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Useful Songwriting Youtube Channels?


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Hello everyone,


I'm always on the lookout on Youtube for useful channels to subscribe to which primarily includes a lot of vocal related and songwriting related channels. While I was on my usual Youtube browse, I found this wonderful channel called Holistic Songwriting that I've been following for a couple of weeks now. For the most part, the channel analyses the songwriting approaches of various songs and artists in a very sensible way. 


Knowing the foundations behind songwriting is essential for you to express better in your songs but a greater part of my learning with music and songwriting happens when I'm actually listening to songs and my mind starts becoming curious about their approach. So this proved to be a great find for me! Here's one from the channel that I enjoyed much. (As you can see, he doesn't stick to core songwriting terms but the entire idea and direction that an artist might take to support their music.)



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It is good to trust your own instinct, but all musicians are inspired by others. We are interested in what they say musically, with their musical vocabulary... why on earth would we not be interested in what they say about music and song writing? To ignore that would seem perverse.


it isn’t as we have to accept and implement observations and solutions, but perspective and knowledge of others can be a game changer. Not because it makes us rich and successful, but because it can help us to be the kind of songwriter we want to be.


it is perfectly possible to both listen to others and to follow your own instinct.

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7 hours ago, john said:

It is good to trust your own instinct, but all musicians are inspired by others. We are interested in what they say musically, with their musical vocabulary... why on earth would we not be interested in what they say about music and song writing? To ignore that would seem perverse.


it isn’t as we have to accept and implement observations and solutions, but perspective and knowledge of others can be a game changer. Not because it makes us rich and successful, but because it can help us to be the kind of songwriter we want to be.


it is perfectly possible to both listen to others and to follow your own instinct.


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