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Senseless Violence


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A good friend of mine recently decided to open an Art gallery downtown in our community. At 22 years old he's managed to organize (twice) an art at night event with no funding that completely converts downtown into a giant art exhibit. Friday night was opening night, and it went really great! The gallery was packed, we got a lot of donations in and even sold a few pieces from the exhibit.


However, later that night while out celebrating he and another friend of mine were assaulted. The other friend was stabbed in the back, severing his spinal cord, and had his throat slit. The guy who opened the gallery was held back and not able to interfere. The other guy is now in the ICU and is paralyzed from the waist down. I've known both of these guys for years. They're both unassuming, good people. Now one's in critical condition, and the other is in shock.


I'm appalled. These things just don't happen in small town Nova Scotia. It shouldn't happen anywhere. The guy in the ICU is the organist at a church. seriously, who stabs an organist? The cops have nabbed one of the perps... 19 year old kid. wow. 


had to vent. 



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I read about this, Shayne.  It looks like it was yet another hate crime, and that Scott was targeted because he was perceived to be "different."  It makes me sick.  It makes me angry. It makes me ashamed of my species.  When is this shit going to stop?  Does Nova Scotia or Canada have "hate crime" penalty enhancers?  If not, you should.


I'm not sure, but I certainly hope so. Some friends went over to the court house and waited around to meet the accused with rainbow flags and banners. There's a website set up with information and whatnot for anyone who's interested.... (I hope this isn't considered spam, if it is I'll happily remove the link....)


Edit* ((well, maybe not 'happily' but compliantly at the least))



Edited by LayneGreene
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