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  1. I thought it sounded quite flat overall, so I wasn't really drawn in. It conjured up in my mind the image of someone just singing along to a song on the radio while peeling their potatoes in the kitchen just because they feel like it or something like that. But you're not horribly off-tune and you have a voice that is agreeable to listen to, so there surely is some potential. I honestly think that with the help of a vocal coach that will show you how to sing with more presence and strength in your voice, you could improve a lot.
  2. There was this song I produced that I was infinitely proud of creating because it was so beautiful. Until I heard it in the media.Turns out it already existed. I had probably heard it a long time ago and forgot about it until it came back to the surface as I searched my brain for a new melody when composing "my song". And I mistook it for an original idea. I have been extra careful ever since and have, many times, found myself putting melodies into the songs I produced that came from existing works, to the point where I have become so frustrated with my lack creativity that I'm losing the hope of ever even trying to make it as a producer. But listening to the radio, I've noticed that many pop songs actually resemble each other. So am I particularly uncreative or is copying previously made works (and adding their own spin to it) just what humans do? This would mean that all songs we create are no more than patchworks made up of pieces from the thousands of songs we have heard before. I mean, ideas must come from somewhere after all, everything has a cause, so should I feel bad if I release a song that contains pieces of existing works and call it my own? I'm not looking for an excuse to be a copycat and credit myself for the work of others. I genuinely put time and effort into creating something original, but it just keeps turning out that it has all been done before. I just don't want to waste time looking for something (total originality) that doesn't really exist... Have you already created something that was 100% yours, completely original? Or are you in the same predicament as me? How do you get out of it? Thanks for reading.
  3. Okay, this might sound quite weird, but it's really just something I'm wondering. It's a secret to nobody, thriving in the music industry is not just about having talent, it's also about image. And image is about both behavior and looks. With that said, if you're a musician who can't sing and doesn't look pretty enough (according to society's subjective standards of course), is it possible to have somebody willingly sign a contract to represent you and your music? That would mean that you create songs and have somebody else sing them (the way you want them to be sung) and appear in the video of the song (which, too, is made the way you want it, not them). During interviews, that person speaks on your behalf and during every public event, they act the way you tell them to, wear what you tell them to wear, if you want them to fake a romance with some superstar because it will attract tabloid attention and thus make them (and your music) more famous, they have to do it, etc. After signing, that person is basically yours and they are informed of this when signing. Can this be done? Can you sue that person if they try to break free from your grasp by disobeying you after having signed? Or would such a contract be against that person's fundamental rights and so, despite them willingly and conscientiously accepting such a contract, if they change their mind afterwards, nothing can be done about it?
  4. I tried listening to it, but was led to a page that says: Sorry! We can’t find that Did you try to access a private sound, but were not logged in? Maybe the resource has been removed.
  5. I have a list of questions, but if you only the answer to one or two, it's completely fine by me for you to post! It's always better than nothing. If you want to have the highest chance of having a succesful lasting career as a pop artist: 1) Should you release some singles first and then the entire album or the album first and some singles? 2) Is it true that songs have be released function of the season because then people will be more receptive or is it rather so that, if the song is good, the season doesn't matter? I know that releasing a song that says "It's summer time, the sun is shining, let's go to the beach" in winter wouldn't be clever, but I'm speaking in terms of mood. Like, should upbeat/happy songs rather be released in summer/spring and more down/less happy ones (about heartbreak and the like) rather be left for the two other cold seasons? 3) How many singles should a beginning artist release in the first year? 4) What time span should an artist leave between each single? 5) How many songs should there be on one album? 6) Is it okay to have every song on the album be a single or should some songs be left unreleased so that people buy the album out of curiosity? I was planning on having eights songs on one album and have each of them released as a single every two months, a time span I believe to be long enough to have the public not feel bombarded with two much new releases, but short enough for me not to be forgotten. What do you think? 7) Many pop artists start with one big hit, go downhill from there and then disappear as if they'd never existed. It's like the second song is never as good as the first and people loose faith in the artist as a result. So, if you have one song that you know will be a huge hit and one okay song, is it better to release the okay song first so as to have people see that there is some potential there and the hit afterwards so as to confirm that idea? Or is it better to release the hit first so as to catch everyone's attention and then just do your best to release another song that lives up to the first one? Thank you for reading! Hoping for a quick answer ^^
  6. ... Sakushika. I'm a free time music producer and a song writer since recently in the sense that I finished writing my first complete song a couple of weeks ago (even though I've already penned down some lyrics in the past that didn't form entire, finished songs). I thought the song would be mediocre when I started its writing, but I'm so happy with the result I now am confident that I can write stuff that makes some sense and is agreeable to listen to (to me, at least). I came to this forum to share my new passion with other people, 'cause sharing the experience with other people is just what I do when I discover new hobbies I like (hobbies or movies or books or...) Books! I love them. I love reading novels or writing them. Same with poems. I basically like stuff with words. I'm quite a stutterer sometimes and am just not very good at finding the right words on the spot to express my thoughts, but when I have the time to formulate my ideas and can make art with these oh so many words that dance around in my head it rejoices me and boosts my confidence with regards to my language skills. It makes me feel like I'm not entirely horrible with it, even though I have difficulties many other people don't have with right on the spot verbal expression. I also love learning new languages, because, again, it entails lots of words (= yay!) but also discovering other cultures, other ways of thinking, other ways of seeing and experiencing the world. It's just so eye-opening and that kind of personal enrichment is what I constantly seek in life. I hunger for knowledge, knowledge and even more knowledge so as to be able to get as close as I can to experiencing life, savoring life, living life to its fullest potential. But let's get back to songs. Despite reality's many attempts to wake up call me, somewhere, very deep inside, my child dream of making it in the music industry so well that I could live off the money I'd make with my music is still living and awaiting the day it will come true. I wished I'd make it as a singer, but I now don't believe that will work out, so music producing has become my main source of hope, along with songwriting. I don't just want to make commercial songs to get rich, though. I would be a liar if I said that the pecuniary aspect is irrelevant, but I, too, really wish to make music that touches other people (no matter how cliché that sounds) and writings that are an accurate expression of my thoughts, writings that have really interesting content while having the rhymes, the word play, the structure basically that makes it so that the words flow well and are a relish to read and listen to. With that being said, I'm glad I found this forum and hope it will help me in my journey toward personal fulfillment. See you all later, I guess! (And in case you're wondering, click here ^^ )
  7. Welcome to the forums Sakushika :)

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