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Richard Tracey

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Status Updates posted by Richard Tracey

  1. If anyone is interested I have just updated my website. New coat of paint and a mailing list for future updates. I haven't been around much as I am trying to sort out things before the release of Beyond The Veil on 31/03/2018.

  2. Ok, big push coming up for the new EP. Release date is 31/03/2018, but can be preordered as soon as it's up on all the music platforms.

    There is a video on YouTube that I will be pushing as well.

    Would really appreciate the SongStuffers help with this one. Cheers

  3. I think I have just written what has now become my favourite song of mine. Still needs some tweaks, but it sounds so good.

  4. Feeling really excited for this new track I started yesterday. Hoping to spend the day working on it. Need to get lyrics done as they are just ad-lined at the moment and the start and bridge aren’t there yet, but it is already sounding epic.

    1. john

      Awesome. Looking forward to hearing it :)

  5. I will be releasing my first single on 1st December 2017. It is called Heroes and will be released via CD Baby to all the usual outlets.

    I am hoping to have it played on an internet based radio show on the 29th November, so thought the release a couple of days later might help.

    I have updated my website and I am using Twitter a lot more, so please join myself and John, Mahesh etc over there.

    1. Peggy

      Congrats Richard!!! Good luck and I'll be looking for your newest music!!! 

  6. Tried out the Lite version of Abelton Live 9 last night as it turns out I had a copy!!!

    After much shouting and swearing at the screen, I think I started to get the hang of it, although for recording audio it is a pain. Some nice sounds in the Lite version, but feel the full package would be much better as it is lacking in choice.

  7. Far away

    in a starless sky

    a young man stands

    with the question why


    why are we here

    And whats to be done

    before it’s all over

    and the world is gone

  8. Teaser video for my first single is now in the Showcase Video section. Feel free to have a listen. Cheers

  9. If anyone is interested, I have now managed to finish a song. It has been mixed and mastered and has been listened to about 50 times since I got it back today :D.... will post a quick teaser video soon, as still trying to decide on what to do for the actual video for the song.

    1. Richard Tracey

      Video has now been added to the Showcase area:D

  10. I just wanted to say, that I am not reviewing and critiquing at the moment, as I am trying to focus on my own tracks and every time I listen to a song a member has posted recently, I have got a fresh batch of inspiration and written more of my own songs. To stop this happening, I have made this difficult decision. I hope to be able to get back to this again soon and appreciate that you still comment on my own topics. Cheers R.

    1. Peggy

      Yay, me too. Focus.  All the best on your songs. 😁

  11. I've realised after listening to some of the tracks from the new The National album, that I would work really well in a band environment, as I can think of all of those elements, but don't have the ability at the moment to create what I hear in my head. A band could do this as I would just need to tell them what I hear and they could create that sound/melody/drum pattern etc.

  12. To quote Bjork:


    "It's oh so quiet"..........

  13. So annoyed. Just realised one of my favourite songs I have written was mostly done with the trial version of Blue II, which I hoped to buy at some point when it was on sale. The track doesn't play in Logic now as there is no sound as the trial has finished, but I want to,do this as my next single, so had to go and buy Blue II now!!!!

    1. Richard Tracey

      Yeah, I was going to buy it when it was on sale. I still managed to get it for about £20 less than the normal price, so wasn't too bad.

  14. Hi all... apologies if I haven't responded to any of your comments. I have posted on a couple of topics, but haven't done anything about my own stuff.

    Just to say, I lost my dad last week. It was unexpected and a bit of a shock and I thought I would deal better by taking myself away from my music (as I normally write sad, depressing music;)), but in reality, I feel like I needed to express myself and work through this with my music.

    I will respond to any comments you have given me, but bear with me as I work my way through them.

    Thanks R.

    1. Peggy

      So sorry for you and those close to your Dad. 

    2. Richard Tracey

      Thanks guys.. always crap when this happens, more so when it is unexpected and the person is still considered young.

    3. symphonious7

      My wife lost her father last year, so sorry to hear that my friend.  I'll be praying for you.  

  15. Sorry guys, I am going to be off the site for a little while. I had a really shit couple of days and I need to get my head together before responding to anyone or posting.

    Its true what they say.... life really is a bitch.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. starise

      I hear ya. Bad days don't last forever. Chin up. Don't give up. Best to ya.

    3. Peggy

      Time away and we'll see you when it's getting better☺ All the best.

    4. Just1L

      Always good to take a break, sounds like the reason isn't the greatest though. Wish you well.

  16. For anyone interested I have added a track to Servus's topic - Not Good Enough. It just came to me after reading the lyrics he posted. Please have a read of the lyrics and let me know what you think of the work in progress track. Cheers

    p.s. Servus doesn't know about this - so apologies...

  17. In case anyone wonders what my profile picture is, it is something I was mucking about with earlier trying to come up with a logo idea. It is the J and S of Jigsaw Sequence.

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