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Posts posted by DonnaMarilyn

  1. Hi Alicatt,


    It's hard to say whether I feel most inspired to write in a particular season, but on a personal level my favourite season is autumn. I was born in October, so maybe that plays a role. 😉 I love the colours and the changes, and the feeling of preparing to go into a kind of hibernation, introspection.  Many of my lyrics are reflective in nature, so perhaps they've emanated from that state of hibernation, so to speak. 



    • Like 2
  2. Thank you, Tom. :) And a big thanks to folks here who voted. Apparently the total of votes was a record number. ;)


    I'm thrilled for Billy, because no one deserves a win more than he does. Not only a consummate composer/arranger/musician, he's also an overall very nice person. We've collaborated on a number of songs over the past 5-6 years.


    So…Fingers crossed for tomorrow, when the judges select the category winner. ;)



    • Like 2
  3. McNaughton Park, Mike, and Lisa, thank you so much for your support. I appreciate it a lot. :)


    I know it's a lot to ask folks to cast a vote each day, but… fantastic when it happens. ;)


    Interesting that of the five instrumentals, two each are from the same person(s). So it will be an exciting race to the finish. ;)



  4. Was thrilled to learn just now that my collaborator Billy Playle and I have two tracks in the Finalists list in the 2014 International SongDoor competition - Instrumentals section. 

    I'd be grateful if you'd case a vote EACH DAY for 'A Near-Life Experience' (if you like it, of course. ;) )

    The track is now running second. I hope we can pull it into first place and keep it there on the 20th. ;)



    UPDATE JAN 13: And if you have multiple devices, you can cast a vote on each one of them every day. This might up the vote count. ;)

    The final Winner will be selected by the contest judges, but the winner of the popular votes will get an extra bonus. wink_jpfolks.gif




    PS: If anyone's interested in hearing the song version, it's here. It was a finalist in an international songwriting competition a couple of years ago.


  5. In fact, I thought a couple of the songs were kind of neat. :D For instance, 'Nightime Whispers', and that rocking boogie song. ;)  And all the songs certainly had top-class musicians and singers. As one of the guys said, they had to be on top of their game because it was necessary to work quickly.



  6. Thank you, David. High praise from you indeed. ;) 


    Quite right about the whistle. :D I was simply so amused/charmed by the original slang term, I didn't think through the logic of the situation. ;)


    I've made the appropriate change.



  7. A bit of background.


    The devil kind of made me do it.  :)  I was inspired by a forum discussion a couple of years ago about a song that involved risk-related casual sex.


    The notion of a hood pack leader on a 'Just Say No' campaign sprang to mind.  ;) It was a hoot to write (and to revise).  And thank goodness for urban dictionaries. ;)


    Anyway, I hope you get a kick out of it (and my sincere apologies to any authentic rappers here  ;) ). 


    I'm sure the lyric will never marry up with music (though I'd be delighted if it did - I have a distinct beat for it), but if anyone has constructive suggestions to improve the lyric, they'll be very welcome.




    Sleepin’ Wid’ A Stranger


    Back off sistas, don’t want yo blistas

    I’m cleanin’ my slate, fixin’ to wait

    Keepin’ my fun zone sleepin’ in the sun zone

    No pickin’ fruit unless I know it’s homegrown

    No more howlin’, this wolf ain’t growlin’

    [‘Cause] I’m off-duty ain’t cravin’ no booty

    Don’ mean to diss ya, but better to miss ya

    Now get the word out to the rest a’ the sistas


    I’m an alpha male but I gotta admit

    When I see what’s goin’ down

    I ain’t diggin’ that sh*t

    Yo, nothin’ but danger, sleepin’ wid’ a stranger


    Girl, ya bo janglin’ can’t ya see I’m anglin’

    To get it on wit’cha but here’s the pict’cha

    [Yeah] this here’s rizzle, this is fo’ shizzle

    Ya need to be mine before ya blow wet my whistle


    I’m an alpha male but I gotta admit

    When I see what’s goin’ down

    I ain’t diggin’ that sh*t

    Yo, nothin’ but danger, sleepin’ wid’ a stranger


    Used to be sexual, now I’m doin’ textual

    Gotta feel the love before I put on the glove

    [An’] all I expect’s a little self-respect

    A little basic intel before we connect

    Don’t mind dancin’ to a different beat

    Don’t want no hoodrats roun’ my feet

    Don’t want ya playin’ no trich on me

    Only crabs I like are crawlin’ in the sea

    Ain’t linin’ up for no STD

    Maybe you a dime but not on my time 


    I’m an alpha male but I gotta admit

    When I see what’s goin’ down

    I ain’t diggin’ that sh*t

    Yo, nothin’ but danger, sleepin’ wid’ a stranger


    ain’t on the make

    Givin’ the snake a break

    [Got] thinkin’ on Goon always hittin’ on poon                           

    Bullets hit the target but his piece got ruined


    I’m an alpha male but I gotta admit

    When I see what’s goin’ down

    I ain’t diggin’ that sh*t

    Yo, nothin’ but danger, sleepin’ wid’ a stranger


    © 2011-2014 Donna Devine 

  8. I don't have 'good luck' items as such, but have a preference for slim, fine-point pens if I do use one. 


    Twice a year I take part in a songwriting challenge (FAWM in February and 50-90 from July to October), and before I begin I absolutely must have my normally chaotic workspace in impeccable order. It's as if I'm synching my external and internal world in preparation for the - I always hope -onslaught of creativity. ;)


    During the course of the challenges, the workspace naturally becomes a disaster area, but somehow I can ignore it and forge ahead at the Muse's urgings. ;)


    I love an elegant ball-point pen, and can spend up to half an hour in a shop trying out and deciding on which one to buy (even if it's only going to cost me a couple of euros). And like John, I enjoy the aesthetics of writing on certain kinds of paper. 


    I don't have special notebooks, though. Unfortunately, I jot things down on whatever is at hand, and the result is chaos. During the challenges, however, to keep myself sane I create folders on my computer and make a point of putting everything in there.


    I really do need to print out all of my lyrics and organise them in huge ring-binders.



    • Like 1
  9. Tom, to add to the suggestions in my previous post, a couple of other thoughts have sprung to mind. ;)


    How about articles on different topics, like guitar care?


    Or ideas for setting up an effective recording space at home (simple ideas that work, etc.).


    In my other post, I mentioned people posting pics of their recording space. There could be some fun involved, with kudos for the most creative/the most disorganised/the most organised, etc. 


    Or folks posting videos of favourite artists playing their guitar. This kind of thing usually generates discussion/comments.



  10. John, I'm glad you chimed in here and responded to Tina's post, especially involving that mention of another forum. In fact, a friend of mine - to whom I'd recommended Songstuff - was also chastised for having mentioned the FAWM songwriting challenge in one of his posts. That made me feel badly, because I've often recommended Songstuff on both the FAWM and the 50-90 site, plus during Pat Pattison's songwriting course last year. 


    Anyway, I'm delighted it was simply a case of the moderator having misjudged. ;) I also understand about the time needed to streamline the site. I agree with Tina that there's perhaps too much happening, and too quickly. It must be confusing for newcomers. I've been a member for years, and still get frustrated trying to navigate the site. :D So much 'drilling down' is necessary. Sometimes less is more. ;) it's a tremendous site, and it would be a shame to lose potential keen participants.


    But to the original topic: Tom, just thinking back to the songwriting challenge forums, it seems to me there's always a topic on what kinds of guitars folks have, along with a suggestion to post pics of their 'music rooms'. Some are quite amusing, and always interesting. That might be an idea.


    Maybe favourite guitars, and favourite artists who play them (or played them). 


    Maybe a topic about building one's own guitar (e.g. a cigar box guitar).


    Hope some of the above is useful. I'm a lyricist, not a musician. ;)



  11. Yes, posting online constitutes publishing, John. :) I remember going through this a few years ago when one of my co-writers in Ireland was having a problem joining a PRO. One criteria was that he had to have been 'published'. He didn't realise that 'published' meant his songs that had been posted to online sites fit that criterion. So all he had to do was say 'yes', and he was in. ;)



  12. Thank you for commenting, Bernd, and for that additional information. :) The matter though has moved on from copyright infringement. The person's song (with my unauthorised lyric) was removed from the website several days ago.


    The situation now involves the person's new lyric, which he has based very obviously on mine, thus making it - in my opinion, and apparently that of my PRO - an unauthorised derivative work. 


    It's now up to Kompoz to determine which side of the fence to fall on. ;)



  13. Further to the saga: My PRO has responded, and states that I would be justified in requesting websites to remove Gary's new thread - with his new lyric (but which closely resembles mine in several ways) - under the principle of Notice and Take Down. (This deals with, among other things, unauthorised derivative works.)

    I've just sent this request to Kompoz. I await their response with great interest. ;)



  14. DarrenH, I love that story. :) The image of you using the doctor's pen to write the lines on your arm is hilarious. :)


    My own tale isn't so much about what I wrote the lyric on but where I was when I 'wrote' the lyric (in my head). 


    A few years ago I had an appointment at the local acupuncture clinic. I'd just got out of the shower and was painting my toenails when two chorus lines popped into my head. I quickly jotted them down so as not to forget them, then rushed out, hopped on my bike, and headed into town. 


    A few minutes later I was at the clinic,  flat on my back on the acupuncture table, in a darkened room, stuck full of needles. By the end of the 45-minute treatment, I'd composed in my head a Celtic folk ballad consisting of eight 6-line verses, and three 4-line refrains. :)

    All I needed to do when I got home was type it up on the computer.


    I wonder whether that burst of focused creativity was a result of all the good 'chi' rushing along my meridians. :)


    (Now that I'm reminded of it, I really must set about getting music for that ballad. ;) )



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