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Scott Zareski - Dearth


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Hey all, I wanted to share Dearth that I just put out into cyberspace along with a video I shot for one of the songs. I hope you enjoy it.
The songs are available on iTunes. This is all pretty new to me. I've had ideas in my head that have just been scratching
their way out for some time now, so this just the start of all of that.
That's all for now. Thanks very much.
Edited by noaptebuna
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  • 2 weeks later...



In response to your second post I'll give my knee-jerk impression...


For me, the piece is way too bass-y. The voice is in a lower register, the piano is being played in a lower register, and the bass --while it's supposed to be down there-- is even bass-ier than I would like, both in timbre/tone and note selection. So it's hitting like a tsunami of low frequency elements! The strings --when they came in-- were a refreshing contrast, but still there was this oppressive wall of low.


[FULL DISCLOSURE: Bass is my primary instrument.]


My opinion? Try to find some way to remove a few truckloads of "low-ness." You could start with EQ but --IMO-- that not gonna be enough. I think it's an arrangement problem. Possible remedies? Raise the piano part by an octave (or more)... Raise the key of the song... Omit the bass and make it a voice/piano/strings arrangement... Personally, I would keep the voice where it is, play the piano in a higher register and play sparser chords, and try to get more focus out of the bass (maybe use a fretless electric).


There is just entirely too much low stuff happening here. Very little of anything happens above Middle C. I'm sorry to say that the overwhelming effect of the backing music track makes it difficult for me to enjoy the focal points of the song, the melody and lyric.


May I ask what technology was used to record this? (I mean, was it a particular DAW? Something else?)


OK... My 3¢...


All the best to you...

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I recommend that you post each song in it's own thread.  :001_smile:


...and don't forget to add lyrics!

Edited by Skylark
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