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How Do You Listen To Music?


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I recently wrote an article on how music influences culture. A lot of it ties into this derailed discussion....no problem. I kinda like most derailed discussions :)


My question would be, what is it you want to see happen exactly?  It seems like that answer might be different for different people. 


Some of my guesses would be we want to see society as a whole get really excited about music  again, or is this only a movement that includes what you designate as youth? Depending on your age youth can be 20, 30 or older. 


Is it only one genre you want to see advance? Bowie was used as a reference and successful Brazilian band. Or is this one of those things that you'll only know when you see it?


What are we getting excited about? If you look back music usually has some kind of a catalyst good, bad or neutral, but it has a catalyst. It might be the younger ones saying to society, this is OUR music, we claim it. This is the catalyst for them. It happened in the 50's and continues up until now. Every generation wants to break free from a perceived mold. Call it rebellion, call it individuality, so long as it's different and cool. Heck it started in the 30's. here in the US.


If you notice each preceding generation mostly only relates to the music that was hip when they were younger.


I get in occasionally with some artists who either teach or play in the symphony or both. Many of them have spent their entire lives learning to play one instrument well. That culture has continued to prosper right alongside of the counter culture or what happens to be hip at the time. I have to say that from a knowledge standpoint they have the others beat hands down when it comes to taking music apart and putting it back together again. That "culture" has more solid foundations than counter culture music for the long haul. Why is that?  Most musicians will tell you that no matter what kind of music they end up playing their solid music training has helped it.


If we have already taken rock and pop to their limits back in the 70's and onwards, all we can do is continue to follow that recipe. Aside from technology I believe we have maxed out the expression principles. Still many variations on the theme to be had. Technically The theme itself is the same though.


And what did Lennon "imagine"? I want no part of it...Orwellian society. There's no war because the whole world is under a dictator. Kill all of those who disagree. Not what I Imagine.  I hope whatever our youth decide to follow it has a foundation. Not some rock star  idol who blew his brains out. These were usually NOT happy people.


Look at the catalyst and decide if you want to be a part of it.

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It was obvious that the media thought they understood how modern music worked cyclically.


Any new generation's youth culture would provide the 'next big thing'. It didnt matter what it was, it was supposed to speak for youth who would spend money on it.


They were wrong. Artists now often look back 50 years for inspiration. Others dont look beyond TV talent shows. That media model was always a flawed concept. So they have fallen back on what they used to do, which is to take control. Result? utter pap.


Musicians are also responsible for the pap of course. Even some of my music has a pap factor, which is my fault.

I suggest we operate a pap-factor appraisal system in the critique areas. It could be on a vote button maybe?

Edited by Rudi
fabulous insight
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Loved that Starise, very thought provoking, and I've never truly thought about it with all those angles in mind.  


I want to see young people get excited, old people get inspired, uptight people lighten up.   I wanna see people dance for fun and not to look cool or be sexual.  I want to see people's hearts awaken to good messages, instead of spiraling further and further down into a depraved state of carnal and materialistic messages.  I want the sense in the youth to be "Guys we have to love each other" Not "You have to learn to love yourself".   I guess it IS a hippy movement I'm after.  


I see substance flying away, I see character disappearing, I see honesty being traded for facade, I look back to these people from 30 or 40 years ago and I say "THERE.  There we still had SOME semblance of reality, it wasn't always perfect but it was SOMETHING."  And truly... what do we have that could at least slow down this juggernaut of soullessness?  Cause in my opinion, soulless music makes soulless people.  Music has a HUGE affect on how a society thinks, and when we have a generation who thinks Little Wayne is a poet and the Beach Boys are cheesy boring old people music, I see a dumbing down of the soul there.  I am NOT of the opinion that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I believe that beauty is in the eye of the creator and the creation can become blind to this beauty as it rubs more and more mud in it's eyes.  


Anyway... I want to see something cool exist and have a voice again, something I can latch onto, something I can look forward to and have a handful of bands I'm just waiting for their next albums, watching their every move, loving their every interview, digging their ideas, and seeing other's sort of, wake up and go "Whoa, forget that crap I was listening to THIS is where it's at!"  Nothing inspires ME anymore.  I want to PERSONALLY be inspired honestly, that's the biggest thing.  I mean some of those brazillian bands come close, but just... why should I have to travel back 50 years to find stuff that truly excites me fully?  Or travel to brazil and listen to music in languages I don't understand?  I see why the lightbulb is getting dimmer I really do, I just... it's not over yet man.  It can't be.  Something WILL hit those airwaves that blows my mind with every single song over and over and over, it's gonna happen.  


You may saaaay I'm a dreamerrrrr.... but I'm not into that Lennon sceeeene anymore than you areeee.....


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Good honest deep thinking coming from you symphonious7. I like reading your thoughts.


Nah, don't worry about the subject matter of the thread. It was getting boring comparing headphones.


I like that you're energized by the passion that we need to GET energized.


Music as a drug of sorts  releases dopamine to the brain. It taps into one of our pleasure centers...or this is what was supposed to happen. I think that maybe that part of some has been dulled by relentless use of it, much like any other thing. OK in moderation. Too much and we deaden to it. Or for those who are older, maybe a  memory conjures it all back up again. Music might have been part of a memorable cocktail of events and/or substances. It seems a shame to break something I consider so important down into such a simple mix. 


Music is more than that since in addition to the dopamine it can have a spiritual or emotional significance.Sometimes it's only the dopamine part minus the emotional spiritual part. When combined with certain images and cultural inertia music can be highly violent, highly sexual, highly spiritual, highly emotional. In either the right or the wrong hands it's a truly powerful tool.


Add to this a generation that seems to be looking for leadership. Someone "in the know" who can confidently take things in a solid direction people want to follow.Even if it's only a momentary escapism from reality. They want to be led to a happy place, a confident place. There are exceptions. Some people want to be intentionally led to a dark place and they will seek musicians who are going there. I could never really figure that one out but I can't deny it. Kind of a kindred spirit of darkness.


Music from the heart doesn't always lead. Sometimes it only conveys a state of being. Those who follow bands and certain musicians are following something. Good leaders usually have an overabundance of self confidence. As one example ,Eddie Van Halen doesn't lack there. No holding back, no hesitation. Belief in the direction and follow through.

If it's a facade it's a really convincing facade. Confidence in ability. To me though the inner mission should drive it. Usually it doesn't. Ego maniacs can appear to be good leaders.


In order to connect with a whole generation of people, they need a reason, usually a collective reason to follow one individual or band. Sometimes it's all too apparent, they are making it up as they go. They don't have a clue and it might be that quality that attracts the audience.Life improvisation, music improvisation. We at least have the present to create. They fall flat on their faces. The audience says, " hey, that seems a lot like me".

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That making it up as you go thing really hits me, that's how artists like Hendrix and Janis Joplin would hit me, like people would go "Give us all the answers!!" And they'd say "If I have any answers it's only cause I'm as much a part of this ride as you are, I'm not a guru I'm tool"  And yeah that's me paraphrasing something I think they MIGHT have agreed with haha who can say, but it's the sense I get from that time, these people were cool cause they were honest and confident, not all knowing or enlightened.  


Oh and that's not tool negatively.  I mean like, "an instrument of the higher power" or whatever they may have believed in, most people were spiritual in some way at that time.  

Edited by symphonious7
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10 hours ago, RobAsh15 said:

As relates to the OP, it also has a 6 speaker, true surround, Bose stereo and CD player. Sounds just fab. Easily the best car stereo I've had in a car in decades.


I'd love to go to a car sales forecourt and just try out the sound systems. Drive away whatever contained the best one.


Does it cruise control at 900 mph?

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You had a Cadillac before right Rob? Is this a replacement for the other one? Will you ever be going in the house now? Oh you mean the "smiley face" EQ curve? Sounds like a really nice ride.


I'm still going back and forth between a Toyota Corolla and a Nissan Murano AWD, infinite shift transaxle technology. The Nissan has the bose stereo in it. Most people buy the Rouge. The Murano is a notch above that.I drive the Toyota when the price of gas goes up ( you UK'ers call it petrol I think?) I usually need to take a bunch of the bass away in the Toyota. The factory system in it is way too bass heavy. If I want to hear my mix on a basic OEM factory system it's great for that.

We have a Toyota Avalon sitting in the driveway too. Seldom drive it. Nice car. It's a keepsake from my wife's deceased father. I think the Japanese tried to copy American Luxury cars right down to the sound systems. The radio in it sounds just like the ones in those big older GM cars. Lots of bass, pleasant bass though. Could fall asleep to it. It's a 2004 I think. I keep trying to get her to sell it. She won't for sentimental reasons. It's nice to take out for a ride once or twice a month to keep it in shape. 

I'm in the Toyota Corolla today. Bought it not for frills, but economy. Does the job ok. 149,000 miles and no smoke. I use synthetic oil and change it regularly.. I like the simplicity of the car. I guess it has grown on me since I've had it. 38mpg. Highway mileage. The Murano gets 19mpg. 


Cadillac STS 469hp? 15mpg?  It is fun to feel your teeth being almost pulled out of your head on acceleration I'm sure :)




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On May 1, 2017 at 10:55 AM, symphonious7 said:

I want the sense in the youth to be "Guys we have to love each other" Not "You have to learn to love yourself".   I guess it IS a hippy movement I'm after.


I think it's gotta be both. I think if you can't love yourself (who you are) it's damn near impossible to really love each other. If more people were confident in themselves, to the point they really didn't give a rats ass about others, but at the same time let those others be who they want, we all get along. People will never all love each other or love all the things other people do. While the thought is great indeed, the reality is a different story. I do think deep down everyone has the ability to love each other but where it ends is when people consider their version of what is right versus what is wrong. That's when the divide starts. When people view something as wrong or different, yet are told they must conform, the divide widens. An Iron Fist telling us all to do it the way it wants or be punished will always, eventually, lose its grip on the public. Besides, if everyone is on the same page, the book is short and boring. It's more like a leaflet. 

Edited by Just1L
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A fellow I know on another forum (yeah, I'm a tart, but at least I'm a own-up tart) says that our phones & computers are listening to us the whole time. It certainly does happen with smart TVs, that's been a news item.


So.... what we need are phone apps, and programs to stream our music back to whoever it is that is so interested in us. I know they are only looking for opportunities to harvest more money, but we are only trying to spread our music, so it all balances out nicely. 

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53 minutes ago, Just1L said:


I think it's gotta be both. I think if you can't love yourself (who you are) it's damn near impossible to really love each other. If more people were confident in themselves, to the point they really didn't give a rats ass about others, but at the same time let those others be who they want, we all get along. People will never all love each other or love all the things other people do. While the thought is great indeed, the reality is a different story. I do think deep down everyone has the ability to love each other but where it ends is when people consider their version of what is right versus what is wrong. That's when the divide starts. When people view something as wrong or different, yet are told they must conform, the divide widens. An Iron Fist telling us all to do it the way it wants or be punished will always, eventually, lose its grip on the public. Besides, if everyone is on the same page, the book is short and boring. It's more like a leaflet. 

I don't think people are any more capable of choosing to love themselves than they are choosing to love everybody else though personally.  I think both are outside of our willpower's grasp, the key will be an intervention from God, which I fully believe is on the way.  But that's just my theory, your thoughts on the matter are very relevant.  


Up there I saw Starise talking about cars and their stereos, I have a toyota corolla myself and I can't get it to sound good at all!  I don't know if it's the eq settings or that I have just destroyed the speakers with all the blasting I did in my early 20's haha   Regardless it's always like... you hear all these deep bass and crisp high's in the house, get it in the car and it's like "MID MID MID MID MID" I try to mess with the eq and it just gets weirder lol  The system is from 96 though and it came with the car so... can't expect too much I guess

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21 minutes ago, symphonious7 said:

Up there I saw Starise talking about cars and their stereos, I have a toyota corolla myself and I can't get it to sound good at all!  I don't know if it's the eq settings or that I have just destroyed the speakers with all the blasting I did in my early 20's haha   Regardless it's always like... you hear all these deep bass and crisp high's in the house, get it in the car and it's like "MID MID MID MID MID" I try to mess with the eq and it just gets weirder lol  The system is from 96 though and it came with the car so... can't expect too much I guess


I've had multiple cars through the years and the stereos aren't quite as great as they used to be. Although my current car is the best so far so it could all be turning around. The car I previously had wouldn't play the bass if it was below 15-20 degrees outside. I'd have to drive for about 10-15 minutes before it all warmed up and played well. Considering I live about 5 minutes from where I work and the car is what I use to help me mix, it was horrible for that. I will say though it does have a USB port to play music from. That is a life-saver for me. I used to have to burn a CD for each version of a song I wanted to hear in the car. I went through a lot of CDs needless to say. Now with the USB, it's great. Even if the sound quality isn't as good, it's good enough to let me know what I need to hear better or turn down.

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49 minutes ago, symphonious7 said:

I don't think people are any more capable of choosing to love themselves than they are choosing to love everybody else though personally.


I dont love myself. In fact, if i was somebody else I probably wouldn't even wish to associate with me. Thankfully all my friends are most appalling judges of character.

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Uhhh... I got lost trying to find answers to the original question in the thread.. philosophy certainly has a way of sneaking in, in every topic :D

I use the headphones provided by my phone... And I use it to jack it in every other device that plays music (oops).

Would someone here be kind enough to help out this noob regarding what kind of earphones to choose from, for regular listening? 

P.S. : I don't like much bass, and my ears actually can't tolerate much volume  (I listen at lower volumes than most others). Any special consideration based on these points?

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I just get this image in my head of you taking a girl on a first date, turning on the music and she's like "Ummm... why does it sound so bland?"  And you're like "Just hang on a sec..." then you floor it and right as you hit 88 mph BASS.... and you go back to the future too....  


lol that car sounds hilariously messed up


Whoa I didn't realize how far back that post was, should have quoted @Just1L


Edited by symphonious7
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18 hours ago, Sreyashi Mukherjee said:

Uhhh... I got lost trying to find answers to the original question in the thread.. philosophy certainly has a way of sneaking in, in every topic :D

I use the headphones provided by my phone... And I use it to jack it in every other device that plays music (oops).

Would someone here be kind enough to help out this noob regarding what kind of earphones to choose from, for regular listening? 

P.S. : I don't like much bass, and my ears actually can't tolerate much volume  (I listen at lower volumes than most others). Any special consideration based on these points?


If your phone hphones are not good enough there plenty to choose from. I cant recommend anything specific, but I was impressed with skullcandy fidelity.


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