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Posts posted by iwishtorightasong

  1. hello everyone, it's just me 
    standing up here reciting poetry
    trust is an issue for me
    another boring story
    but tell me:
    is there anybody out there that trusted someone so much?
    that you were two, turned into one, tied together by trust?
    and they would never betray 
    any of the things that you say
    every secret
    they would keep it 
    they would never stray away
    from your mind
    they would never try to confine
    every single thought that you ever had inside
    you would do the same
    you,d protect the other's name
    and when their life was at stake
    you'd put your own on the plate
    and tell Satan to wait
    so that you could both escape
    you went to hell and back together
    you were the best of friends forever
    and every single conversation that you ever had since then
    started with the word "remember"
    you had a lot of adventures
    but when it all ended
    you wanted to blow a house up
    cuz it turns out they pretended
    people like that should die 
    disappear off of the earth
    they are aliens to our kind
    a problem at the birth
    cuz if you manipulate people just to get what you want
    then i promise you, it'll come back and bite before long
    it's happened to me a couple times 
    people mess with my mind
    they think they're funny
    think they're cunning
    but that's where i draw the line
    yeah there's some lessons in life
     that you learn while you're alive
    never trust nobody
    i don't even trust my self
    will I fall short?
    like mom and dad and who else?
    my biological parents yeah, they were rotten and low
    boom! i was born, then my dad wanted to go
    my mom said "wait" dad said "to late"and then he starts for the door
    my mom grabs his arm and he shoves her to the floor
    he says "I'm sorry Loraine i can't stay here anymore
    I guess it's time for me to cross back over the border"
    then the traitor runs, leaving the three of us alone
    I swear to god when that man dies i'll blow up his gravestone
    cuz he lied but i know he's not the only one
    nowadays people just do it for fun
    I know plenty of people that say "I ain't like that"
    just from experience i can never be sure of that
    so pick your friends carefully
    have relationships sparingly
    cuz life is full of scares, lies, drama, tears, and twists
    looking at it now, huh, ain't life a bitch?
    cuz when your living your life
    and every thing is right
    all of a sudden your in a tunnel
    and you can't see the light
    caught up in the darkness and utter betrayal
    you see? now it starts to sound like a fairy tale
    now you sit in the dark and wait for somebody to help
    and when nobody comes you realize it's yourself
    that is alone in the end
    you are your only friend
    cuz when there is no body to fight
    you always win
  2. I'm changing right before you're eyes,

     i might need to improvise

    I may fall down a couple times

    but determinations in my eyes

    i'm changing my behavior

     i'm becoming my own savior

    if you can only trust me

     from my quest i'll never waver

    when i'm done with my journey

    you will see me differently

    people see me as an egotist

    just one more name on that long list

    you say that i'm too late and out of range

    motherf*cker stand here and watch me change


    when i walk my chains sway

    i'm gonna f*cking walk away

    get the hell out of this bitch

    how do i walk

    just like this

    1 step, 2 step, 3 step,4

    ill walk and walk and look back no more

    I've done shit i cant deny

    people always ask me why

    andrew, did you want to die?

    i say yes cuz i wont lie

    and every single time i try 

    to forget it just reminds

    me about all of those times

    that i wasn't doing fine

    but the past is the past, so just move on

    you can talk about my past when i'm dead and gone

    but for now live for today 

    i'm never going back,

    living for today

    forgetting about the past

    as i walk ill stop and stare

     i know if i could go anywhere

    id go to New York, Boston, Chicago

    find a place to put on a rap show

    these bitches and these hoes 

    the only thing they knows 

    is that being fake is the only way to go

    all this shit about my past,

    i don't give a crap

    you can go f*ck yourself if you wanna think like that

    what iv done ,its behind me

    what i've said, its a memory

    yet people think its o.k.

    to get up in my face

    andrew you little faggot!

    how could you let this happen?

    how does it fell to be on my own?

    to be gone and away from home?

    That's none of your biz you mofo

    now leave before i sock yo

    shut up before i knock yo

    ass down to the ground below

    haters gotta stop living in the past

    the present is becoming the present too fast

    you know one day we are all gonna die, 

    on your deathbed looking up, 

    what did i do with my life?

    talking to god, i'm sorry i'm a hater,

    i was nothing but a liar and a player

    hating was my life and my life was full of hating

    god be like look ,sorry for what i'm saying

    i'm sending you to hell

    ill throw you down a well

    oh what we were just standing and he just kinda fell

    should we get him?

    no he'll be o.k.

    just keep quiet and walk away

    I'm changing right before you're eyes,

     i might need to improvise

    I may fall down a couple times

    but determinations in my eyes

    i'm changing my behavior

     i'm becoming my own savior

    if you can only trust me

     from my quest i'll never waver

    when i'm done with my journey

    you will see me differently

    people see me as an egotist

    just one more name on that long list

    you say that im too late and out of range

    motherf*cker stand here and watch me change

    ill leave you to die

     cuz you'd leave me

    get rid of compassion 

    it'll only hurt me

    you think that people care about 

    love you nigga get me out

    this fantasy is killing me

    the real world is what i need

    people don't take me

    seriously when i'm talking

    they don't trust me man its shocking

    all these pills and meds are blocking 

    all the thoughts that i'm concocting

    but i know where i am walking

    out the door

    turn around 

    turn the key 

    the only sound 

    you'll hear is me 

    walking out

    and i wont look back

    if i look back 

    it only proves that 

    i miss my past

    but i don't want it anymore

    so i'm gonna slam the door

    i'm walking away

    far far away

    living for today

    that's what your gonna hear me say

    forget about the past

     the past is the past

    the the only thing i'm passing 

    is the thing that i'm retracting

    i'm sure with a little acting

    they'll forget and stop asking

    i'm reeling in these memories 

    i've picked up over centuries

    6 feet deep ill bury em

    so i don't have to carry em

    all these words around my head

    sorry if i forget,

    but it was my papa who said

    i can change if i really care

    that set it for me then and there

    i cant change my past,

    itll haunt me forever

    i can either run or learn

    will i run?never

    So stop talking about things that nobody even cares about

    you still might not understand, so i'm gonna lay it out

    i'm gonna wake up 

    wash off this makeup

    put on a mask

     and focus on my task

    I'm changing right before you're eyes,

     i might need to improvise

    I may fall down a couple times

    but determinations in my eyes

    i'm changing my behavior

     i'm becoming my own savior

    if you can only trust me

     from my quest i'll never waver

    when i'm done with my journey

    you will see me differently

    people see me as an egotist

    just one more name on that long list

    you say that i'm too late and out of range

    motherf*cker stand here and watch me change


    i'm changing for the people and the life that i once had

    if i could do it over i would not be such a fag

    looking at the man in the mirror i do not like what i'm seeing

    i hate the guy that i've become that's what i'm decreeing

    look i know i f*cked up

    i'm trying to make it better

    i'm trying to make amends

     that's why i'm writing this letter

    I'm abandoning my past

    i ain't ever going back

    so you better shut your trap

    or prepare to get bashed

    i said i'm changing my behavior

    but sometimes i cant control my temper

    that's why i went to north range

    wasting peoples time

    cuz a few weeks later

     i was all good and fine

    but they did not believe me

    so i still go to therapy

    and you know what

    that's fine by me

    cuz i get to hang with my homies

    even when i was a newbie

    it felt like they already knew me

    as soon as i walked through that door 

    i didn't feel alone no more



  3. [chorus]

    i dont really like to think

    while both my arms are turning pink

    and all my blood is running down a sink

    all of this cutting does hurt and it does cause pain

    but it's the only mother f*cking thing

    that will keep me from going insane


    [verse 1]


    when i cut, i knew that i was meant to do it, 

    cause i thought that i was a mistake a counterfeit

    and all of this cutting is what my other half urges

    when i cut, even more of my blood surges

    and from this blood a new part of me has emerged

    now my two personalities have merged






    [verse two]


    all this stuff is in my brain,

    ive gone insane

    blood is my rain

    my blood splattered on a window pane

    a child beaten with a cane

     they profane

    i do the same

    i cant stand and watch this pain

    id rather jump into a train

    make a run

    break down the lane

    get bitten by a great Dane

    im not strong 

    my names not bane

    there's nothing in this world to gain

    im the lion

    this is my mane

    no one cares about my name



  4. [chorus] x2


    ive got some cuts here and there

    ive got cuts almost everywhere

    only a perfect cut can and will start bleeding,

    here how about i show what im f*cki'n seeing


    [verse 1]


    this one cut, 

    the one right here

    this one is just for my fear

    i wish that i could always hear

    that all my freinds could live a happy life 

    without having two shed a tear

    all my fear is for my friends and for my friends alone

    that they can live a happy life at school and at home

    now this second one here is for my insanity,

    one day soon, i just know i'll be destructive toward humanity

    even if i don't , i will sure cause a calamity

    that's the reason i can't live you f*cker

    that's the way it has to be

    there is always someone mad at me

    i'm not even trusted by my family


    [chorus] x2


    [verse two]


    if this rap ever gets on a radiO

    just listen to when i say

    i wont do this for the fame O.K.?

    i want to talk to kids my age so

    let me give your children hope

    please let me give your children light

    at the end of the tunnel the light's in sight

     i learned that i was loved

    i learned that i had friends

    if i fell down cuz i was shoved, i would get back up again

    some kids don't eat, some kids don't sleep

    they're all depressed just like me

    they don't eat

    then people ask

    "are you hungry my sweet?"

    "no thanks, i already ate" they say

    they look at all that food on the shelf

    on the inside they scream "HEY!"

    "can't you see i f*cking starve myself?"




    [verse three]


    you could kill yourself in a wink

    drown yourself and just sink

    your eyes are pink and you're arms are stained in blood

    the bloods running down a sink

    you might really want to die

    but people do care about you, really

    some people love you if you do or don't work out your kinks

    so let some of the pain show

    a friend's more important that a foe

    if someone does some thing really low 

    then theyre just a narrow-minded hoe

    come with me we will talk

    let's you and me take a walk

    i will tell you your missing link

    this is the message for everything

    you have more support than you will ever f*cking think.


    [chorus] x3

  5. [chorus]


    don't look at my fists

     look at my wrists

    don't judge me by my body

    just listen to my lips


    [verse 1]


    just cuz kids go and smile doesn't mean that theyre not hurting

    you might never know and that is for certain

    so don't judge someone if you don't know thier backruond

    now think about that as you push them to the ground

    the whole thing just makes my head pound

    then again i'm just a guy stuck in the backround





    [verse 2]



    i won't come out so you can see

    insted i'll go hide behind that tapestry

    you might never find out what i do to myself,

    the tool that i use is hidden on that bookshelf

    just don't ask me what i did to my arm, 

    i never really meant to do any serious harm.

    i just do it so i can feel pain

    some of my friends around me do the same

    no one does it because they just feel a little lame

    some do it for attention well i don't play that bullshit game.




  6. [chorus]

    I really need some time

    I really need some space

    please get out of my mother______ face

    I really need some time

    I really need some time

    I really need some time

    I really need some time





    don't prod me

    don't push me

    don't push me past my limit

    i really do not want to talk

    so please just go and slim it

    i don't want to talk right now 

    So please go away

    right now my whole is one of the fifty shades of grey

    I'm a white gleaming angel that's been dunked in black paint

    when you see all of my sins

    that's when you'll see im not a saint




    Im no goody two shoe

    and I've never been

    right now my insides are boiling at 500 kelvin

    i wont be an angel no i think not

    Instead i'll be a demon of the heavens

    cause another 9-11

    All these lives i will be selli'n

    with the devil i'll be medlli'n

    can you keep a secret?

    no you better not be telli'n

    Im gonna cause a felony

    wait! look in my eyes 

    this isn't me!










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