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Michelle Obama Is A Man


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Michelle Obama Is a man the queen is reptilian and CERN is going to kill us all....if you believe Youtube. Thoughts? I'm not saying I believe this...well maybe some of it.






Wow where do they get this stuff? I'm leaning toward Michelle being a man.



The queen Is Reptilian- 



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Yeah, if the internet has taught me anything it's that there are a lot more morons in the world than I originally predicted. The worst part, as far as YouTube is concerned, is our kids are watching and learning from these videos and it will have a long lasting, negative effect on them. But, I guess there's just too much money in it to care about the Guinea Pig generation.

Edited by Just1L
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If a person were to become too engrossed in this it could become frightening. I think there's usually a small grain of truth many things. 

Here's a vid I just watch about CERN that has some interest. Do I think CERN will usher in the devil?  Highly doubtful. At one time it had me a little conCERNed.


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Interesting that such upstanding people can misrepresent "facts" that are easy to check, such as finger length rubbish, the head proportions and other aspects of "typical" ratios presented as hard rules and facts. It makes it manufactured pseudoscience. Funny if it wasn't for the fact that people do take it seriously... just read any trump supporters threadon Facebook and you see accusations that Michelle is a man, a plenty. I must admit I was shocked at the race hate the same people also spouted.


On the religious justification, I wont go there other than to say that I am not so sure Christ would be proud.


All this teaches me is that hate has no bounds. What it does prove is small minded prejudice.

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8 minutes ago, john said:

Interesting that such upstanding people can misrepresent "facts" that are easy to check, such as finger length rubbish, the head proportions and other aspects of "typical" ratios presented as hard rules and facts. It makes it manufactured pseudoscience. Funny if it wasn't for the fact that people do take it seriously... just read any trump supporters threadon Facebook and you see accusations that Michelle is a man, a plenty. I must admit I was shocked at the race hate the same people also spouted.


On the religious justification, I wont go there other than to say that I am not so sure Christ would be proud.


All this teaches me is that hate has no bounds. What it does prove is small minded prejudice.


I hope the video wasn't motivated by anything racial. I guess it certainly could have been. I hesitate to try and pin down what the motive could have been. Maybe to get more hits or maybe they think they are on to something. There are other similar videos on Youtube about this.


I wasn't so sure about the finger length issue not really being knowledgeable about that . I looked at my own hand and compared it to my wife's hand and i had to wonder about it. 

Do you think there's any truth to that at all? Aside from the Michelle idea, I think they are onto something that might be a fairly common trait, but maybe not across the board. If you're female and you look at your hand, is the ring finger and index finger about the same length? If you're a man and you look at your hand is your ring finger longer than your index finger? I'm really curious about it.


I have nothing against anyone. If this is totally false, then I think the motivation for it may have been intended to be harmful. If this is true then as a citizen of the US wouldn't you want to know? This one might be in snopes, so I can check it there, but as a skeptic I would wonder if snopes has it right.


I think we get misrepresentations from the press every single day so I'm kinda used to that. I certainly had no hate in mentioning it here. It's one of those things where you look at it and do a double take....at least I did. Thanks for your opinion.


I don't think there is ever any religious justification in hate of any kind period. I wanted to see what you all thought about this kind of thing as a topic. Sometimes I feel like we are all in the Matrix and few really know what's going on.......will it be the red pill or the blue pill.

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Here's what I found out so far. Nothing on snopes that I seen unless i missed it.  Here's an article approaching it from a scientific vantage point-




There seems to be some truth to the hand digit idea. But no one I've read is bold enough to say that it always holds true. It mostly holds true. I suppose if a female embryo gets more testosterone early on then there are exceptions. If a man gets a lot of estrogen early on the reverse might be true. My ring finger is almost as long as the one next to it and way longer than my index finger....so...I guess I'm a guy.


Hey no one had any comments on the Queen being reptilian. Is this common knowledge? :)

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Hi Tim


Just for clarity, I don't think all Trump supporters are racists, let alone all republicans. It just happens that the Trump threads I reda (maybe several hundred entries about 60% of those threads either directly expressed those allegations, or made supporting comments. Only one or two posters tookanyone to task, and all those who did were then lambasted with slurs, accusations and abuse... oh yes and that those defending the President, the consititution, gays, blacks or muslims were amongst others anti-American, muslim loving, gay loving and a world of actual insults. I was disgusted. It was, before now, the only places I had heard this conspiracy theory before. If that was the UK those individuals would face charges of an offence or ten under race/religious/sexual orientation hate laws.


I have however encounter finger length theories before... but associated with personality types, not gender specific. For example:




A quick google search does however reveal several theories, one of which relates to sexual preference, another that relates expressly to the First Lady. Nothing whatsoever to do with gender.


Thinking of chromosomes, the common norms are XX women and XY men... but there are also XXX, XXXX, XXY and XXXY, XYY  etc This means that there are women who have  certain male traits. Chromosomes vary in number and combination. Not that genetics or chromosomes are my area of understanding.


Personally I think anti Obama sentiment amongst some Americans is very strong. Some because he is a democrat, others because he is black. The latter feel empowered by Trump's rhetoric condemning muslims and mexicans, amongst others, and they are speaking out with increasing confidence. Hell they accuse Obama of being a muslim based upon him being part Kenyan but mainly because his name sounds similar to Osama. My guess is they never forgave him for legally being American by birth (remember the whole birth certificate conspiracy allegations? Anything to remove him from office).


Luckily this isn't a political website, we're not here to talk politics... we're talking about a Michelle conspiracy... it just seems to be firmly attached to certain sections of American society, who happen to want to discredit and undermine Obama... for motivations unknown, but my guess is racism. For some of those in the threads I read, they openly spoke of "shooting that muslim n*****r dead". They certainly don't respect the office, nor anything else it would seem. I was so angered and I am not American, muslim, or black!


The long and short, I think it has no aspect based in reality. It relies upon no understanding of genetics, chromosomal variation etc. For such people it can sound almost believable. For absolute adoption, however, I think it relies upon one simple emotion. Hate. That can make anyone ignore inconvenient facts, and totally blind to the truth.



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Oh, and I didn't think you had any hate in mentioning it here. In fact I thought it was more disbelief at what is out there more than anything. It is always worthwhile looking over the edge into the abyss from time to time, even if it is simply to remind us why we have the opinions and feelings we have.


I never understand the people who create videos like this, quoting scripture and condemning with such judgemental prejudice. They went to great lengths to establish a lie, whilst proclaiming a moral higher ground. By any measure, that is screwed up.

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Looks like our posts crossed lol


I note the very beginning of that 2011 study, the word "usually" in the first paragraph. No mention of how often "usually" is.


As I mentioned, there are also a huge number of chromosomal variations that can cause male/female traits in people who have the opposite genitals.


What this publication at the university of Florida doesn't indicate is the acceptance of the study within the academic community, only that some sceintists are speculating and one study suggested there may be a correlation. Sadly there are scientists who provide testimony for even the most disprovable testimony, even at a corporate, religious or political level. A few years ago a single doctor falsely published a study that suggested issues with the MMR inoculation. His corporately sponsored misinformation is estimated to have cost thousands of lives, cases of paralysis, infertility and more. The fact it was a lie has been proven many times over yet still conspiracy theorists regularly restart it. It doesn't matter if a theory is debunked, not proven or blatantly untrue. There are always those who abuse it... as in this case where "usual" became an absolute "is" in the presentation of the video...


in other words, even with there being a theory, doesn't make it true until it is provable with many studies and many people looking at it. The minute people have to falsify it, like saying "is" instead of "maybe", "always" instead of "some", then you know their objectivity and impartiality is non-exisitant,


For anyone who doesn't think that those qualities matter, how would you like being judged by an entire jury that state that their belief is that people of your gender are all murderers, believe your skin color are not to be trusted, believe your faith mark you as hating them, don't listen to the facts but instead go with their personal prejudices, and they believe in hanging... and there you have a speeding ticket lol Would you want to be judged by them... No sir!


That aside, the Queen is an alien lizard, we all know this in the UK.... at least since David Ike (ex UK footballer and sportscaster) told us while on a television interview in the 80s. Of course he also said that the isle of Arran was the centre of the universe, he was chosen by God, the world was going to end and something about an island disappearing beneath the waves... none of which happened (well he could have been chosen by God, kind of hard to dispprove that!)

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I had been looking at some of these videos for at least a year or more. It beats looking at the sitcoms here in the states <_< Some of these videos have been out  before the election primaries . So I don't think these ideas were necessarily put out there by Trump, although the Trump people may be using these videos for effect.


There is also a conspiracy theory out there that Joan Rivers was murdered because she revealed Michelle as seen here-




Like Bill Clinton, Obama won the election here by an uncomfortable margin, especially when you consider the electoral vote system we have. This is telling because we are a nation divided politically. A large majority of the country doesn't want our leadership and they don't like what has been happening here. Even more discouraging are our current choices which leave a lot to be desired. I really don't support either candidate because neither holds my beliefs or values. People like me feel like we're stuck in the middle. 

I'm not sure how much of this is some kind of a smokescreen and how much is real. I  don't feel as if the population has nearly as much control over who is in control as we think we do.


I don't think less of gay people. My cousin is gay. I have my own thoughts about it which are contrary to hers but we get along just fine...so this isn't about an attack on gays, but more about me trying to get to the bottom of this. There are conflicting reports both ways. I think it's a real possibility and this has nothing to do with my politics :) My only concern being that this concretes the dishonesty of the whole lot in my thinking.


Youtube is a lot like Soundcloud. There's the good stuff and the not so good stuff because it operates in a fairly open environment. You can make a video and post about almost  anything you want. The good part of that is you might learn something that the press won't touch. The bad news is that you have to sort through the hogwash and there's plenty of hogwash out there. Some zany people have video cameras. I look for  repetitive themes by multiple posters and then analyze it from there from a skeptic perspective. I'll admit I've been had a few times, so I'm more keen than ever to make sure what 'm looking at is real.. The large paid  TV networks won't run some of these stories.


Some conspiracy theorists think the illuminati control the music industry. You can find tons of those videos on Youtube. Giants in ancient history are a fact, but it gets skewed on youtube by well meaning people and other folks with a good photoshop setup.


I think we all have an internal switch that ties in with our world view. We don't realize it when it happens, but a small switch inside will only let us go so far. Everyone has a different tolerance level and thought process. When it activates it tells us we can't go any further. This might be some kind of internal protection mechanism we  need to feel happy with our surroundings. Some people use humor as an escape...laugh it all off haha. If we end up admitting one thing, then it unfolds a whole house of cards and then we have to get out of our comfort zone. To admit that the world might not be what we thought it was can be a difficult thing. The healthy thing for our minds is to build a wall of reason and stay within it at all times. 


I have found that there is usually a grain of truth to many theories. People, religions, entities and governments intentionally use both misinformation and disinformation to guide the sheep herd along. 


Oh so you already new about the queen :)


I'm not a fan of David Ike, nor do I agree with most of what he says. He's onto something. I have my own ideas. I guess it all boils down to how we classify "them".



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Hi Tim


I didn't think the vids were created by Trump supporters to support Trump, more that a bunch of anti Obama people also tend to be republicans, and a chunk of those people are Trump supporters, and that some of those (as evidenced by the threads I read, very conclusively) are racists. that may be 0.0000001% of republicans, or it could be 50%, I have no idea which, though I hope it is closer to the former)... rather than being posted to support Trump, it just happens that Trump supporters tend to post anti democrat messages... it's not a big leap for some of them to draw in their anti Obama messages... That racists should feel emboldened by Trumps messages isn't exactly a news flash. I am sure they feel their message has willing, even understanding ears amongst the supporters of a man who openly condemns some people based on their ethnicity or faith. In truth it was simply an observation of what I saw in those threads. They were Trump threads, and the people who were posting were having an Obama-hate-athon.


I really wasn't thinking of your politics at all. I tend to be A-political on Songstuff, the A being for avoiding lol. Indeed discussion of politics is against the rules because of the arguments it causes... but this is not a political discussion... it just happens to touch on that world. Nor do I think republicans or democrats have it right or wrong. It is simply a matter of consequence of some of Trumps statements.


I find conspiracy theories interesting. Some very compelling, others just too funny, yet some people take any theory very seriously. Personally I find the Michelle Obama one unbelievable, but then I did encounter it via some very racist threads. That there are some conspiracies is undeniably true. I am sure I believe some of them. Hell I live in the UK, the whole place is a conspiracy waiting for a place to happen. ;)


I think it more that the majority of politicians of any shade are by nature often less than honest. I would overhaul the entire system, get rid of party politics altogether. That's just me. Unless there is a conspiracy to do so! Ah ha!





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Hi Tim


Just for clarity, I don't think all Trump supporters are racists, let alone all republicans. It just happens that the Trump threads I reda (maybe several hundred entries about 60% of those threads either directly expressed those allegations, or made supporting comments. Only one or two posters tookanyone to task, and all those who did were then lambasted with slurs, accusations and abuse... oh yes and that those defending the President, the consititution, gays, blacks or muslims were amongst others anti-American, muslim loving, gay loving and a world of actual insults. I was disgusted. It was, before now, the only places I had heard this conspiracy theory before. If that was the UK those individuals would face charges of an offence or ten under race/religious/sexual orientation hate 


I believe you're spot on about the fringe of the republican party. Both republicans and democrats  have their fringe groups. Trump is not tactful in anything he says. He's about the most unpresidential candidate I can remember running for office. He needs to rethink his plan and secondly he needs to take speech delivery course 101..He is striking some real nerves here in people who don't see things getting any better. But the name calling and hate need to go out the door!


I agree his primary problem is promoting hate towards certain groups, but there's two sides to that issue. Take things too far and we get reverse discrimination which seems to happen any time we try to legalize treatment of a group. For instance, the blacks fought for and received some legalized status, this figures into employment  and education benefits. Blacks are "minorities" in the law. At times the result of this legislation is that there are two white people perfectly capable to do the job and one black person. The law imposes a " minority quota" so that even if the candidate isn't as qualified for the job they are hired to meet minority quota. So now the discrimination is legalized against whites...see what I mean?  This also applies to education benefits. White people aren't considered a minority so we don't get any of those benefits.


I believe all people should be treated equally. Writing minority treatment  into law isn't the best way to deal with the problem.


I'll touch on  hot potato here- Gays. Much like the gun lobby here they mustered a powerful political force. Let's be totally honest. Not everyone thinks like they do and some even disagree with what they do. I'll go further in saying that some people don't think it's right. I won't try to go into the different views on it here suffice it to say that the groups who don't believe it's right and the groups who have no problem with it are opposed. I think opposition to an idea should be ok as long as hate or discrimination aren't involved. Why should we try to tell anyone what they can and can't think? However it's coming to the point that laws written to defend gays will be reverse discrimination towards straight people. A gay will be able to have someone who disagrees put in jail because they don't think the same way. This goes against what America stands for. This is where America is starting to go into the quicksand of political correctness at he expense of many of its citizens. To a straight person it appears as if the gay lobby is ramming this agenda down our throats and many don't like that. It's starting to appear in school curriculims...the recent Target incident etc etc. If you decide to be gay that's your business, just let us ungays alone :)


Another hot potato- Muslims-  There's a group of the muslim faith that is radical and extreme. They are dedicated to extermination of non muslims. This is a fact.  People try to say this is a very small group. I beg to differ. It's a huge group.They think the west is evil and should be destroyed. It's kinda hard to live alongside a group that has your destruction at the center of their agenda. Allah and Jesus usually don't mix. Some steps need to be taken to assure our protection.


So the question is, how are the people being portrayed who simply want to be able to believe their belief in a harmless way and be able to look for employment and be assured that they have the same opportunity to get the job or education regardless of sex, race or sexual preference? In some cases I think they make honest people who simply want freedom and a fair shake out to be haters. When I get thrown into jail for how I prefer to think, then I'm no longer living in a free country. 


Trump has tapped into these frustrations for better or for worse.


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11 hours ago, john said:

Hi Tim


I didn't think the vids were created by Trump supporters to support Trump, more that a bunch of anti Obama people also tend to be republicans, and a chunk of those people are Trump supporters, and that some of those (as evidenced by the threads I read, very conclusively) are racists. that may be 0.0000001% of republicans, or it could be 50%, I have no idea which, though I hope it is closer to the former)... rather than being posted to support Trump, it just happens that Trump supporters tend to post anti democrat messages... it's not a big leap for some of them to draw in their anti Obama messages... That racists should feel emboldened by Trumps messages isn't exactly a news flash. I am sure they feel their message has willing, even understanding ears amongst the supporters of a man who openly condemns some people based on their ethnicity or faith. In truth it was simply an observation of what I saw in those threads. They were Trump threads, and the people who were posting were having an Obama-hate-athon.


I really wasn't thinking of your politics at all. I tend to be A-political on Songstuff, the A being for avoiding lol. Indeed discussion of politics is against the rules because of the arguments it causes... but this is not a political discussion... it just happens to touch on that world. Nor do I think republicans or democrats have it right or wrong. It is simply a matter of consequence of some of Trumps statements.


I find conspiracy theories interesting. Some very compelling, others just too funny, yet some people take any theory very seriously. Personally I find the Michelle Obama one unbelievable, but then I did encounter it via some very racist threads. That there are some conspiracies is undeniably true. I am sure I believe some of them. Hell I live in the UK, the whole place is a conspiracy waiting for a place to happen. ;)


I think it more that the majority of politicians of any shade are by nature often less than honest. I would overhaul the entire system, get rid of party politics altogether. That's just me. Unless there is a conspiracy to do so! Ah ha!






Gotcha! Yes I find the conspiracy theories interesting as well. Some are so off the wall that I can't believe anyone would attempt to put them out there. Others not o much.


Overhaul the system. I agree. I would do the same. Especially when they can run and be elected for one cause, then come into office and vote the opposite..there should be  law against that, oh wait ...they make the laws.





I have however encounter finger length theories before... but associated with personality types, not gender specific. For example:




A quick google search does however reveal several theories, one of which relates to sexual preference, another that relates expressly to the First Lady. Nothing whatsoever to do with gender.


Thinking of chromosomes, the common norms are XX women and XY men... but there are also XXX, XXXX, XXY and XXXY, XYY  etc This means that there are women who have  certain male traits. Chromosomes vary in number and combination. Not that genetics or chromosomes are my area of understanding.


I think it would be scientific suicide to state that this is always the case so they cover their backsides by saying it's mostly true. Just recently I heard a percentage of people born into a neutral sex situation, by that I mean not an exact set of genitals. I believe it was something like 1 in 10,000 people . When they are infants the doctor has to decide which sex they are and many times they get it wrong, so these are sometimes the people who are getting "changed" over. Another aspect might be the psychological effect  if you had the hands of a woman but were in every other way male and visa versa. I'm sure this happens but also likely a small percentage. My opinionated hunch is that in most cases the hand measurement holds true. I cold be wrong. I think there are many variables to this and I remain sympathetic to anyone struggling with it. 


When we live in a culture that is quick to offer people alternatives to sexual orientation at an early age I believe mistakes can be made. Only the individual should make that choice IMHO.

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As you say there are two sides to any coin... for example the large group of Christians who despise and want to exterminate Muslims, Jews who hate Muslims, Muslims who hate and want to exterminate Humanists, Catholics who hate Protestants, Seikh's who hate Budhists, Communists who hate Capitalists and vice versa... the list goes on. And on.


Other than that, we cannot do the topics justice on a Songwriting site. They are topics with no end and no conclusion... often with the result being arguments, as they are topics which stir up much emotion.


I think we can all agree that much.


I do think we live in dangerous times pulled this way and that by the extremes of opinion. Interesting fodder for songs, as it happens, but often painful for those involved as the extremes fight it out.


I have always been more driven by what unites us in our outlook, rather than what divides us. Finding common ground whilst respecting differences is certainly better than extermination of either extreme.



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You don't need any news articles, videos or advertising or the internet at all to be able to make a wise decision on what is right for you. All you need to do is ask yourself how much better off you are now than you were 4 years ago, or 8 years ago. Are you happy with what's going on in America today? You can ask yourself those questions with no help from anyone. Looking at it that way, the choice is clear. One thing that is great about the internet is also what makes it weak. It brings people together … so they can divide. No matter what the issue, no matter if it's right or wrong, there's thousands, if not millions, of people with opposing views. For every article, or articles for something, there's an equal amount with opposing views. Normally, each view contains a few lies or stretches in it or it could be all lies … but it doesn't matter. A majority of people end up sticking with what they believe and every day they see an article opposing it. It makes them more and more mad every day. I'll just state that I think both sides have "whacky" supporters that are just plain "out there." Using the example of our current Trans Bathroom issue, people that don't believe it should be that way are forced to go against what they believe in. Which will eventually get a Trans person seriously hurt or killed by one of those "whackos." I think forcing it upon people that don't agree with it is irresponsible and will get one of them killed regardless of whether you think it is right or wrong. Whether they are wrong or right, that's not the point. Whenever people are forced to go against what they believe in or their values, trouble will always follow. If anyone has a view that the whole world can get along and live in Kumbyaism and think exactly the same really needs to have their head examined. Start with ISIS, there is no way they will change their beliefs. Muslims and Jews have been fighting for thousands of years and it isn't going to stop by simply saying they are wrong and then forcing them to go along with it. That's just an example of the big picture of humanity. We are all different, we do not have the same views or values and we never will. The attempt to make it so is uneducated at best, tragic at it's worst. But I digress, I'm really just upset that the Blues lost last night. 

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It takes a long time to change public opinion, and there are always going to be those who just think what they think, regardless of any facts.


Hence why I think it generally better to keep Songstuff free of religious or political discussion. Both have a tendency of turning to arguments whilst similtaneously being the most unproductive of conversations.


At the same time, I think it important that the site is not exclusively about songwriting and making music. After all, music making doesn't exist within a bubble. Certainly discussing music should allow topics to be referred to, but the main function and interest of the site is music.


A topic like this does sail close to the wind, it's difficult not to.


That we can discuss the rodent fascination of the royals is simply a bonus!

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