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While I think about it…


Moderators: I know well enough that they aren’t appreciated most of the time. Sometimes it’s laborious to mind the site and pander to the members. A bit like having to mind the kids when all you really want is an hour or two to yourself? Yes, I was a mod once ;).


Contributors: Moderators are contributors, but so is everyone who reviews a service, product or critiques somebodys work. They are also those who stimulate ideas that can be serious or funny. The least appreciated contributors seem to be the technical experts who enable us to function better with their assiduously acquired knowledge.


Regulars: I sometimes feel embarrassed that there are more regulars here than I know about. They spend their time elsewhere on the forums and so I think of them as newbies until I notice their post count. Then I realise it’s been too long since I visited the creative forums and listen to some tunes or read some lyrics.


Imposters : They are not interested in us. They are here to impress us, court our praise and inspire us to follow them.  When they fail (they always do) they move on. They most frequently are responsible for the ‘Too Good to be True’ posts.


Queue Jumpers: Imposters are queue jumpers, though not all queue jumpers are imposters.

Why do I call them queue jumpers? Because I liken the lounge to the front page of a newspaper, and they only want to be on the front page. To be noticed first, whether they deserve it or not.


Too Good to be True’ posts:  An enticing title, almost always misleading. So after you’ve read it, you wish you hadn’t. Why? Because it’s just another ‘queue jumper’ who wants attention. Typically that post will be their first or second. They have a band to advertise, a product, a website, or maybe just their own work. I usually feel duped after reading such posts.  


The lounge:

Most of us put in the time and become part of the community and give something back to it. Most of us will post our work in the areas provided for that purpose. I realise that the lounge welcomes ‘shameless self promotion’, but I for one will only reluctantly read or respond such posts.

I’m not proposing any change to the lounge’s purpose & function. I understand that there are pros as well as cons in all this. Just making my position clear.


Songwriting, Lyrics, Recording.

The creative areas seem to take care of themselves. With people interacting and getting to know one another and their work. They make their own mini communities. If I were John, I would be most satisfied with this state of affairs. To have carefully created something, launched it, and eventually see it not only function, but propel itself forwards under its own momentum with minimal maintenance. It’s a bit like parenting. You nurture and prepare a child as best you can, but then see them head off into life as their own person, maybe doing stuff that you never foresaw.  


Mosh Pit: It’s a volatile place that could be shut down at any time because it could become dysfunctional & nasty.

Why is it there? In there, we can reveal the parts of us that are normally not seen. Sometimes we may not like what we see, but that is its real function, because if we confine ourselves to time honoured social etiquette we become sanitised and bland. Most important of all, we get to see what others make of the newly revealed us. The creative areas are the converse of this. They are like pre-school play pens; with safe rounded edges and soft flooring.


Being creative often means getting out of the play pen and into some dirty, maybe even toxic areas. Pound for pound, I have personally found more inspiration in the mosh pit than elsewhere.That’s why books, film & video games all involve conflict and struggle of some sort; be it physical, mental or intellectual. There’s a reason that there are no successful stories where everything is wonderful all of the time.


All the same, most Mosh Pit contributors probably wonder how long the place can last. I think that the longer it does last, the better we collectively are. By better I mean more resilient, flexible and generally robust mentally and emotionally. Taking a few bruises now and then is fine. Only if anything more serious occurs will we need to reconsider closure.


This post turned out longer than I had intended. It wasn’t meant to be definitive or all inclusive, but just a sketch.

I appreciate everybody here that I know. I have not harboured any grudges (yet). I sometimes worry a little about friends that disappear for a while, or visit less frequently; - Yes I do have someone in mind right now. I’ll check FaceBook later on.


Sometimes people that seem the least grounded or discerning, demonstrate remarkable insight or integrity, and other qualities that don’t always show. That’s why I have not yet given up on anyone here yet. I continue to be surprised and rewarded by remaining open to those I disagree with. I'm happy to learn from anyone at all.


John: are you still reading this? Thank you for maintaining SS and being here ALL THE TIME man. That goes for the Mods too. :ilovemusic:

Edited by Rudi
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16 hours ago, Rudi said:

John: are you still reading this? Thank you for maintaining SS and being here ALL THE TIME man. That goes for the Mods too.


Indeed, and you are very welcome. :) I spend less time front of house than I would like, but more than I have at certain points. The mods and other volunteer staff help in so many ways, moderating is fairly obvious, but there are those who write articles, update database entries,, tidy and clean, create graphics and video, and market and promote Songstuff elsewhere. It all helps keep the site ticking over. Loads of good upcoming stuff that should enhance the community significantly. It should be fun.


Of course the members are the community. They keep the site active, and keep adding interesting and challenging content. They also help maintain the tone of the site. Many thanks one and all!


Funny to think Songstuff is now 16 years old! Eek! Loads of new upcoming stuff to keep the site nice and fresh too. :)

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Hi Rudi,

What a nice post. John :) and the moderators and techies are really the greatest!  Love all the different talents and thoughts of the folks that come around that help make it all so comfortable.

Not enough words I can say, (without over-texting)  about how good SongStuff, and everyone that's been around, has been for me.
I don't spend as much time, thanking folks, out-loud, as I should and your post brings that point home.

Always been wanting, then not wanting, then wanting to go into the Mosh-pit ... I've stayed out :)

Enjoy Life,


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Guest Rob Ash
3 hours ago, Peggy said:

Always been wanting, then not wanting, then wanting to go into the Mosh-pit ... I've stayed out :)


Just remember to wear clothes you don't mind getting torn and/or dirty.  To be perfectly honest, I'd strongly urge anyone who is prepared to step outside themselves a bit give The Mosh Pit a try. If you are generally a nice person... a gentle soul, if you will, but if your family knows that kitty has claws when she is backed into a corner, then you may thrive there. But it is not a place to go if you do not plan to air out your truest... some might say darkest feelings. If that is hard for you to do, The Pit will shine a light on the fact.


New blood (no pun intended, dear!) always welcome, Peggy.


I don't know all of the people who work behind the scenes to make this site what it is. The ones I do know... John, Tom (tunesmith) and Mahesh, are all people I want to like me.


I'm not sure if I could offer a higher compliment.


And as for the site? I check facebook every day, but rarely feel compelled to interact there. I do so only if someone addresses me directly. But here? If the site is down I am not happy. If something in real life forces me to go more than a day without checking the site, I am not happy. If I go for some length of time and don't here from a member I have come to admire, or respect, or consider an online friend, I am not happy.


If John ever stops answering my notes, albeit however brief the response, I will not be happy.


Okay, that last is a joke.


I love music, I love being a musician. I love being a member of this community. I love that there are some here who's talent and skill far exceed my own. I love it that there are many here to whom I can pass on some of what I have learned.


I have a place here, and it means a great deal to me that this is so.


To John, Tom, Mahesh, and all the rest that provide me/you/all of us with this... what to call it, when it is so much more than just a website? ...This brilliant, precious community...


You have my grateful appreciation.



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Some of the boards I don't get to as often, but as time passes, I manage to get around to more than a few.  Most of the site is silent reading for me, the Song title association thread is just so cool to pop in and listen to some great music, but I like the song critique forum too.  Still, I spend most of my time in the lyrics forum, singing silent songs.


I like the addition of the pit.  You know, I recently have spoken to two members over the phone, an act that always catches me off guard.  I don't know why, it's a strange thing for me to hear someone's voice for the first time.  I've spent years on songstuff and haven't heard enough voices.  Somehow, the pit is a little like that.  it's almost a voice, it's a new dimension added to how I see someone.  You can get a good feel for someone's character through their music and lyrics, but give them something to fight for, or a chance to state their core beliefs, and you add some color too the picture for sure.  There's nobody in the pit I wouldn't hang out with, even if I don't agree with them much, because at least I know they're honest. 


I like the articles page, I've read most of them, some of them more than a few times.  I like the site bugs and suggestions, and I like seeing Steve pop in every once in a while and would like to suggest he do it more often.  I like that it seems sort of family-ish around here.  I think someone said it already, but that has to do with how the site is run, the temperament, the ideas, the guidance from all the site staff and the cooperation of fellow members.


Nice post Rudi, insightful, thoughtful, thankful.  Sparked some nice comments.

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Guest Rob Ash
On 12/14/2016 at 10:37 AM, HoboSage said:

 What is my decision to make though is that I won't be posting there again.  I can no longer ignore that the negativity it brings out in me and others isn't good for my spirit.  The rest of Songstuff is though - most of the time. :)


I deeply respect this decision, David.


Reading this had the instant effect of causing me to seriously consider what it is that attracts me, if anything actually does, to The Mosh Pit. If I am honest, I am forced to admit that the clearest impressions I get are that my feelings towards participating in The Pit are ambiguous. I don't know whether I like it, or not. Whether it holds meaning for me, or not. Whether I truly care if The Pit went away, or not. And ultimately, if I am happy with my participation there to this point... or not.


I think it would be disingenuous of me to jump on your band wagon, and so I will not. But I do think I will give this a good think. I am an active member of a number of other music related sites, none of which offer anything even remotely similar to The Pit. I don't miss the opportunity on those sites. I don't limit my participation on them because there is no Mosh Pit offered. So why do I participate so actively in The Pit here? What do I get out of it, and perhaps even more importantly.... what am I contributing to it?


Tim is still a member here, David. The core group of posters in The Pit all react to Tim mostly as if he is simply another member of our click. Almost all the arguments there, both big and small, have resolved themselves equitably. The only noteworthy exception to this might be the animosity that (may) still exist (s) between TapperMike and myself. He's not indicated that I am in the clear for having so severely called him to task for his bold statements. I also have not indicated that I am prepared to give him a pass (yet) for stating as fact what proved to be only his personal opinion.


But what does holding onto that animosity get me? Especially when I relate it to my over all experience here on the site? Minus our interactions in The Pit, Mike and I might never have spared a single cross word between us. Now that a rift exists, and I acknowledge it as I have here, I find that I am not happy that this is so.


Yes, David. I strongly feel this is something that deserves my deepest and most careful attention.



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Some very nice comments. Heartening to know! Thank you!


I really want to rebuild our active member base. It helps our community in so many ways. If you can help in any way, it would be greatly appreciated! Be active welcoming members, helping them, starting and answering interesting topics. Share our articles and our main boards whenever you can. Like, share comment on our social media portals. Recruit, by all means, but also be as active in repeating and answering. Activity breeds activity. In this, you can all help yourselves, the community and the site. :)


moshpit wise, I feel a poll coming on!

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