Hi everyone!
I'll get right to it. I am looking at registering copyright for a collection of 20-some pieces.
1. Some are microtonal, and the notation I used when composing them is my own creation, though not completely unintuitive. Can I just submit them as audio, or should I print out the score, non-traditional as it is? It's basically a grid with colored dots representing notes. Here is an animated version of one:
I could alternatively, fairly simply, turn these pieces into very precise but not very easy to read lists of frequencies, Csound-style or something like it.
2. One song no longer exists in any form except a microtonal recording created with weird synthesis, all sounds created by manipulated human voices reading Kafka's Metamorphosis in German, not from a translation. I believe that Kafka's original text must be public domain by now, but I'll have to check. I have no other form left than the audio, but the words are not mine.
3. One is a traditional American folk tune, 'Fire on the Mountain', to which I wrote my own silly square-dance words. Should I simply register the words? But then can I register as music, or would it be under literature? Maybe the simplest would be to write my own new music to go with it...
4. One song is co-authored by a friend.
5. The clearest form of most of the pieces is traditional scores, some with words and some without. I don't have audio for all of them. The FAQ I read says the collection can be either written or audio, but can it be mixed or do I have to register one audio and one written collection?
Thanks in advance for any guidance!