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About TimmyMayes

  • Birthday 04/10/1983

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Music Background

  • Musical / Songwriting / Music Biz Skills

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  1. Good idea Steve. I was going to suggest a temporary sub forum or something. Cheers, Timothy
  2. Does that mean you are coming along for the ride too nightwolf? Or was that just a proverbial starting shot?
  3. I will start on the 1st of the month. And I will try to put the songs to some basic chord progressions if I can. And yes its a personal best thing. I also think it will be a good way to sort of force your brain to find new ways to be creative. I already have a couple ideas for generating topics.
  4. The parts that are applicable I take into consideration. Other things I tend to agree with. For example the songs that have just come to me are in my opinion the best. Cheers, Timothy
  5. TimmyMayes


    Thats a good point because alot of sites try to get you to buy a song but only supply you with a 30 sec clip of the song. Which is a big reason I rarely buy music online. I usually won't buy a cd based off of one cd because it can misrepresent same as a carefully selected 30 second clip of a song. Cheers, Timothy
  6. Under where you imagine yourself in the future you left out one very important option, i settled for the next closest. International Superstar Legend Extraordinare. Cheers, Timothy
  7. Not sure if this is the right place but I thought it might be if not just move it. This is a pretty good interview from a really good songwriter, Ben Gibbard of Death Cab For Cutie, The Postal Service and All Time Quarterback. There are 9 videos of about a minute each. If you can find similar interviews; video, text, audio. Post under this thread so we can get some insights from them. Interview with Singer Songwriter - Ben Gibbard Cheers, Timothy
  8. Do you just mean from a lyrical standpoint or music too? If we are talking only lyrics you are on. (with work I can write at work some but don't have much access to a guitar for the musical composition. Cheers, Timothy
  9. A few metal guitars B.C. Rich - The Warlock B.C. Rich - The Bitch B.C. Rich - The Two Faced Bitch Ibanez - Iceman Cheers, Timothy
  10. When searching for an ear training program I came across a guy who has around 50 books on many aspects of music. Many of his books are used as official text books for the Berkley School of music in New York, I think its THE school for Jazz guitar. He focuses on jazz it seems but he has books on ear training and general thoery too. I picked up his book on ear training and the New York Guitar Method Book one. Its a comprehensive book. I have jsut gotten into it. He goes into lots of chords, scales etc. And its not just hey here is the scale. Its a workbook so you have to fill out tons of pages with scales on both fretboard diagrams and musical staffs. Whats really cool is that he isn't one of those people that tries to teach you by patterns. He is very against it and focuses instead on you learning all of the notes. Whats really cool is I had some questions on the content on his books and where I should start so I sent him an email. And I got a response within an hour, and this was at like 6pm Pacific time. He recommended me 4 books to start and didn't just say buy these and start here. He explained why I should use each and told me after I got them to email him and he would give me a training schedule. Which he did. Its been busy around the holidays so i havne't really thrown myself fully into it but I am quite excited. Haha that probably sounds like an infomercial but its really just an extremely satisfied customer. The full on text won't be super cheap but I think it will be quite comprehensive. I am really sold on his ear training method and ideology. And his level of customer service really is unparrallelled. Any who here is a link if you are interested. Muse-eek Cheers, Timothy
  11. I think good old B minor is my favorite. Other than that I really like chords formed with the root and the 3rd and an open 5th, root or 3rd. I have far too many songs that utilize that chord pattern. Cheers Timothy
  12. I don't really like my voice much buuuut. I have just started singing and have ZERO idea when it comes to pitch. I'm so all over the place its not even funny. So I like to think of my voice as underconstruction. The more i've listened to it the more i've accepted it. One day I'll get a recording up so you can all hear my mediocrity. Cheers, Timothy
  13. I found this set of warmup videos for singing that have helped me alot. You may know all this I am a complete beginner and didn't know any of this. Part 2 Part 4 Cheers, Timothy
  14. TimmyMayes


    Agreed if the current system collapsed music wouldn't die it would just force a padagrim shift in the distribution methodology. Cheers, Timothy
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