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Everything posted by Tonedead

  1. Imagine a bald polish guy with glasses from NJ. Started losing it at 18. True story. Back then it was kodak country. Pentax 35mm at least if you wanted to do 'real photography' and my subjects were generally not people. Then there was the dark room chemicals in the basement if you wanted to go there instead of leaving your roll at the mercy of the local photo shack. This is one from my 20's that I put on my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BzTOWiaAlLV/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= I was odd
  2. I'd participate, but I don't have any pictures of me at 20
  3. I tried a CD release back in....I think it was 2004. 2 people bought it. I was awful at self promotion and really felt like I had started too late to go for a music career. I'm at the 'f it' stage of my life and it's therapeutic fun to knock around a bit and share a track. Actually found a remixed version of a club style track I did what seems a lifetime ago, floating around on youtube. It was a total noob track and it put a grin on my face knowing someone out there got enough kick to remix it. I have to say I value my freedom of not being tied to any particular style based on some past monetary success. I know that sounds BS,but I used to DJ locally before the Bjork website stuff and it was fun at first,til I landed a job with a local pro outfit and got into a rut of having to play the same damn songs to the same damn crowd every weekend. I made some money,but it kind of sucked the fun out of one of the things I loved most. That's how I ended up in a bedroom tinkering around on a computer discovering the new technology and making my own songs
  4. It was 20 years ago, I was so new to home music production I didn't know what vsti was and thought acid DJ was the most amazing program ever. I was submitting unofficial remixes of Bjork to the defunct Bjork Remix website run by a Japanese fan with servers. I did a mix of the instrumental Frosti and ended up being contacted by the guy who made the plates for the music box she used on Vespertine. He was looking for people to contribute to an Americana record featuring music box plates. It was actually a bit scary because I was still so green and extremely aware of the fact. I guess that could be considered a success. My remix did chart well on the fan site. Of course it was all totally non kosher and the site got shut down by the label after someone decided to throw a Bjork remix website party in NY. It did help me learn how to start making my own songs
  5. It's a shame,at least for me anyway,that this couldn't be done without being dependent on Facebook
  6. It's been a strange trip. You'd think it would be a time to do more music but I went through phases of being focused on the news,staring blankly at a monitor,spending a lot of time in the garden,feeding squirrels and blue jays and thinking about the past. (I also had to hook myself up with a proper pain management doctor so I can deal with that chronic issue and focus better) Then ultimately changing the way I make music to a degree. Working on more introspective, meditative pieces
  7. Her name is Vanjie. It's a long story
  8. I avoided this song for years because I heard it so much after it came out. This is a well done version. I can't really critique anything about it
  9. Thanks. She's a sweetheart. Actually found me tooling around the garden and decided to move in
  10. I go by the name T K Tonedead because,well,mostly it was a name that wasn't taken on soundcloud at the time. It does fit my long time love affair with self deprecation. I used to sing a bit but after one too many references to 'that guy from Joy Division' I put that on the back burner. I'm also having more fun working on more instrumental fare with an occasional use of sampled voices. I do enjoy a bit of collaborating (and occasionally begging people for a bit of solo work on their instrument of proficiency over one of my tracks) I'm going to go spend a few days checking things out now P.S. this is my cat
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