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Your Hero Hears Your Song


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Imagine for a second, your musical hero stands in front of you. You have all your tracks on your phone/mp3 player/cd player. They are waiting for you to select a track just for them. They only have time to listen to one track. They stand with their hand out, waiting for you to pass your device over, ready to play. You have perhaps 30 seconds to say something while you hand over your device.


What do you say to them?


Please post a link to the track!





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2 minutes ago, Patchez said:

Hmmm, going to have to think about this one. 

What comes to mind is, "It Might Get Loud",
    -- where Jimmy Page was struggling with Jack Whites "lesson" of that song in their song-circle at the end. If that is not a "human" moment, can't know what one is.

Which then reminds me of some interview where some famous one was talking to someone discussing "trading licks" to which he (can't remember whom... "Slash" ?)... to which he said, "yeah, remember, your favorite guitar hero will not be able to play YOUR LICKS, (as well as you), just like you struggle to play his (as well, etc.)...", or similar words..., the implication being, our hands, minds, etc., all work for "us" well. 

  -- Then, remove all the Tech, like with "The Edge", and as he said (same movie?)... "hey guys, I gotta great riff... do do... do do..., dah dah dah dah... -- it's killer... :) " (or similar words). 

So, I am sure my greatness is highly under recognized to date. Well Sea. 


I thought he was struggling thinking "is that it?" lol

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I've had a similar experience, well wouldn't fully consider the guy my hero, but was/still is definitely highly influential, that whole "never meet your heros" thing, while probably a lot of truth in it, you probably also just picked some bad heros hahaha, but anyway......... I just gave him a tape (he asked if we had any recordings) this was a different time, not everyone was a "sound engineer" with hardrives full of stuff and cellphones in their pockets yet hahaha and he had already heard us playing, so I just said beware it's a full 45 minutes :D tape was just named "eat this tape" was just told later, that was some good eating, can't wait for seconds, or something similar.  


If I just had to pick just one in the scenario you described? I don't think I would/could, I'd come at it from a different angle, here's my phone number/email call or write when or if you have more time.......hahaha but I'm an asshole like that :D .......or actually nevermind anybody whose music I'm a big fan of, would probably really get a kick out of 




 or that Bandit track I posted in artists role in society thread, :) ............or, ........... maybe you get my point? don't do that hahah. 


I can say from my limited experience any "artist" is not going to give two shits about the quality of your recording, or how expertly you layered in those 50 synth lines or whatever, or listen to any excuses about it just being a work in progress or how its just a rough idea, will more than likely have the opposite effect than you may be going for......... they know the process, and the more cleaned up and pretty, probably the less intrigued they'd be, about why it isn't super amazing already if you obviously spent a ton of time on it.  


but great topic! I think its something not enough people do think about and leave them bumbling and at a loss when opportunity does knock. 

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1 hour ago, Patchez said:

What comes to mind is, "It Might Get Loud",
    -- where Jimmy Page was struggling with Jack Whites "lesson" of that song in their song-circle at the end. If that is not a "human" moment, can't know what one is.

I still haven't watched that

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1 hour ago, fasstrack said:

I wouldn't have stopped anyway---but props from your betters, your heros? There's no shot in the arm like that.

I agree!! even if its a hey polish this up and you might have something here, or keep working...... as long as you can tell it's genuine and not from someone that is just more worried about hurting someone's feelings and will actually tell you what you think as you said. 


and just to clarify my above post a bit, I had just woken up :D  it's different of course as to who your musical heros are..........I mean if your hero is a producer, sound engineer, sheet music composer, symphony/studio musician, or just some pretty faced mouthpiece for a band, etc....... Probably not going to be real enthused about hearing a crappy demo haha.  

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2 hours ago, Patchez said:

Who would my fans be?

I'm a fan, so beware............kind of like that old saying I'd never be a member of any club that would have me as one


3 hours ago, Patchez said:

And, very very annoying it seems to "famous" or almost famous is, I (with all due respect) just don't get impressed, star struck, or etc. I've been places where "they" back away in case an enthusiastic fan ? I guess, some of it is posing too...; I introduce myself as if they'd probably like to know who I am. ;)  (That causes confusion :) ) 

And, they really don't like being introduced and me not knowing their "work"... not a way to "win friends and influence people" as Dale Carnegie used to say. Oh well... 


yeah that seems to have a strange effect on people, much like @fasstrack not to harp on it too much or to just go swapping "war" stories, but I have introduced myself to a guy once, who seemed offended that I genuinely enjoyed his set and said hey nice job man, it really sounded great! he scoffed and said yeah I've been doing it for 4? I think years. hmmmm Impressive and I immediately walked away, he saw me get a big hug from who people were actually there paying to see play after their show, and tried to come interrupt our conversation...... he got ignored.... he asked me "you know this guy" nope, but he's been doing it for 4 years he told me earlier........ to quite a bit of laughter.  Things could of maybe turned out differently for him that night, maybe he at least learned some people skills lessons, I don't think he had that opening job anymore, but hey, he thought what would a lowly roadie/guitar tech/soundcheck guy/ fill in drummer/bass/guitarist/backup singer or whoever else might not show up guy know :D   

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I saw this topic yesterday and started imagining for a while about my musical heroes but non of them came to my mind. Sure I am influenced by modern pop and all and there are artists that I love and listen to and definitely want to collaborate with (Does that mean they are my heroes?? ....  Not sure about that), but actual heroes hmm none I think.... 


So people around me tell me to sing in my own country language and all but its so hard for me lol and my parents don't listen to my songs lol so first I would love for them to listen to my song and sing it lol and maybe after that...............


And all of you guys have so many experiences, so much fun to read. 



Currently I am not experienced so I don't know what I'd do even if I meet my heroes. 😅




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2 hours ago, Anaezia said:

. Sure I am influenced by modern pop and all and there are artists that I love and listen to and definitely want to collaborate with (Does that mean they are my heroes?? ....  Not sure about that), but actual heroes hmm none I think.... 

Why I like this topic so much :D meeting an artist you really admire or has influenced your own music "musical hero" totally different tact to take than pitching a song to some guy in a suit who is only worried about how much money it can make them.  From one of the songwriting "challenges" I do, not really a contest or anything as there is no reward other than you have something now, when you had nothing before,   I was told on one tune, by someone who even remains anonymous there(for many reasons, even though I doubt most of those people would even know who he was :D this is really great or something don't remember anything he said other than  "we should do a track sometime".......was such a small and "almost" fully overlooked comment at the time, it can get hectic when there's time stipulations...  I thought awesome!!! as I'll play some noise with anyone......listened to one of his tracks and immediately recognized the guitar/voice........I'm still scared and haven't sent him anything hahaha, and much like @Patchez I'm rarely if ever "starstruck" when/if I ever do run into someone of "celebrity" status, or often don't even know it haha. 

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14 minutes ago, fasstrack said:

One lesson learned before my PhD was copped from the School of Hard Knocks: as much as you may admire someone's music, trying to get involved personally---even on a simple, sincere 'hello' level---the old saw about 'play with fire and get burned' very much applies. Vet people very carefully before saying even one word. There are some sick, damaged puppies out there. Some are even so f'ed up they're actually hoping someone will approach---so they can sink Dracula teeth in. You don't want your neck marked behind assuming a great musician to be a good, or undamaged, person. 


loved this whole story! but yeah I think it's usually fairly safe to assume the opposite of them being undamaged or a good person and let them then prove otherwise :D just from too many lessons learned the hard way myself


16 minutes ago, fasstrack said:

as if that wasn't horrible enough, rumors that he had AIDS (remember the time--1987) were circulating in the jazz world.


Yup, just a rumor around then a pretty instant death sentence to your career even if untrue.  

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16 hours ago, Patchez said:

So, I looked up Nepali "pop" just to see what would come up and at the top with 8 thumbs up and more than 200 views ;) ! :) see this:


Then see the "large" number hit counter numbers with this:

Hey, I am VERY much Okay with the second one, not the "Bollywood" one ;) hahhh, not for me, my taste.

He could be singing about "Plumbing" for all I know... so, just per the audio and visual... -- sounds good like it. 

The video kaleidoscope stuff is not for me, -- I like "plain/simple" black and white even...but again, -- you should "jump in"... why not? Life started yesterday, and, what did you do with it? (And ancient NJ-Napali saying ;) hahhh!) (I kid/joke around allot... so, no offense if I cross any cultural lines... but, since my wife is from India... "I "think" I know...?" Another stupid phrase, aye!) 

HAHA the ones you looked up are kind of old songs.. The one currently trending are his songs well I don't know much either lol I barely listen to them lol... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kni9OFsh8UM&ab_channel=SajjanRajVaidya


I am slowly jumping in I think,  getting myself "warmed up " I think lol 😅😅

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16 hours ago, Cody said:

Why I like this topic so much :D meeting an artist you really admire or has influenced your own music "musical hero" totally different tact to take than pitching a song to some guy in a suit who is only worried about how much money it can make them.  From one of the songwriting "challenges" I do, not really a contest or anything as there is no reward other than you have something now, when you had nothing before,   I was told on one tune, by someone who even remains anonymous there(for many reasons, even though I doubt most of those people would even know who he was :D this is really great or something don't remember anything he said other than  "we should do a track sometime".......was such a small and "almost" fully overlooked comment at the time, it can get hectic when there's time stipulations...  I thought awesome!!! as I'll play some noise with anyone......listened to one of his tracks and immediately recognized the guitar/voice........I'm still scared and haven't sent him anything hahaha, and much like @Patchez I'm rarely if ever "starstruck" when/if I ever do run into someone of "celebrity" status, or often don't even know it haha. 

I would definitely get starstruck by a few, but then there is this voice nagging in my head "Hey we are all humans and doing a job so no need to ............. LOL lame I know lol.... " But yeah there are artists which I love too and want to work with and there is so much music in this world and so much I don't know about. I would love to explore all of them. I don't know what I am saying lol .... 😅😅😅

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16 hours ago, Patchez said:


Well, your effect, on fun to read, too,
  -- was to get me to translate that 2nd vids lyrics... (not singing about "Plumbing" -- indeed). 

From, "Harayeko Graha - Kush (Official Video)"


My lost planet, my sun is dark
I have a sinful heart, my God is incomplete
I am the star of the full moon,
I wake up to sleep ...


In the slogan of freedom, my country is deaf
I am not a sickle or a star, my love is a needle
I am the Buddha of the well
I think to tell


The planet I lost ... My sun is dark
I have a sinful heart ... My God is incomplete
I .....

From as I can determine?

म हराएको ग्रह, मेरो सुर्य अँध्यारो छ 
म पापी मनको बह, मेरो इश्वर अधुरो छ 
पूर्णिमाको तारा हो म ,
बिउझनछु म निदाउन ...

मा स्वतन्त्रताको नारा, मेरो देश बहिरो छ 
म हँसिया न तारा , मेरो प्रेम सुइरो छ 
कुंवाको बुद्ध हो म 
सोच्दछु म सुनाउन 

म हराएको ग्रह ....मेरो सुर्य अँध्यारो छ 
म पापी मनको बह ...मेरो इश्वर अधुरो छ 
म .....


Translater offered a simplied and wonder if any good? ;) :) ? (you'd know, correct?)


Ma harā'ēkō graha, mērō surya am̐dhyārō cha 
ma pāpī manakō baha, mērō iśvara adhurō cha 
pūrṇimākō tārā hō ma,
bi'ujhanachu ma nidā'una...


Mā svatantratākō nārā, mērō dēśa bahirō cha 
ma ham̐siyā na tārā, mērō prēma su'irō cha 
kunvākō bud'dha hō ma 
sōcdachu ma sunā'una 


ma harā'ēkō graha....Mērō surya am̐dhyārō cha 
ma pāpī manakō baha...Mērō iśvara adhurō cha 

Note (edit):
I know from other languages I am familiar with, -- it's hilarious unless "perfect high -language, grammar and no idiomatics :) ... esp, "German"... such a literal language, so to speak, will get you ignored. 


Actually I also heard this song for the first time lol.. And for the translation it is correct. This would actually be  considered a good lyrics if my parents hear it. But its really too much lyrics for me. There are so many complex words even I can't understand lol.. 😅😅😅


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4 hours ago, Anaezia said:

Actually I also heard this song for the first time lol.. And for the translation it is correct. This would actually be  considered a good lyrics if my parents hear it. But its really too much lyrics for me. There are so many complex words even I can't understand lol.. 😅😅😅


That's me even listening to /reading English, supposedly my native language 😂


5 hours ago, Anaezia said:

I would definitely get starstruck by a few, but then there is this voice nagging in my head "Hey we are all humans and doing a job so no need to ............. LOL lame I know lol....


nope that's a good voice in your head!

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Not one I would ever play for anyone in your scenario as described in first post @john but if we were just sitting around and had a good stereo going......I'd put this on and not say shit about it and just go back to conversation :D Pretty sure the topic of wtf is this you're playing would come up hahaha.......... @Patchez finally gave that a listen with HP's on...... excellent happy accidents indeed! 



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14 hours ago, Patchez said:

- And the seconed time was..., oh yes, well in a career of varying "contexts" I was in American Law Enforcement... and in that moment, in rare occassion, I was in uniform with a buddy somewhere. Well, to this woman, she was SURE I was (some actor :) hahhh, my wife finds it offensive since does not agree ;) ... )... anyway, some actor. 


Nic Cage I bet huh? 🤣 ....... and sorry for anyone else bit of an not necessarily inside joke, just a different thing I'm not going to explain.  He sure can play some mean blues though 🤣

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17 hours ago, Patchez said:

What a rabbit hole that is, aye! :) 

It indeed is. 


And looks like you had awesome experience. 🤣 Well lets go with fascinating. Had so much fun reading it hehe. I love Taylor Swift btw lol not like oh my god oh my god but yeah I like her music type. 

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19 hours ago, Patchez said:

I've said, one day she'll be old enough I can actually go see her. 

Someday I will too HOPEFULLY. 

Yea I did hear all the big artists are depressed souls and all. 


My career hasn't even started. Living of my parents lol. Well its is that way in my country, study, get a job, marry, raise kids lol repeated pattern. I am surely going to run away though lol.............😆😆


There are so many rabbit holes ughh so easy to get lost. 



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