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Status Updates posted by starise

  1. It's been awhile. Hope all are well here. I see we still have some old timers and also new comers here now!

    1. Lisa Gates

      Glad you popped back to check on us! What ya been up to?!!!!

    2. Peggy

      Hi Starise. Nice to see you around! 

  2. Weeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. That's a deep subject.

  3. Misunderstandings lead to many preconceived notions that foster opinions which lead to bad decisions.

    Walk 10 miles in another mans shoes before you even begin to think you know them.

  4. Laying in fields of nothingness as the winds of change blew in.

    1. Pahchisme Plaid

      What did the winds of change blow in?  Sounds like a good springboard for a song. (?)

    2. starise

      Life change I guess. Thanks. Maybe it could be a song.

  5. It's ok to stop and "smell the roses", just remember, sometimes there's a cost even for that. Briers, snorting bees and allergies. 

  6. Don't let anyone ruffle your feathers. If you do, you won't be able to fly.

    1. starise

      Water off a ducks back;)  I guess hedgehogs would fall under a different category.:o Don't in any think I'm calling you a hedghog. I might be in that category though.

  7. What did we hope to gain in a large bucket running circles? There must have been a goal.

  8. In boating, some logs float and some logs are under the surface. If you don't see anything, this doesn't mean there are no logs. In life this is also true. The beginning of wisdom is admission of things that exist beyond our knowing.  Figuratively or maybe literally,  It may be a small breeze or a shadow that says, something is there.  I don't think our minds are the be all and end all. Even collective reasoning is limited and sometimes counter to solid answers.JMHO. YMMV

  9. I sometimes post passing thoughts and ideas here. Here's the one for today. You don't need to agree with me :)


    When we make art we usually have an expectation for it. It's usually purpose driven, even when we ourselves can't recognize the pure purpose. On some level we know what is right and what doesn't seem right. If it has a good end result we are satisfied. If it doesn't, we usually feel some inner tension or struggle until we get it right.

    If we are beings made by another, then it would stand to reason that being has expectations for us as it's "art".Further thinking along these lines would probably infer that we have those expectation built inside of us. Even a denial of that being wouldn't change that outcome.

    Fulfilling those expectations would, in turn, fulfill us IF we are "art". In doing so, we fulfill both sets of expectations. I doubt this idea is really a processed thought. It's more like we do what we are or what we allow ourselves to be.


    1. Jim622

      You Sir are an inward thinker. This early, you made my brain hurt a little.

      Thanks - I now have something to ponder today during todays mindless task.



    2. starise

      Thanks Jim622. If I told you everything I think it might look scary. I just try to share the safe stuff :)

  10. " Time.....flowing like a river......to the sea....".I forget the rest :D

  11. Continuity is an illusion. I think we get bored with gradual change because it looks like continuity.If things changed too fast we would loose our points of reference.

    1. Pahchisme Plaid

      Hmmmm...continuity as an illusion...got to think on that one.  Time is the thing that comes to my mind as the most unbroken.  Not sure of much else that's truly unbroken (except God).  I definitely need points of reference.  Gradual changes work for me.  Just speed it up a little, sonny! Lol!

    2. starise

      I had the thought, whatever it is I'm doing right now. I eventually won't do it any more. No matter how long it seems to last.What will replace it? I don't know.

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