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Carl Green

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Status Updates posted by Carl Green

  1. XTC, Prefab Sprout, The Beatles? That'll do nicely!

  2. Thanks for getting in touch Pahchisme. Any fan of Simon & Garfunkel is a friend of mine!

  3. T.Rex, Bowie, Adam Ant? Impeccable taste dear boy!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carl Green

      Some of the finest pop music ever made was made in the 1970's. Still sounds incredible to this day. And I'll never forget Roxy Music (how could I?)!!


    3. symphonious7

      Oh and new wave punk man, that's been my obsession for a while.  There's a lesser known band called Wire that's just incredible, many of their songs don't break the 1 minute mark and yet say more than most can pile into 3:30, if you don't know them I'd check it out!  First 2 albums are the best.  

    4. Carl Green

      Yes, I know Wire. And again I agree- brilliant band. I Am The Fly!!

  4. The glasses, in case you're wondering, are from Paris, bought there in the late 1990's. The attempted cool expression I bought from some geezer in Hull...

  5. Any Sparks fans on here? I love Sparks, have done for decades now. Was lucky enough to catch them live in Newcastle last month- absolutely brilliant. Their latest album (Hippopotamus) is a masterpiece. Ron and Russ- Head Of Light Entertainment love you!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Just1L

      Funny, hadn't heard it in years but just heard Eaten by the Monster of Love 2 days ago. I only know a handful of there songs. Always plan to check them out further though.

    3. Carl Green

      Try the classic 70's albums "Kimono My House" and "Indiscreet" as a great introduction. For more recent stuff "Hippopotamus" (obviously) and "Exotic Creatures Of The Deep"- both superb albums for people who like their pop music strange, beautiful and totally against the grain.

    4. Just1L

      Thanks. Will do.

  6. Not sure how you post new music/video links to the Showcase Forum (naive new boy syndrome)! Have tried the "new topic" button but it won't let me access music or video. Can someone talk me through the process please :)

    1. Richard Tracey

      You need to have at least 10 posts before posting in Showcase.

    2. Carl Green

      Better get posting then! Thanks.

  7. Not sure how you post new music/video links to the Showcase Forum (naive new boy syndrome)! Have tried the "new topic" button but it won't let me access music or video. Can someone talk me through the process please :)

    1. Carl Green

      Thanks Tom, makes sense. I shall try again after adding a few posts. Cheers :)


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