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What Sparked Your Musical Journey? Share Your Stories!

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Hey Gang


Today, I thought we could kick things off with something a bit personal and super inspiring. We all have that one moment, that one spark, that pushed us onto the path of music and performance. Whether it was a concert that left you awe-struck, a record that felt like it was speaking directly to you, or maybe a person who believed in your talents before you even realized them yourself.


What’s your story? What inspired you to pick up your instrument, step onto that stage, or sing your heart out for the first time? Was it a gradual pull towards the world of melodies and rhythms, or did a single moment change everything for you?


Let’s share our experiences and the unique journeys that music has led us on. Who knows, your story might just be the nudge someone else needs to follow their musical dreams!


I look forward to reading about what lights that spark in each of you. C’mon. Spill!





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We moved to a new town just before Christmas. I was going to get an air rifle, like my mates, but my folks said Christmas would have to be put on hold because of the cost of moving. By April I had a new bunch of mates and most of them played an instrument of some kind. I told my folks I wanted a guitar instead of an air rifle. And that's how I became a musician rather than a sniper on a roof. Even before the catalogue guitar my mum ordered had arrived, I had a piece of cardboard with a fretboard drawn on it to practise chords.

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1 hour ago, Glammerocity said:

We moved to a new town just before Christmas. I was going to get an air rifle, like my mates, but my folks said Christmas would have to be put on hold because of the cost of moving. By April I had a new bunch of mates and most of them played an instrument of some kind. I told my folks I wanted a guitar instead of an air rifle. And that's how I became a musician rather than a sniper on a roof. Even before the catalogue guitar my mum ordered had arrived, I had a piece of cardboard with a fretboard drawn on it to practise chords.


A great example of how random life can be.

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The song Gravity by John Mayer changed everything for me. I was 15 years old at the time. The songwriting on it was incredible. It was the first time I even was fascinated so much with the songwriting and what the lyrics meant. I knew my perception of what music is about had changed that day. It has made me the musician and performer and writer I am today.

At 32, I am getting my first tattoo this weekend, it happens to be a line off the song - "Keep me where the light is"

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