any other issues remotely related to anything they have done to people without their permission. I don't know. I hope not. But I do know that for the past 2 months I have been going crazy trying to correct something that wasn't my fault.

Google. YouTube. Whomever. I'm just wanting to get my monetization re-enabled. Not sure why I have to pay the price for something I didn't want, need or inquire about. I'm posting this on blogs also, to see if anyone else is having the same issues I'm having.


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