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Fibonacci Sequence

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In order for everything to fit is had to be measured. I think this applies to everything. Audible frequencies,heard and beyond hearing visible light and invisible light. We wouldn't have harmonics without sound relationship. We wouldn't have color without light relationship.

No rhythm without metered division. It all fits. Higher organization is only built on lower organization. If the lower organization fails it will affect higher organization built on it.

Why can't humans look and learn?

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Many thanks Rob. I love to read the things you write. It's interesting to read your perspective of those events. I'll never forget, " I'm just a gutbag". which is true on one level .lol. I don't think we disagree as often as you might think. Hope you're well BTW. 


This girl Capo3tanya is definitely in the new age category from looking at her description. I have read tons of books and studied all of that. I have a real interest in the mysterious, but we probably sharply part ways there. I will say that most things are nothing like the way we perceive them to be....but yeah, I'm staunchly Christian which is o contrar to that. You can be Christian and still like mystery, we just look at all of it differently. 


Back to her point though. I see music as a structure built on other structures that wouldn't exist without foresight.


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You guys are awesome! Sorry I missed all the fun then lol! Yes I am a former fundamental Christian, now I'm just a fruitcake but I love it hehe 😀


Quantum Physics holds they key to so many mysteries, Einstein was completely unsettled by it. Science and mathematics do not have to be divorced from spirituality. I think the future of science will be based upon idealism rather than materialism, a new paradigm (what came first the chicken or the egg? Quintessential question). 


Didn't mean to stir up old sh*t sorry guys! Just thought that was amazing!

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You might be interested in CERN. If you look at what those guys believe and the motives behind making it, then what they are doing. I think it has a dark side. The walls are there for a reason. Trying to punch through could cause lots of problems IMHO. Our only sense of reality is the now and what we remember of the past. If you mix that up with other nows and allow passage between dimensional walls. I think there is some credibility to the Mandela effect. No I don't believe all of what you read about it.


Men have played with everything, the weather, atoms...you name it. No surprise they are now playing with dark matter and dimensional travel. Of course we won't know everything that they are up to but they have an explanation to the general public which needs to justify the billions of dollars spent to make it work.


Back in the 50's when the cloud seeders  were toying with  storms and caused a hurricane that caused widespread flooding no one knew they caused it  until 50 years later. Same with the CIA slipping LSD in drinks for experimental purposes. One has to ask what they are up to now? If they cause a rip in the dimensional fabric what are they going to do if it gets out of hand ?......UH OH...run!!!

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Sweet! I'd love to talk with you guys lol I really am sorry I missed it. You sound like a professor Rob, right on I love it!


Oh yeah CERN is quite interesting and slightly creepy. What is their true agenda? Did you see the Shiva dance "promo" thing? Very odd indeed! 



Ooo have you ever seen this? Made me think of it. Quite interesting!



No need for heated debate or any conflict, just sharing weird stuff. 


Regarding what you said Rob, scientifically speaking, one cannot ignore the behavior of matter on the subatomic level. The double slit experiment has been enhanced to mind blowing proportions even. And it definitely points to the fact that matter exists in all its possibilities, slit A, slit B, both A and B, and neither A and B, until it is observed. Once it is observed the wave collapses onto one reality. And what I've seen demonstrates that it truly snaps into behaving like matter the instant it is observed. Consciousness is key, and it is entirely a scientific observation. Entanglement also, is scientifically proven. Very interesting stuff!

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Rob a professor ?.....I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth 😊  Rob I'm just funnin wit ya.


I am probably a little more serious about some of these subjects. IOW this isn't just some fun endeavor like collecting seashells. Nefarious things don't always appear nefarious. In fact they seldom do. Knowledge is power. Don't use the internet as your only source of info. Big things happen slowly. There are always at least two sides to everything, hence the reason we have wars. Wars aren't bad if they preserve valuable freedom, but they are always expensive to win. This isn't politics or religion. This is simply life as it is. I know more than I'm telling or will tell here. Whatever gets into your thinking has you. 





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Oh man, I hear you loud and clear starise. But my journey so far has led me to pretty much being just an observer, and no quantum reference intended. The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing? I've had some SPECTACULAR smackdowns along the way lol. What I THINK I've learned, is that relative and absolute truth are equally true. That would seem to cause some cognitive dissonance, but not for me, not anymore. Makes a whooole lot of the puzzle fit together nicely. 

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20 minutes ago, Capo3tanya said:

Oh man, I hear you loud and clear starise. But my journey so far has led me to pretty much being just an observer, and no quantum reference intended. The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing? I've had some SPECTACULAR smackdowns along the way lol. What I THINK I've learned, is that relative and absolute truth are equally true. That would seem to cause some cognitive dissonance, but not for me, not anymore. Makes a whooole lot of the puzzle fit together nicely. 


I'm glad you're still on the journey. I think we know enough to decide. You have apparently decided that no decision needs to be made unless it is a decision not to make a decision :).. If all were subjective there would be no purpose to decisions since outcomes would not matter. JMOP.


The mentality of...zone out nothing matters, all is nothing. I can't roll with that personally.😃 There are winners and losers. Knowledge is power. Black and white, good and evil,  oil and water, fire and ice. 

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I think the question is upon what do we base our decisions? With what power do we wield our judgement? I'm an observer but not necessarily a casual one. I have learned just enough, just barely enough to understand that I do not have access to whatever celestial machinations are at play. I do have my own ideas about the purpose of this earthtime, but they are subjective as are all of our truths in the mortal realm. But I have come to believe that all of conscious existence is subjugated by only 2 simple laws. Love thy neighbor as thyself. And the law of free will. Dizzying! Lol. 

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9 hours ago, Rob Ash said:


Quit stealing my best lines!



Hey Rob...I hate to break it to you, but that isn't original. I still like it though 😉 Ok I did say it because you said it. FWIW my mouth is clean...relatively speaking.

Capo3Tanya...I certainly don't claim to know it all either and I hope I didn't come off that way. I guess we don't see this the same way. I trust in who I think is in control.....I'll say it with a recording I made recently. The song talks about me being in prison this isn't literal. It is figurative of the prisons we place ourselves in.This isn't my main genre but I thought it fit what I was trying to say. This is a David Crowder tune I played.


All My Hope.mp3

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Who would have thought? No need to extrapolate on those past events. I think I have a pretty good picture of it. You probably said it because it actually *yuck* happened.

You need to give us some other stuff to remember you by. Wouldn't want to have " He coined , " I just threw up a little bit in my mouth" in your obit....or " He was a nice gut bag who threw up a little in his mouth from time to time, God rest his soul. 

My son was saying it. That's where I first heard it.

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13 hours ago, starise said:

Capo3Tanya...I certainly don't claim to know it all either and I hope I didn't come off that way. I guess we don't see this the same way. I trust in who I think is in control.....I'll say it with a recording I made recently. The song talks about me being in prison this isn't literal. It is figurative of the prisons we place ourselves in.This isn't my main genre but I thought it fit what I was trying to say. This is a David Crowder tune I played.


Hi Starise, I also trust who I think is in control so on this we agree! ☺️  Thanks for talking with me, I will listen to this song as soon as I am able thanks for sharing! I have only respect for anyone's beliefs as long as they do not lead to hatred, violence, discrimination, etc. All beliefs are sacred, to me, within these parameters. Those with beliefs that incite them to cruelty, self importance, self righteousness etc I pity. 

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On 8/21/2018 at 4:02 PM, starise said:

Whatever gets into your thinking has you. 


Only if you believe it Tim.

At first, purging belief from my thinking was almost impossible (1990s), but now I believe almost nothing. Now I am tethered to nothing more than a few bad habits.


Truth is an imperfect concept and is only useful as a subjective or comparative term. When I finally realised that I could never ever reach the truth about anything I decided to content with honesty.



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On 8/20/2018 at 8:39 PM, Capo3tanya said:



Oh yeah CERN is quite interesting and slightly creepy. What is their true agenda?





Conspiracy theories (and urban myths) are an indicator of the success of a meme. Where money & power are concerned CTs & UMs are inevitable.


A less known success indicator for fame is the action figure. You may dream of Grammy Awards, gold disks etc, but action figures outrank all that stuff. That why I created the illusion of action figures for Blown Out (my band).




Here are examples of the genuine article.....







and my personal favourite...







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