Hey Everybody
My name is PUR3VECTOR, I'm a graphics designer/singer/songwriter/producer and I provide a FREE service to other Musical Artists. I make mostly Logos and Covers/Images for artist to give them a more professional look, and I make them all for FREE!!!!! NO SCAMS NO BS I just want to help people. In todays Music Industry you have to market yourself to get noticed so this is a chance to get 1 step ahead by improving your LOOK. I can redo old logos or ideas EP cover, theirs just a few things I need
* Name of artist and how you would like it to look like theirs a difference between PUR3VECTOR and Pur3vector, know what I'm sayin.
* Colors You like for the letters maybe background
* Backgrounds can be anything from pictures of you, or pictures you found on the internet just please make them as large as possible so when searching for images on Google select size search large 1200by1200 around that size are always easy to work with for background
Remember people see your picture before they hear your music, make a professional appearance.
So if your interested please leave a message on my facebook with your request, check out my art and some logos I've done for past musicians and enjoy your day https://www.facebook.com/Pur3vectorDD
Jake BUGGS COVER photo is a great example Look like Jake