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Pahchisme Plaid

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Posts posted by Pahchisme Plaid

  1. Just now, The S said:


    Kind words! Glad you liked it and thank you for letting me know!


    The recording woulda been better off if I didn't, in the middle of the song, try to beat the guitar to death by hammering on it, but I was in a flow and got exited, what can I say?!!!  :)


    All the best,



    I (and likely most of your general listeners), didn't hear anything bad that stood out to me.  I thoroughly enjoyed the track.  I think I favorite-ed it on SoundCloud.  I suspect that as I listen more, it will go in one of my playlists (supposing that's okay with you?).

  2. On 11/24/2017 at 2:15 PM, The S said:

    Today this. What a voice, what a place?!?!



    Amazing voice, incredible sound....what she is saying is a mystery--doesn't matter.  I still like her sound.

    Your "Sweet Side of Somber" is pretty amazing too!  Thanks for sharing!

    • Like 1
  3. I want a personal secretary for Christmas.  If that’s not possible, I’d like a housekeeper. If that’s not possible, maybe some virtual reality that makes me see myself organized and my house as clean and organized.  An illusion will satisfy too.

    • Haha 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Ray888 said:

    Hey Pahchisme Plaid I'm laughing because I was a year late answering this lyric post which Skin (Les) wrote. I must have been confused lol but I seem to have also confused you because you have addressed your feedback to me instead of LES. :helpsmilie:

    Laughing is good!  I love to laugh!  Yes, I got all mixed up thinking you were the poster of the song and EVENTUALLY I caught on, but didn't have the chance to reply, so all the above was meant for @Skin, though I'm sure is irrelevant now due to timing, but I knew you were fairly new here, so when I thought YOU wrote the song, figured it was recent.  Doesn't take much to confuse me! lol!

    • Like 1
  5. On 6/21/2017 at 6:58 PM, Ray888 said:

    The song title doesn't suit this song.


    The opening lines don't quite ring true with "I'm tasting life for the first time", "I'm tasting love for the first time" would make more sense.


    I like the first half of the chorus but feel that the second half would benefit from a little more work.


    I think that the weakest section is the bridge because it leans more towards a female vocal and has sexual connotations. I think that it needs a different approach.




    You break me in (as in virginity broken)


    Make me bend (sexual position)


    Again and again and again (Ok for the middle line if that is what you wish to say, but an impossibility if associated with the first line.

    Ray, I think the repeated line of your chorus, "Again and Again and Again" would be an option for a title.  Granted, it doesn't seem to give any clues as to the song theme, but I'm sure there are plenty of hooks that don't.


    I think that "I'm tasting life for the first time" gives a nice imagery.  That line instantly puts me in the emotion of someone "waking up to life" after just sort of meandering through it.

    This and your second verse led me to think what woke this person up was finding/being with a person who contributed to that waking up.  I wasn't really following that it was a first-time sexual experience until I hit the bridge and even then to me it wasn't obvious as I was still in the mindset of waking up to "life".  It took your explanation below it to make it clear and that sort of took away from the exhilaration of "feeling alive" to me, mainly because it changed my mental course from it being an inner experience to being a physical one.  I took the meaning of the bridge to say that you had a weakness for this very special person and that person could affect you in a way others aren't.  Personally, I was liking the theme that was flowing through my mind, perhaps my gender plays into that.  I don't think it would take a whole lot of tweaks to change it to that theme, but I think there is so much more that could liven up a theme such as tasting life for the first time.  For example: New experiences like 1st ride on the back of a motorcycle (for ladies), a kiss, playing a contact sport in the rain, waking up to the early morning sunrise, especially on the water (Hey--just got a kayak, so hopefully will be an exhilarating new life experience for me--yay--can't wait!), but that's the idea.  Words you've used that really play into that are:  taste, savor,take this leap,  breathing, can't catch my breath.  I also think the theme would be far more marketable.

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