1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?
I sing, started taking lessons formally a few months ago.
I play piano since age 16, self-taught
2. Are you in a band or bands?
Not currently. During university I was part of a class charity cover band for a couple of years. I sang and on rare occasions played keys.
3. Do you write songs?
Yes, both lyrics and music. I'm a member of SOCAN.
I currently don't have a writing partner but I'm certainly open to collaboration and have written with other people in the past.
4. Do you record your music?
Yes, I've recorded one song with an indie producer. Otherwise I just record in my bedroom using an interface, my keyboard as a midi controller and cubase.
I've posted some of my stuff on various social media platforms but mainly:
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ready-player-one
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkuQTfwMFGyHmng8mnC0E-g
5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?
6. Are you a tech head?
No, wish I had the skills/knowledge to be one.
7. What country do you live in?
8. What are your ambitions?
To write some good music that people can connect to and hopefully perform it live in front of an audience beyond my close family and friends.
9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?
I write poetry. Used to write short fiction but haven't had time for that in over 10 years. I also play video games. Way too much.
10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?
A community to share my original work and get some honest, constructive feedback and to gain exposure to other original works.