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Nathaniel Selway

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Nathaniel Selway last won the day on March 2 2018

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1 Follower

About Nathaniel Selway

  • Birthday 11/07/2000

Critique Preferences

  • Getting Critique
    Any and All
    Give It To Me Both Barrels

Music Background

  • Songwriting Collaboration
  • Band / Artist Name
    Makeshift Locale
  • Musical / Songwriting / Music Biz Skills
    Lyricist, composer, performance, amateur production and recording
  • Musical Influences
    Folk, 80s disco and synth pop, indie rock, indietronica, electronica

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Music. That's it
  • Location
    New Zealand
  • Gender

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  1. Oh I always start with keys. I've written a handful of songs and they all have somewhat intricate melody and bass riffs, but sometimes when writing new songs I struggle to recreate the kind of thing I've done before. Now, as each key has all the different modes being based on what degree of the key scale they are on, and each mode scale plays the full key scale just starting along different degrees, are the notes not all exactly the same in each mode, the order is just what changes? (Please excuse me if this is an ignorant statement, I really am just hear to ask stupid questions so I can learn) if a riff does not start on the first degree of the mode it is composed in, how do you know it is in said mode? Thanks heaps =)
  2. Interesting!! Vocalists use it more than any other musicians I'd say. What do you play? Also, could you explain how you compose in diffrtent modes? I understand that different modes have different "feels" etc. But I heard that when composing in a mode, you do not have to start with the first note in that mode's scale. So. How DO you compose in a mode, and how do you tell what mode a riff is in? Thanks so much =)
  3. Hey!! Just checked it out and I like it!!! You guys both have really great voices!! I like your style the way the guitar was micced up so you could hear all the fret noise. I really like things like that
  4. For example, when I play bass, if I suddenly have to jump from the E string to the D or G string, I tend to think of trying to play the note with my elbow. This makes me move my elbow down automatically giving me more reach. When singing if i need to hit I high note I think of it being somewhere outside my body. Little habits and quirks you might have to help make things easier for you
  5. Hey there!! Alright so I'll start off with a biggee. Good, memorable vocal melodies? What kinda intervals and rhythms would you recommend? Thanks so much man
  6. Hey all! I'm Nate! Kinda new here! So....what are your randomest techniques and visualizations for anything? Whether it be instrumental, lyrical, or vocal. I've got some wacky and weird ones, let's here yours!!
  7. Hi all! Looks like you found my post! I'm Nate and I'm one-third of a band called Makeshift Locale! I play ukulele, bass guitar, keys, a little bit of drums, and I sing/write and I'm learning production and recording! I'm based in New Zealand and absolutely keen to collaborate with anyone, so feel free to flick me a message! I don't bite!!
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