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Everything posted by Donna

  1. Roger that! I did two takes...but the first was wrong (drums on 1 & 2, keys on 3 & 4). The second was correct (drums/keys both on 1 & 2). I did a prelim mix w/ a nice reverb, so that the snare echoed a bit. Liking that. As I work with it, next run will be to hone in on the separate eq's. Though I cut the lows and boosted highs, the keys came out a bit low for my liking (and the drums bright - which is fine 'cept for lack of kick, so that won't do). But it's def. worth pursuing, all 8 parts! When first studying John's little stage 2 diagram, I's counting on doing keyboard bass. But now that I have a real bass, another player will be needed to record for the bounce to work. The Franknenbass guy immediately came to mind, I heard him play the Ibanez recently. We have Loo's great parts on an old tape, so if Matteo's willing to learn them...it's a shame he couldn't play bothh bass and guitar, but we need me too for the bounce to work. mygosh, I *think* that boy also plays keys. This could be a great help to the song if he does. The keys will have to totally be redone for the real take anyway.
  2. Alright, wish me luck, as I'm soon going to go for a few practice runs of stages 1 and 2 as John mapped out on page one...
  3. Hi, JB! Thanks for chiming in. I agree they are not junk. This one is an acoustic. Yet the crack had been there since Gene the biker left the Ov at my home at least five years ago, sadly never to be seen since (Geno, where art thou?). Hence, I have no warranty. The only possible thing I can think of which happened (y'all will kill me for this if it's true), is that the guitar was stored near the outer rims of a fireplace...like 2 1/2 feet of brick wall away from the outer edge of the fireplace proper. Nestled between that brick column and a piece of furniture, leaning against the wall. But why should we have a fire in April or May? I don't think we did. And the guitar was at the same spot all winter...maybe we had one fire around Christmas. The neighbor gave me ten bucks to replace the Ibanez strings, so I'll get to see Pete and I'll get his opinion (and perhaps begin a modest layaway deal for a new axe).
  4. To grab "it"! Just couldn't picture that til now I think I like that!
  5. Hole in the body to grab *what*? Yeah, these young uns...They're great to talk to for inspiration. The teen who made the MP3 was surprised that the tascam mixer used circular knobs. I could see his big brain turning things inside out, he's only seen visual linear signals. We have a vague standing date for him to monitor levels. The bass body is a Squire. I asked Matteo, "Is that named for Chris Squire?" Blank look. "The bassist for 'Yes'," said I. Although a couple listen to Boston and stuff. They think it's cool that I know even roughly the drum part to 'More Than A Feeling'. Even older children really can be easy to please/connect with.
  6. I did venture to explain to Husband what would be entailed...he was unusually thoughtful in his replies. We agree a pc for me would be the best way to go. We'll see how this pans out. I think it will, in time.
  7. Well, this young 'un brought the bass just as promised! He has several axes as is usual with a youngster - with siblings - all really into music. And brought a case, too...I didn't know what to say except "please stay for dinner." If I stick with simply playing the Frankenbass even a few minutes a day, I'll learn again - plus my hands will become very strong as this is a heavy and perhaps oversized axe. It will not work in the long run in that way as my hands are not bigman sized! Did get a useable sound playing yesterday (plugged into my tiny monitor)...and so with Providence providing this will forge ahead as best I may.
  8. The Wolf hath struck again! Yeah, it do! Think I had help in order to see. Let's hope it lasts as summer has been my hardest time of year wiff everyone home.
  9. Harsh. I've always felt a bit too rough to fit in with the other Mom's...and too uppidity to fit in with the really rough Moms.
  10. Hey all~ My poor ovation, with its crack down the middle of the body went kaput (or I found that it did about 2 weeks ago). I'd taken a good long break and when I opened the case, the strings were completely loose - because the bridge had come off 3/4's of the way, like a ski slope. The wood on the other side of the bridge, going toward the neck is coming off in wide strips kinda. It looks ghastly, a mortal wound. So it's a goner. Pete (the green guitar pick guy) told me it was only a matter of time. But I just found a neighbor who said I can use their axe most weekends. So I have the Ibanez in my little house. It's passable! Onward and upward (sorta I think)~ My son has a friend who offered to give me (!!) his "Frankenstein" bass which he built (!!). Apparently to be delivered to me tomorrow. These are teens...I'll bet I end up knocking around with them, I know of no adults who write and play in my immediate area, much less women. I'm as girly as many, but I get just starved for a couple women musicians to hang with. My whole life I can see is going to change a lot, what with the littlest children no longer infants. All of a sudden I'm going, hey where's my (non-cyberspace) friends, musicians, my life? I guess that's what being a stay at home Mom is. You really get off the world - for years! So there's more than songs and mixes which need to be built. Hey thanks for keeping up with me...I'd not a concept of being a musician AND having a rich life, or not for very long, anyway. But now...I am going to try to KEEP building both, and building well. I can remember clearly realizing the family would have to come first. A huge shock, because music wasn't a mistress, but a spouse. Still have some years at home with little ones, but never before did I see there would someday be an end to this part of my life. I wouldn't trade it, though, for anything. Why does this board coincide with self knowledge and change for me? Boy it felt good to play guitar tonight.
  11. Aww thanks for the help offer, Prometheus. I know you guys will. I'll remember Maudio esp. now that it's all here on this thread. My outlook since Steve's enlightened me, is that it will take an unusually indulgent husband to make this work. Lol, I'm much worse, I wouldn't hear of him crawling into my music space with his stuff. I think there's another crossroads this present moment, da**it. Well, the threads ain't going anywhere - it's all here for me to pick up upon when I can (which may be next week, as I can't see very far, who knows what pc may drop in my lap?) Until next time.... ...which requires no card nor electricity
  12. Hey Steve, thanks a lot for the link and the rest of your post (no idea the computer side'd have to be taken off for example); the link is a good resource. Well written, concise yet explanatory. It's a keeper Now I do have a very good idea of what's required, so it helps a lot.
  13. Hey all~ I'm trying to understand what will be needed to venture into soundcard recording and saw a picture (I think) of what a soundcard is (via Steve on the 2 page thread in this subforum). What is it's purpose, number one. Is it just an adapter w/ jacks, so to speak, to be able to plug recording gear into? How is it hooked up to the computer? What about mics (per the link I found below)...what possible configuration of other adapters (pre-amps?) or etc might I need? Another member here said I could hook up my 4-track Tascam 246 to the soundcard, so I assume I'd be using the 4-track for mic inputs but am not sure. Any help greatly appreciated. http://www.homerecording.com/sound_card_basics.html
  14. OK, hopefully I can get a sound card in a couple weeks....I'm gearing up for trying this in my mind in the meantime. You said, Mr. P, that I could plug a couple of outputs from the tascam into the sound card.... So the sound card is not a card per se, but has female jacks for plugs ins, or ?? Will I need some kind of adapter? Yeah - and how/which outputs do I use from the tascam to go out, to the soundcard (doh-line out maybe, hee hee)? What I have is the regular mic cable (1/4 jack). Also, my guitar's a goner. So it may be a keyboard thing (ack!) with voice...if so, the same effect (compression) should I attempt on the keys? Thanks!
  15. Yes - really, it should not be used for cooking (imo!).
  16. Mon Capitain! Good to see ya, where've you been? PS: JB, I rather like it...Ginger, then THAT! Ying and the yang I suppose.
  17. Takes one to know one.....(lady drummers I mean) (so there, Mr. Steve
  18. Cool - love hearing how you work it out and always a picture for us! Talk to ya, Mr. P PS: that's a lady drummer?
  19. No way!! Twenty bucks? And this little computer 'should' be recordable? Plus I can mix with my colorful Tascam knobs? Wow... is it getting soon to harvest time already (re: me/the musical "plant" stuck in the ground, letting it be)? OK, lemme digest this and I really appreciate you not being in a hurry and we can take our time with this conversation/applying it. Better than toast and tea, Prometheus.
  20. I hope so, cause it doesn't "feel" like it!
  21. Hey~ I sent ya all the Belarc stats for our PC in a PM.
  22. Yes Mudknot, I was talking to you cause your little info thing on the left says River Falls...
  23. What does this mean? "Click the Run button in Internet Explorer's File Download pop-up." This is supposed to be done after clicking on "click here" to downlodad. I'm confused by the words "download pop-up".
  24. You're a dear. I'll get that download tonight hopefully. OK, 2nd possible complication is that the Tascam is two rooms away from the PC. I do have some whomping long mic cable, I think 40 ft...but if I'm controlling via the Tascam, I should probably move it near the PC, yes?
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