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Everything posted by john

  1. Welcome to the forums cosmosandtears :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  2. Welcome to the forums ALOPRODUCTIONZ :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  3. Welcome to the forums Gero Gonzalez :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  4. Welcome to the forums Steveo1953 :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  5. Welcome to the forums Joergen Jensaas :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  6. Nice Mike. Nice to see some Jazz surfacing on the boards, it's been too long!
  7. Welcome to the forums pompoko :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  8. Welcome to the forums akalvarez :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  9. Welcome to the forums Jovian Scharborough :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

    1. Jovian Scharborough

      Jovian Scharborough

      Hi how's everybody doing im new to this im a singer/songwriter just trying something new...if u wanna listen to any of my previous songs check them out on soundcloud @jov schar ...God bless

  10. Hey Marshmallow! Welcome to Songstuff Remember to fill out your profile info on your about me page etc. It helps you get the most from the community in a variety of ways
  11. Welcome to the forums marshmallowduizhang :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  12. Welcome to the forums Justin Swart :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  13. I am sure we can all discuss this without it being an argument. To summarise, Sting wrote a song. He has stated that the meaning "evolved" for many of his songs. He wrote the title first for pretty well all his songs and then the song grew from there. In terms of intent, that too seems to have evolved. I scoured video interviews and found very little. The same statements he made (on video) about "every breath she takes", he also made about "walking on the moon" and "message in a bottle" In print he was more forthcoming, but equally non commital. He is a cerebal writer. he thinks deeply, and is both self-absorbed and self-admitedly very vain. Quite frankly, I don't give a toss. lol Did the accidental nature of misunderstanding have an effect? Who knows.It's like arguing whether a specific drop of water caused a flood. It's an answer no one can know. We can guess, we can reason, but none of us, including Sting, can know. What we can say is that there are various sources that cite (correctly or not) that it is a song about obsession, more than love. Nowadays that level of obsession is often thought of as stalking. The lyrics do seem to support that interpretation, but they are not unequivocal. Personally, my opinion, and it is just that, is that Sting has deliberately used ambiguity (something I use a lot in writing lyrics). Ambiguity leaves a song open to interpretation. That in itself facilitates discussion. It enables people to have arguments over set interpretations, when in fact the writer deliberately allowed for several interpretations and THAT is the true nature of the LYRIC's success. But there are many songs that are popular where no one, including the writers, are exactly sure what the song is about. Many songs where no one is exactly sure, creatively, why that song is popular and another is not. In truth a big part of it is about marketing and promotion creating the opportunity for a song to impress. Another part is undoubtedly the existing platform and the circumstance of the release. For example, with another song by The Police, "Roxanne", it was released in the UK, on the platform of the band being unknown. It went nowhere. The Police went to New York and the went down a storm on the college circuit and returned to the UK on a wave of common acclaim. They re-released Roxanne and it was an instant hit. Instant for a second release, that is. However, that is not the core of this topic. UH.UH is a relatively contestible concept as there are many elements beyond the song itself that enable the song to become a hit. But let's look at the song as the core musical platform for an UH. I will also suggest that for this topic it is best to consider the finished song, not overly examine the shifting sands of intent at the time or times of writing. What you can say is it is a very well written song. It has all the elements of an UH. A great bunch of melodies, and engaging and intriguing lyrics. Indeed the mystery and myth about the lyrics is still working it's magic today (as can be seen by this topic). On a song level I would say it qualifies as an UH in as much as anything could. But this is all subjective and, like everything else in this topic, a matter of opinion. On the subject of melody over lyrics, I think it is genre specific, so there is no fixed answer. On balance I think that it is slightly in favour of melody being more important, but as I say that is governed by genre. For example, for many folk styles the story is the important thing. Then there are rap and hip hop styles where there is minimal melody at all. Love it or hate it, that is the reality on the ground. What shapes our opinions so strongly is our primary engagement with music, our personal connection. If you mainly folllow genres where melody is the primary element, that is how you view it. If you more closely follow more lyrical domainated styles then that is how you will view it. Simple as that.
  14. Welcome to the forums Godzilasrevenge :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  15. john

    Welcome to the forums Sting :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  16. Welcome to the forums 32hertz :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  17. Welcome to the forums belfire :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

    1. belfire


      Singer,Guitarist, songwriter.Original Band Aura.

    2. belfire
  18. Welcome to the forums Craig Taylor :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  19. Welcome to the forums Alex rider :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  20. Welcome to the forums Chasoch :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  21. Welcome to the forums Victor Palacios :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

    1. Victor Palacios

      Victor Palacios

      Hi, dear Songstuff members!

      I'm Victor, singer and bassist of post-punk & western band Model Slaves from Palma de Mallorca in Spain. I'm also a teacher of English as a foreign language.

      Songwriting in English is a passion that derives from and complements my other passion and source of income, i.e. teaching English as a foreign language to teenagers and young adults.

      Until some time ago, I used to fit words into a melody. I didn't care much about the effectiveness of the lyrics and how powerful they are as the engine of a song.

      A year ago I started digging into Pat Pattison's Writing Better Lyrics and I started reviewing my own work under a new light. There were so many resources that were already familiar from my college literature subjects that I wasn't considering at all!

      Songwriting for me now is something that still always starts with a melody fluttering about in my mind. But something has changed. Now I devote a lot of time to providing an anchor to the music and intertwining both music and lyrics together.

      First of all, I need a title for the song. Then I write a short story that fits the title. Finally, I rewrite the story in terms of senses (hearing, smell, taste, touch, visual, organic, kinesthetic, psychological). Only when all this work is done do I move on to writing the actual lyrics.

      However, I don't think this is enough. There comes a point when the endless writing and editing needs to stop. When you are stuck with a song, maybe it is just because it is ripe for some external critique!

      Also, when learning the in and outs of songwriting with Pattison's manual I have been confronted with many examples of wonderful songwriting craft. As a result, I have started to pay attention to lyrics when I listen to a song, when previously I would focus mainly on the melody. Songstuff has so much to offer in this respect, because you can learn from the ways of other writers and at the same time offer them your constructive critique.


      Victor Palacios

    2. john


      Hey Victor,

      I'm glad Songstuff has it's part to play. We are pasionate about making songs be as good as they can be (amongst other things). The point is not to make every song have exceptional and exemplary lyrics, but to make the lyrics appropriate and effective. They need to fulfill their role within the song to the highest possible standard.

      The lyrical needs of a club dance song are quite different from those of a folk ballad. I used to present the case that for different genres lyrics were more or less important, but the truth is that the lyrics are just as important in both.... what changes is the function and purpose changes.

      Going back to the club dance song, the purpose is to support the simple expression of one emotion and conveying a simple but strong concept. This tends to be encapsulated within a key phrase, normally the main hook. The lyrics of a folk ballad tell a story, convey a series of compex emotions etc. The complexity of the message tends to be deeper. Both types of lyrics can reveal more on contemplation, but that is far more likely within the folk ballad framework.

      However in both cases the role of the lyrics is vital. Music is a vital emotional expression engine powering the song, but the detail is layered on by the lyrics. The combination of the two can be greater than the sum of the two parts. By that I mean that a song is a unique combination of both words and music. Both are an important part of the whole. When you combine the two a new and powerful object is created. Something that has the potential to be far more effective, far more appealing than the lyrics in isolation and the music in isolation.

      Pat's work is excellent. He's a great teacher. I am happy whether your interest and passion was ignited here, in one of Pat's courses, reading books or on your own as a writer. At Songstuff we have many articles and supporting materials, in addition to the ability to give and get critique on our works and mixing with our peers as writers. We try to build more and more value into what we offer.

      I don't do all that Pat does, and I am sure that he doesn't do all that I do. The important thing is to learn about concepts, ideas, processes and tools, that can help us create better songs, more easily and with more confidence that we finish what we start... ie creating a song becomes a more predictable experience (in terms of finishing a good song, not that the song is predictable!).

      All good.... however, on a different note... this is your status message stream.... it tends to be good for short messages about what you are doing, thoughts of the day etc. a bit like tweets. For longer personal messages I would encourage you to start a blog on Songstuff (very easy to do, just let me or another staff member know if you need help). They are both great ways to talk to an audience.

      For more general engagement with the community, I recommend using the discussion forums themselves. ie, instead of posting to your status stream, or posting to your SOngstuff blog, you create topics or reply to exisiting topics on the forums themselves.

      I thouroughly recommend making a first post by creating a topic in the "Introduce Yourself" board. Otherwise, browse the boards listed on the main community home page.

      There are loads of other features for you to explore, but the staff are a helpful bunch and more than willing to help. You can always reach staff, or other members, more privately using teh PM system... just go to their member page and click on "message". :)

      Welcome again!

  22. Welcome to the forums 12BladeFlames :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  23. Welcome to the forums Sam Evans :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

  24. Welcome to the forums chandrakant :) Please take time to make your FIRST POST to introduce yourself to our community on our Introduce Yourself board

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