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I guess there comes a time (or many times) in everyone's life where you find yourself thinking "man, I'm just not happy". Where you feel like life is just whizzing by you, without taking you in in the current. You find yourself looking back at last 3, 5 , maybe 10 years and realizing that you haven't really changed (and I don't physically, because no one would be complaining about that). You are still not any closer to finding out who you are, or being happy. You are still stuck in the constant race, trying to catch your breath, and you realize that you have lost sight of course or why you are even running. They always say, LIVE don't just be alive, and that's exactly what your are, just alive. There are many reasons and excuses (such as being career oriented) you can tell yourself for why you got to this point, but those don't change the current situation: you are unhappy and that's the only thing that really matters. That's where I am in life currently. I have been focusing for so long on trying to get somewhere that I completely forgot why or if I even want to get there, all i do know is that I have come to the realization that enough is enough. If this formula I have been trying to work with for the last 6 hasn't been working, it's time to try a new approach. Now, this doesn't mean that I am going to call it quits, pack a bag, and join the circus, but it does mean that I am going to try to incorporate into my life things that aren't necessarily related to my career or studies. I am going to try new things, come out of my shell, and hopefully these added variables will make the formula work. I have been a closeted poem and song writer since I was young and so I am going to try a new thing called "sharing". Pull these songs/poems out from under the bed and who knows, maybe someone will read them or god forbid even like them, or not… =)

In terms of music, I think my style is a mixture of all the different types of music I listen to such as rock, punk, country, indie, pop, and pretty much anything. My current playlist is a mixture of linkin park, country, adele, florence and the machine, and the xx.

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