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Do Nothing Days.


I'm supposed to be writing in a journal, every day for the next eight weeks of this Unveil class. Self discovery and all that....

So, towards the within I go.

I'm kind of cheating by writing here, but I've lost track of all my other failed blogs that were started with good intention and I just don't "do" paper and pen anymore.

It was one of those days where you just don't achieve much.

Laundry - my God, for the third day in a row there was blue sky! I'd forgotten what that looked like.

So yeah, how exciting. I did laundry.

My second eldest daughter came home from hospital after her foot surgery. (bunions at 21 - that just sucks.) Hobbling around on crutches she is.

She's always been the family hypochondriac though so finally she really has something wrong with her.

Ugly feet.

I'm sorry but there's no other way to put it.

It's not just the bunions, she has really ugly feet!

She gets them from her father.

He has these freakishly long toes that curl over.

Says it's from when he was a teenager and took diving lessons and his toes curled over the edge of the diving board.


What a load of bollocks! (This is the guy that says he took figure skating lessons!)

He just got the ugly feet gene and now he's passed it onto our daughter.

I told her she's actually very lucky. If ever she has the misfortune to lose fingers in an accident (don't worry, I knocked on wood) that she would have no problem having her (freakishly) long toes attached to use as new fingers.

Ahh, but this journaling thing is supposed to be about "me" isn't it?

Towards the within?

I have nice toes actually.

Except for the fact that they're aging waaay faster than the rest of me.

In fact my toes were the first place I ever got wrinkles. Too much sun. I'm always barefoot.

Growing old feet first.

But, I have nice shaped toes, and feet. Slender and...kind of elegant. I think.

I don't think I'm supposed to be talking about my toes though.


What did I REALLY feel today?

My other (eldest ) daughter thrust her cigarette in my hand as she rushed back upstairs to get something before her lift arrived.

Weirdest feeling.

I haven't smoked a cigarette in six months.

Ok, so I'm still addicted to nicotine with my electronic cigarette - my hookah doodle - peace pipe - quit smoking vaporising device. Call it what you like but it's NOT a smoke!

Oh for that dirty high.

But no....not really. The thought of fouling my mouth and lungs with smoke was NOT a temptation.

Quite a moment really.

I feel like I'm trying too hard to write something here.

It really was just one of those "do nothing days".

I usually hate those, and feel guilty about those.

Feels like a waste and makes me panic - "I'm wasting my life!"

But really it's OK.

I tell myself this now.

It's ok to sometimes just do nothing, feel very little....just be.

Besides, people in this house are running out of socks and undies!

.......And here comes the rain again.....


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