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  1. A1gavin

    new studio

    Finally got round to getting it done......
  2. A1gavin


  3. Just sharing ... Guitars n bass'..... http://forums.songstuff.com/gallery/image/506-guitars-n-bass39/
  4. Sounds like it's all covered now but I'm in the mood for debate and ridicule so..... As for tips.... It all depends on what you are trying to achieve and your budget, you can build a decent home studio these days for a few £100 and achieve a lot, you can also spend a fortune and gain nothing but a lot of nice toys..... me personally, I have a lot of nice toys that I enjoy very much but make very little return... .... But hey I'm happy with my buttons...............If you can advise your intentions, experience and your end goal members can advise how they feel you should proceed however only you can decide what would work best for you.... Mics:- red5 audio (cheap but great quality for price) and Scottish, (ok sold from Scotland)... but great bang for buck! Then again I like Blue, then there are all the 'old school' mics too... read reviews and try and make a judgment call based on your requirements... a great mic with poor pre's can be ok and great pre's with an ok mic can be amazing and vice versa.... How good does it need to be and can you or Joe blogs really tell the difference..... (i'll prob get hung for that one) Mixer:- Depends what you are after, a lot of decent one/two channel pre's out there via USB or firewire in to DAW for under £100 or Presonus used for under £200 for 8ch . Personally, I use yamaha 01v96 on stage and at home i have Tascam dm-4800 but also love presonus kit, I would never spend more than i did on the tascam desk for recording it is the dogs imo with regards to flexability and Pre's are very decent too! Presonus desk also looks great for recording and live but only ever used the rack units but size and flexibility v's £'s is a sure fire winner for me.... don't ever be fooled by flying faders, they are cool but they make no difference to sound! I have also used midi KB with 2 mic pre's for under £100 ... there is a lot out there, good,bad and indifferent but you do not need to spend a fortune. Keyboards :- if you are a player you will be choosey, try before you buy , if not you can get by with almost anything... again depends on what your ability and end goals are(for me software can take care of most requirements with regards to sound/efx using a simple midi KB) Seq/SW/:- in today's world a lot of choice... spend a lot on mac, less on hackintosh/widows, your DAW and tools within are the hub of your studio in the modern world at home or in the pro world. My personal opinion is that you don't have to spend a lot to sound good, quality will always shine through regardless! Important to find what works for you and your requirements. Can you, your clients use mac and afford the cost (up to 18% discount for students ) if not its a no go same applies to choice of DAW... what can you use and what works best for you and your needs. Always try before you buy... this applies to everything... seriously, if you cant get hands on before you pay.... don't touch it all..... EVER! Speakers: tons of choices... all depends on size of room, conditioning of room but most importantly ...how good are your ears.... test some out...... no point in spending £3000 if you hear a pair that cost a fraction of that and you can't tell the difference. Headphones:... this is a bug of mine... I don't care..... i can't use them to mix/master so i don't care.... you SHOULD never use them to mix/master either.... if recording, as long as i can hear myself ... i don't care..... Do you? If your clients do, that's a different story, again it's all down to needs, requirements & price.... you decide. I will point out that I do like my kit and everything I use, I do not receive payment to endorse any equipment or use spellchecker so take it or sleeve it. Pea soup A1. oh wait.. you didn't mention plug ins ..... there are thousands, ha, dare I say millions..... before you choose your DAW... find out what it comes with each as std ...what gives you the best tools that you will use before you think about spending cash on more and again if you can't try before you buy... don't buy!
  5. Prometheus, My post was not meant to sway anyone to Mac or PC, it was only to give some constructive feedback on my experience and offer some money saving tips if indeed the choice was to opt for a Mac, (we could all do with saving some cash right). I'm sure the originator of this post will do all the research and weigh up all pro's and cons before spending any cash and settle for what they believe suits their needs best, just as I am sure we both did and are both very happy with our choices regardless of how they differ. Cheers A1
  6. It's all down to personal preference, Me I'm a Mac.... I use Macbook pro i5 which replaced my old G4 powerbook (that I sold on ebay at 3 years old for more than a decent grade brand new laptop) and an 8 core intel desktop and I use them for everything, every day use and my music. I used to use PC but had always been lazy and never backed up and the inevitable happened and lost everything due to a virus. That is what prompted me to make the transition to Mac and I have never looked back.... needless to say I now back up but never had to use other than retrieve files deleted in error. I still smile every time I can switch on my Mac DT and DM-4800 and load a 24 track recording in logic in under 90 seconds! As for cost... yes it is more expensive but as a student you can get discount direct from Apple... up to 18% i believe on hardware in the UK and far more on software, the more you spend the greater the discount. Hope this helps. Also meant to say that apple-care for students is also a fraction of the retail cost.
  7. A1gavin


    Thanks Mahesh, but you can never have enough toys
  8. For software check out melodyne it can do what you want and much more hardware tc helicon voicelive 2, voicelive touch are great and im pretty sure you could get a single tc pedal that can do it for much cheaper. G
  9. Hi All, Just getting back in to recording and production after a long time away (cassette, record bounce bla bla bla and atari ST.... no HD just floppy drive with cubase)yip long time ago..., NOW.... I recently purchased a keyboard with two mic pre's... these were ok but not good enough so moved to presonus with 8 mic pre's ...still not enough! I have been using a yamaha 01v96 live for some time so thought I would go with the whole digital thing so purchased a tascam DM-4800 (after much deliberation)..... yeah, total headache.... but hey, I'm a grafter and got round it... ...freaking awesome (IMHO) I am now looking to build a live room to go with all my new toys ... all digital... VB-99 & GUS custom bass with 13 pin access... this really has all basses covered! VG-99 & Godin with 13 pin access.... all classic guitars covered... and more! 2 x roland kits V12 & V20 with logic9 and more plug ins you could shake a stick at with regards to effects and samplers So .... question is... Is there a real need for a studio in traditional terms (live room & control room) or is the bedroom really big enough in this modern world? I obv don't really mean bedroom but sure you get my drift ( the two roland kits together take up almost as much room as I do (oh forgot to say .....I'm a bass player!!!!) G pea soup!
  10. Hey all, New here but thought I would share on this old thread..... 5 strings it is for me. I have an old Peavey dyna bass 4 string, Warwick streamer LX jazzman 5 and a Custom built Gus G3 5 extra long scale with 13 pin synth access which is my main bass these days. G
  11. Hey all, This is a short promo video I pulled together for my covers band. First time I have recorded and mixed music in over 20 years and my first attempt at creating a little video. Check the video HERE Feel free to comment. I am looking to get in to writing and producing original material real soon. Gavin
  12. Hi All, Stumbled on this forum quite by accident, a lot of great info (and talent) in here. So about me, just a simple bass player who has been working the wedding and corporate circuit for almost 20 years in Scotland. I used to write a lot of music in my teens but work and family life took priority but now it is time for me to get back to being creative. I have started to build up my home studio again and it is a far cry from the Atari St and cubase of old (yip I rally am that old), now i am using a mac pro 8 core machine with logic studio and have just taken delivery of my console which is a very nice tascam dm-4800 so looking forward to figuring that beast out while I design and start work on my control room. Looking forward to some form of exchange with you all real soon. Gavin.
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