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Everything posted by Donna

  1. Prometheus, hello. Man it got really cold here and the basil and sunflowers and michaelmas dasies and cosmos are just shot. Will you clarify the statement below (re: Night)? Does it mean that orginally you had all instruments going dur. the middle 8, then switched off everything but bass on the middle 8 during mixdown? It cannot mean that, can it? Might work for 8 bars - once - but not for the back n forth p to FF in my tune. Although I'm intrigued mightily w/ this idea...the idea of the signal - and the playing - having the presence by itself that it normally would when the dynamic level swells. This is why you keep suggesting the beringer, right?
  2. Wow, it worked! (Putting the picture in) This is not my unit, found a picture, though. Which might help clarify limitations and such of what I'm working with. Red knobs - trim Orange - eq blue/green - effects Channels 5 & 6 are for effects or extra plug in's if playing live. I haven't even scratched the surface of what it can do, apparently editing videos w/ music and all. +++++++++++ Well the pic is at end of page one. The eq is "tierd" - two knobs on top of each other (w/ two knobs or four tiers per channel, if that makes sense). Upper tier is gain, lower the sweepable eq. Also, for the monitor mix gains (green collection o' knobs upper right of picture), there is a "lower tier" for panning WHICH I AIN'T BEEN ABLE TO USE but now I shall due to AKG hospital...sickening what one can get reduced to, but there you go. So I'm sure you can understand why I love my colorful little 4 track.
  3. JB, fortunately my portastudio has a pretty good mixer, w/ sweepable eq, two tiers, one for htz and one for "k" (up to 8 k). It's a tascam 246. But it's worth thinking about a separate mixer. JB just curious about the ride cymbal...had you listened to the mix on a deck(s) with speakers before you made it a master mix? I guess that'd be sort of a monitors-once-removed, huh? That's where I'm at for the time being and looking forward to enlightenment in the future. At any rate, the AKG's won't spill the sound which is a big problem with the tune I'm working on. It'll just be really nice to record with BOTH sides of the good headphones working.
  4. Hey Nick - thanks for all the info and link. I was surprised to hear this guy say the soundhole. The method you use of two mics and placement sounds familiar, I'd read that on Songstuff resource and had been experimenting but never micing "to" the soundhole since. Interesting you prefer not going direct and R. Thompson's onstage set up. Well I'll keep body size and all in mind as the guitar search continues.
  5. Any opinions/experince on something a guitarist/owner guitar shop said: 1) He never goes direct with acoustic guitar and prfers to use a "stereo" omnidirectional (I don't think that was the term, tho) mic *aimed at the soundhole, not the neck*. Said the sweet spot is by soundhole. 2) Also said the large body acoustics which sound great and can compete unplugged (as it were) in acoustic gigs such as folk thing even gospel (choir I'm sure he meant) end up reaping phase cancellation in recordings...that a smaller body'd instrument will cut thru in the mix. Hey: I had a great time tonite visiting drum shop, repair shop and guitar store, played 4 acoustics, def. leaning away from the Cort, anybody ever hear of Canadian Seagull I think it's called? The funnest parts besides trying stuff out is knowing enough to talk about recording with both repair and guitar store guys. That is due to this little forum! The drums I already know about, and have my eye on a GREAT set of high-hats which are more expensive than the seagul and martin axes I played! Hey! My AKG's (headphones) are in the AKG hospital, finally, woo-hoo, gimme some brewski's What a nice thing to hear that the repair is doable and cost effective, but also that due to them being such an OLD model, the repair god there said they're much stronger and better made. Now I have been without my AKG's since they went kaput about 6 babies ago. So it'll be like having brand new monitiors.
  6. JB, I want to hear it, too ~ We both will as soon as I finish scoring, learn to play everything in time, nail down the engineering and eq-as-I-go because of the bounce, actually record it, and get the teenager to make the cassette master into an MP3.
  7. Prometheus, how did you know I've been musing about the rec. room? I hadn't even mentioned that! Coincidently I'd just read one of your articles here the past few days and saw the above formula therein. Time to think again - thanks for all your help.
  8. Hey, I've been here a year. I wanted my birthday post to be in Recording Studio. March (2006) - got a good map from John on how to plan the rec. + lots of info I needed straight on technical things, got splitter jacks and some missing misc gear. May - began scoring bass. Gave that up after about 6 measures. Too nuanced and difficult to hear the parts. Spent a lot of time marvelling at the layers of Loonan in there, though (bass, 2 guitars, organ, strings). June - practiced stage 1 etc of rec. Had 4 yr old set drum levels. Tried in vain to find pyayer to help me w/ bass chores. Did a (cough) rough mix w/ all 9 parts to make sure it could be done July/Aug - realized the focus needed was impossible w/ children at home so took the summer off. No go on finding a guitarist to help. September - Realized the only way out is through. Mentally began preparing to learn the guitars (and singing while plucking), no matter how long it takes. Began scoring the bass (possibly started that again in August). Oct 4 - the 3 guitars are scored! Bass, 1st and 2nd guitars. I have never listened so intently to a song in my life. I have never picked guitar like I'm learning to do. So it's a happy birthday! I've learned so much in this year at Songstuff
  9. I knew you would show up, "Pal O' Mine". Did you know there is a song by the title of "O Pal O' Mine, Where Are You?" or something similar. I bought the sheet music for it once at a garage sale. OK, got it, check. Engineering sound is math! Thanks, Prometheus. I'll be making a chart soon, a visual one based on the EQ article, adding also whatever y'all have set out in this rec forum. Um...so is db's the same as volume? (ie: cut/boost) (*pushing her luck?*)
  10. Hey Nick, Thanks. That Q link is dense and I'll refer back to it. What I meant was, it sounds like if one has the equipmnent, thtat they can set, alter or fix the Q...which the only thing come to mind comparable was manipulating synth pathch or however it's termed, to make one's own sounds, not having to rely on presets. "Use your ears"...lol, isn't that a given? I'm trying to figure out the terminology/its application. So does this mean, if there's nothing "on" the mixer to denote db's (as there is with eq, 2.8k, 8k, etc;) then knowing db's is like common knowledge, like knowing the dif between red-violet and violet? One doesn't nec. need a reference chart? I wanted to know exactly how the db's are measured in order to try the "identifying a frequency" experiment verbatim as written. So I hear exactly what they're talking about (I'm sure there are differences dep. on equipment, what instrument used, all that). Which will help me figure out other terminology, at least in my head.
  11. Hey Sprees, This can be a toughie - certain periods I've written only slow songs. Both John's and Lazz' ideas are good. And I've tried both of those ways in the past with good results. It will take experimentation and maybe a few false starts. It's amazing how one's view can open simply by being willing to do the experimenting. The only idea I have is a goofy one: try to see life in cartoons - remember the older ones? That's great music, and very uptempo. Or look at real life cartoons - children playing, particularly young ones.
  12. Question 3 on musical note frequencies: John, does the zero mean the lowest C note on the piano...the notes with zero's next to them'd be the lowest octave, ascending accordingly? t/y
  13. Hey all~ I have various beginner questions in preparation to engineering again. It seems to me it may be becauese my equipment is so scaled down that I'm not understanding some things, but who knows. From Page 3 of the Songstuff EQ article re: using EQ to rectify common problems: 1. How does one judge the db's of the boost or cut? Does this mean the black/red UV meters? 2. Just to understand, is setting the Q comparable to manipulating one's own synthesizers sounds (ie making their own)? AFAIKI my unit has a fixed Q. Thanks!
  14. Donna

    + Hoping

    Thanks Rudi, I appreciate your reply.
  15. Donna

    + Hoping

    Hey~ Long story how it came about, but I got to play guitars with someone. He's one of Pete's students, which I found out after we'd chance met. Anyway, he has the same Cort I'd wanted and I got to play his plugged in, as he said (and I heard it for myself compared to my borrowed Ibanez) that it's not much sound unless plugged in. So...I'm rethinking things now. Does anyone know, is there always going to be compromise with an acoustic electric? That the electric is going to sound thin etc; when not plugged in? What's most important to me...trying to figure it out. Well, it's very important that when I pick thhe axe up to play, that I don't want to go running for an amp. OTOH, I like the thought of getting effects and all - should I be playing out, which I plan to do. BTW, I found some other things out tonight: Could def play out w/ another guitarist in the mix - I'm sure 2 or 3 songs could be worked up in a short time. Which is really nice to know. Sometimes I have no ability to judge what is coming out of me. Two, it really helped me following the bits he brought in. Three, he was catching on quick. Four, I'm more steady than I'd thought as a rythym player. Five, as always, the music got too loud and I could've blown my throat out. Next time we'll jam at his house where I can completely check out the effects and all w/ his Cort/amp. Any suggestions or thoughts on acoustic vs acoustic/electric guitars?
  16. IMG, Would you just knock off the soundbiting? Your post answers nothing.
  17. Hey Jon, If you wish, I'd be happy to forward this thread/info onto an accomplished musician's attention. He's totally set up for production, too, and has recording clients as well as being quite the composer and musician. Then if he wanted to speak more with you about possibilities...
  18. Jon~ As a songwriter, your vision appeals greatly to me. Go for it!!
  19. Donna


    Lazz, mutual thinking here...have wanted to check out your newest songs or person(s) you're managing's songs for weeks now. Too many obstacles. Well, you're right. It does a heart no good to remain beastly. This encouragement thread consoles me.
  20. Donna


    These are great ideas, Mon Capitaine muhwahahahaha Steve, they begin again this week, O joy and roses! Once I get some space, and some brain, then we can tackle the time solutions.
  21. Donna


    Thanks guys..mean it. JB hit it: it's not time I need, it's SPACE. I often draw a perimeter around my person around the children ("THIS is how much space I need"). I don't get it - when we were kids we wanted to get away from the parents. Mine don't. So...it's just like when I joined here, my first post when I was trying to make a clean spot at table to eat at. I have so much material in my head, but can't get at it, I'm numb. Motherhood is much harder on brain cells than any other kind of abuse. I start playing and whoom! there's sweeties all round. I'm not enough of a bitch, that's the real problem It's seven children, btw, JB.
  22. To fight to get some space, what did Rudi say way back when? Somebody said it, we need space and lack of stimuli in order to access... to be able to let the art out. Just tell me that can be done again. Provide a recipe if you have one, but not too many steps, for my mind is harrried. OK. Y'all are cool and thanks.
  23. Examples, JB? What kind of gear to enhance signal?
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