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Everything posted by john

  1. Welcome to the forums studiobee :)

  2. Welcome to the forums Nir Lutati :)

  3. Hi Guys I'll take a look, but there is no real reason I am aware of as to why this would happen, though perhaps a description of exactly what happens would help? ie Do you post and the post just doesn't show, then days later it does appear as if you just posted it? One common issue I iknow of is not browser related but rather the poster thinks they are replying to the latest post, but they are not. This is due to the poster entering the topic, they are directed to a page displaying the latest posts they haven't yet seen. The problem comes when the page they are directed to is not the last page in the thread. It's caught me out a few times. It happens very easily if the thread has been busy and you haven't been gone long. That said here's where an issue could exist and I would need lots of feedback and info from you guys to try and tie it down... your browser requests a page the site retrieves the page from our database and returns it to your browser when you post your browser requests a page and passes it the information to be posted. the information is then stored in our database, when the data is added your browser will be referred to the next page (the post should show at that point) What I need to know is, what happens with these delayed posts? You make the post and on the next page you see what? Is your post there? Does it look like your post hasn't appeared? Is there an error code? Do you make the post and the browser sits busy but then the next page isn't served and you quit loading the page and try going to another page? Any info you can give will help. I suggest tracking this issue using a topic in the Site Stuff board so this thread doesn't get overwhelmed with support stuff. http://forums.songstuff.com/topic/30897-ongoing-delayed-post-issue/
  4. Welcome to Songstuff Kevin
  5. Welcome to the forums whitesmith :)

  6. Welcome to the forums grafs50 :)

  7. Welcome to the forums Sharleigh :)

    1. Sharleigh


      Thank you - I'm really new to this so I hope I don't annoy anyone. Just want to learn heaps :)

  8. Welcome to the forums darkcove :)

  9. Welcome to the forums Aluminumfalcone :)

  10. One of our members has proposed the creation of a new sub forum for New Albumn releases and another sub-forum for announcing New You Tube Promo. I can see this might be an advantage to collect them together without being mixed with other content, but as a disadvantage it adds to the number of locations for you to look, ie more boards. Please feel free to add your opinion and please vote!
  11. Great Job Beth! I'll get this added to the Songstuff YouTube Channel!
  12. Hi Danielle, Neither. If you can only write lyrics you need a writing partner. Someone to collaborate with on writing songs. If you have a musical ear and patience you could use free DAW software to put a song together, but for quite a long time that is likely to be simply a learning experience. You will get better results working WITH an experienced music writer. It may take a bit of effort to find the right co-writer. Don't rip off anyone else's music. The song would never then be yours and you could do nothing with it without being slammed for theft. You might get away with it for a short while but it always catches up with writers and it won't end well. Not a good way to start your music career. Once labelled for such activity it will follow you everywhere. It is far better in the short term to accept your limitations and make the most of your abilities. Be patient. If you are determined to write your own music then there really isn't an option... learn an instrument. There are no short cuts. That's my two cents.
  13. Welcome to the forums boyka121 :)

  14. Welcome to the forums bethG14 :)

    1. bethG14


      thanks, I've never used a forum before ... i'm not sure exactly what to do

  15. Welcome to Songstuff Danielle
  16. Welcome to the forums daniellelouise :)

  17. Great job on the vid. I will add it to the Songstuff Channel on YouTube, that should get you some hits
  18. Sounds like an AA meet, FBBA. Hi, I'm John and I'm a Facebook Boycotter lol
  19. I was sure I had replied to this... The chat room is a very useful and much underused feature. The chatroom can be used for a variety of useful purposes from pre-arranged meetings, to rapid fire on-topic chat, group based chats, live coordination of your promotion activities across the web (also very useful to use along with a and specific group to help your promo!) and of course workshops and general chat. I can only echo what midnighthowler suggests. To that end, I would be very interested in any of you who would be interested in running regular sessions in the chat room, helping with or running workshops etc. I would be very happy to provide what support I can and look at tools to help (although I think our groups feature is very useful as a start). If you are interested please PM me and we can arrange a discussion on exactly how Songstuff and it's talented members can help provide help where writers really need it,
  20. wow, you say that as if a "like" really doesn't mean anything! lmao we really should invest in thumbs up and thumbs down symbols so we can be on-trend too Social media does have it's uses for musicians and bands, or it could have. Sadly, like Myspace, over eager bands trashed it completely. They are so keen to tell evereyone and their dog about how brilliant their music is very few ever stop to ask themselves if they really should. Bands are probably the worst spammers out there. Sad but true. If musicians really want to be viewed with respect then the sooner they learn the difference between spam and welcome promo the better (yes therereally is such a thing). As a social group we have become experts at poisoning the well. Do bands really think a) others can't see through thin veiled promo b ) that people view such messages as anything other than desperate "hey no-one else will talk about my music" c) people recieve such messages are likely to respond positively? The truth is ignore buttons were invented to deal with bands. It is against that backdrop that we as individuals and as a group have to fight to retain any social standing or self respect. The challenge is to do that and still get word out to get more fans. There are ways. Quite a few as it happens. I'll maybe go into them in the promo workgroup sometime for those interested. When a platform finally cracks socializing in a way that bands can't ruin it for everyone else, that platform is likely to be very, very popular. When bands do learn how to respect others it generally pays off in spades.
  21. Yeah I hear you. Was more pointless pondering on my part. I'll leave something quite so disruptive to those full of youthful energy. I do my bit with Songstuff and that's plenty. The point was (segue BTT) to get a fairer music industry that isn't going to happen while these large companies rule the roost, and it sure isn't going to be caused by a new music site that sees a gap in the market by hijacking disenfranchisement of musicians and songwriters.
  22. How about a Facebook Campaign to boycott all paid advertising? Google, FB and Micropiss would love it! Social media in action No Sponsored results, nothing. Similarly if you do find you have clicked through on an advertisement DON'T BUY, COMPLAIN. That would do it. More seriously, the governments need to get serious about stopping the data sharing and spilt up these massive companies. They are data monopolies and very dangerous. They've just killed the music industry without blinking. On a global level. Movies, literature and more are next. Or maybe it'll just be a country. Waaaay too much power for a company to have.
  23. lol Too true, no one makes money from their creations apart from Microcrap, Facespook etc. Trouble is soon creatives will be unable to make a living from their products and the tipping point will come when all the watchers realise the only new stuff they ever see is home made cheap filler. No more quality works. No new big budget anythings. Anything approaching that will be cheap formulaic BS. You can already see it in the modern pop industry, Yes there are talented people, but 99% is use the same sound banks with the same loops and the same ideas recycled simply because the company involved control enough media to saturate your brain with enough dross that you think that is all there is. Did someone just whisper American Idol or XFactor? No? I'm sure I heard something....
  24. Welcome to the forums Seongjean Moon :)

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