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Posts posted by Nightwolf

  1. cool, thanks for posting that. A few things I see that I think make sense, try this on:

    4/4 time signature indicates that a quarternote counts as a beat (the bottom 4 tells me that) and that there are 4 beats per measure (top 4).

    It looks like the Lyrics start prior to the true action. Since the notes have single flags atop they are 8th notes, the Words take flight one beat early (two 8th notes make a beat), so you might count the Words "I Don't" as 4and.

    Quarter notes (no flag, but a flag pole) as I understand it would count off as 1,2,3,4, but since some are 8th notes we could count as "1and2and3and4and"

    so it looks to me like the "a" in a-nymore is a quarter note and so will bee held longer than the rest of the line.

    So the line "I don't think about you a-nymore" using a metronome to click the beats, the cadence would sound kinda like this:



  2. hopefully I will add links to this in the future:

    Software will bee discussed elsewhere.

    so you have your recorder set up ready to go. What else is needed?

    you will need

    a control surface~ it is an extra, but those who have one swear by it (and at it occasionally i would imagine)


    mic stands~ sounds like an extra but trust me on this one

    pop filter


    possibly a patchbay or some way to tie all the inputs together


    amplifiers of some sort


    chicks or birds~ just kidding on that one

  3. Here at Songstuff we are Blessed to have Writers at all levels of the game. My fear is that a competition might cause some hard feelings, with Writers like MP on the boards, I for one would bee hesitant to post my against one of his :D

    How about we reinstitute the "Songwriting Challenge"?

  4. Whatever angle gets it done eh? I actually have a Sansa player that I carry, now it works in place of the car stereo that got stolen in Vegas. Hooks right to the amp in the Jeep.

  5. There are two kinds of teams I see being discussed here.

    Lazz, obviously you and PC have a working, trusting relationship. He trusts that if he says something as gruff as "I don't do that", you will take it in the correct Spirit and endeavour to find common ground.

    For a new and untried relationship I think the Lyric would have to speak volumes to the Musician in order for them to undertake Music for it. In other words, it needs to bee DONE.

    As a Lyric Writer myself, I am not in search of Lyrics to put Music to, but every once in a while I read one that speaks to me. I found one of MP's Lyrics to have that effect on me (we talked of my putting it to Music, but it fell to the side. I stress, that it was not the quality or "doneness" of the Lyric, Life gets in the way sometimes).

  6. Maybe we're making this more complicated than it needs to be. Maybe you should just weigh the pros & cons of leaving things the way they are against changing things to make the bass player happy.......

    - how pissed is he?

    - might he quit if you don't do something?

    - if he does, is that an outcome you're OK with?

    - if you do change the listing of the credits, what is it really costing you?

    - will it make any difference in the actual distribution of money?

    - will changing it really make things OK with the bass player, or is this just one of many things he takes issue with?

    ........hope this helps some with the thought process..good luck!

    That there is a bullseye

  7. to Bee honest, I can't make heads or tails out of it either.

    Give me a day and I'll do an article along these lines.

    Start with what you know. If you use three stings to make a "Power Chord", what you are really playing is the root, the third, and the fifth notes of that particular scale. That is what the R,3,5 means... stay tuned and I will bee back with some tutorials for basic practices.

  8. yeah, I figgered that from your name...Thanks for your service!

    When I don't have access to my Guitar I still try to figure out how stuff is played. After three years I imagine you have a grasp on the standard metal riffs and can see the moves in your Mind as you listen.

    Here it is,...wait for it....



    I use it as a legitimate form of practice, sure I look like someone out of Wayne's World, but it helps. I play Drums on my Steering wheel on the way to work. Keys on the dashboard. It helps!

    The key is not just jamming, but actually trying to get it accurate.

    Mark a stick with fretts and play that. Use it to practice scales or figure out riffs

    What kind of Music do you/can you play?

    What kind of stuff would you like to learn?

  9. Hi Brett, Welcome to Songstuff [smiley=bounce.gif]

    Start by reading the Songstuff Guitar Articles

    but my main advice is:



    If you hear a riff and think "I wonder how they did that" don't let that thought just fade away, figure it out, Learn it, know it, add it to your toolbox! [smiley=rockin.gif]

    Most folks I know worth their salt practice 3-4 hours a day, everyday. Wanna go to a party? Naw, I gotta go practice.

    Woodsheding it's called by some...

    There are articles here on scales:

    Learn scales, learn them backwards, learn them up three notes, then down two, then up three more.

    Lessons can ease the learning curve dramatically! I'm self taught, my Brother on the other hand took lessons and sailed right by me. We played and listened to the same stuff, he just got better faster! Consider it!

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