Hi, I'm Auburn, I'm starting my career in music under the name Auburner. I'm here to ask questions, ask for critique, and share my art.
I want to explore hip-hop, experimental, and rock music. All done with punk abrasiveness and political brutality. Inspired by bands like clipping, Merzbow, Death Grips, and Boris. Yes, I do indeed have something wrong with me, some kind of worm in my brain I reckon. I'm a skilled writer and I can play guitar fairly well, as well as keys. I have a basic grasp of music theory and a fairly good intuitive understanding of my instruments, I can also sing and rap. Quite busy at the moment, and not really a good pick for collaboration. However, I may ask for some collaboration from others for my own project later down the line.
I love music for its ability to tell stories, and as such I enjoy many different genres. From hardcore, to rock, to indie, to dream and art pop, to jazz, to hip-hop, to harsh noise and industrial - I find that all these genres have important stories to tell. I do tend to gravitate to the more extreme and violent sub genres, probably cuz of the brain worm.
I'm on a low budget, and have a DIY attitude towards music. Also extremely lacking in gear. I want to learn, and as long as you're constructive about it, I appreciate all criticism.