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Blog Entries posted by john

  1. john
    Wow, I have lots and lots of songs to complete lyrics for! At a rough count I would say 40... that's just sad... ok writing head on, time to get some serious writing time in.

    At least 5 are only short of a line or two so that isn't to bad, and I have about 6 others with no lyrics at all, just gentle mumbles as I go through playing them and singing the melody.

  2. john
    I finished mixing I Am One yesterday. Hopefully that's it completed at long last!

    Now I get to turn my attention towards a queue of other songs in various stages of development. Always On my Mind is almost finished and Hit and Run is ready for recording. Another few very near to being ready for recording and a stack really needing some lyrics finished.

    I love writing lyrics but I don't devote enough time to it of late. Something I really need to get on with!
  3. john

    New in-depth review of AmpliTube - Fender.

    AmpliTube is a software amplifier simulator, the Fender edition providing amp simulations of fender gear including lots of classic amplifiers, effects racks and stomp boxes. Fender tested all the simulations with the tests they use on the real gear and by side by side comparison...

    Read more about AmpliTube Fender.


  4. john

    New in-depth review of AmpliTube - Fender.

    AmpliTube is a software amplifier simulator, the Fender edition providing amp simulations of fender gear including lots of classic amplifiers, effects racks and stomp boxes. Fender tested all the simulations with the tests they use on the real gear and by side by side comparison...

    Read more about AmpliTube Fender.


  5. john

    I've just written a new in-depth review of AmpliTube - Jimi Hendrix.

    AmpliTube is a software amplifier simulator, the Jimi Hendrix edition providing amp simulations of the kinds of rigs that Jimi Hendrix used including amplifiers, effects racks and stomp boxes.



  6. john
    New in-depth review of AmpliTube - Jimi Hendrix by John Moxey.

    AmpliTube is a software amplifier simulator, the Jimi Hendrix edition providing amp simulations of the kinds of rigs that Jimi Hendrix used including amplifiers, effects racks and stomp boxes.

    Read more about AmpliTube Jimi Hendrix.
  7. john
    Next session of the Music Business discussion group is in 35 minutes, 12am midnight GMT.

    Earlier session covered web presence and promotion, band management and building contacts amongst others....

    Watch the shoutbox for hot topics....
  8. john
    Next session of the Music Business discussion group is in 35 minutes, 12am midnight GMT.

    Earlier session covered web presence and promotion, band management and building contacts amongst others....

    Watch the shoutbox for hot topics....
  9. john
    The Times They Are A Changin'...

    Time to baton down the hatches is an understatement.

    The Music industry has been struggling for a long time, but too many pundits that was no real surprise. In many ways the major labels have written their own obituary, and the minor and indie labels haven't done much better. The labels, that for so long provided an investment opportunity for bands, moved away from long term investment some time ago, preferring to milk what they had and to get quick hits where they could. The resulting prolonged short term investment in most groups left us with many bands unable to develop and grow, and for their fan base to do the same.

    Some how along the way fans became more transitory, less loyal. Build in the more generally adopted mercenary approach of society cultivated in the 80s, nurtured in the 90s and a Music industry focused on exploiting every avenue they could for the minimum of investment, and their lack of vision or even common sense regarding the online music industry and digital downloads is it any wonder that our industry has ended up a poor shadow of itself.

    Perhaps it was always destined to be so, but that we should all be complicit architects of the demise of music as a viable career makes it somehow sadder.


    OK, we all know this one is going to bite hard across the board, but in recession the arts are always hit hard, and long. Some sales may have been up (reported download sales) but at the same time the sales of physical media has plummeted. Overall the total pot has shrunk significantly on the previous year. Yet still many in the industry are more focused in painting over the cracks than taking a long hard look and actually addressing the problems within the industry.

    From previous recessions we can expect them to plummet further. Live gig opportunities will reduce, and the terms that venues and promoters offer will change. On a bright note for performers equipment costs will go down, but at the same time we are likely to lose many brand names too, especially small or custom manufacturers. Music education will suffer greatly too with many private tutors with less pupils and many colleges and schools reducing expenditure on media courses, going against a trend of recent years.

    More musicians will move to semi-pro from pro, and semi-pro to enthusiast. Simple figures say that there will be less money to support an ever growing number of artists. Get used to the words "Cut Back".

    The rigid rules of yesterday will be re-written.

    Like many I look around and point the finger of blame but the truth is I am as responsible by the fact I let the erosion happen, as did we all to some extent or another.

    Time also to watch out for the sharks selling you hope in a box. They too will be desperate for money and perfectly happy to exploit your vulnerability. Be Careful!

    What Can We Do?

    Recent supposed "fan friendly" album releases have been typical of the approach of the industry for years - more of a PR exercise than anything of real worth. So what can we do?

    Well if there has ever been a time to be creative about how we conduct our business, it's now. Certainly we can learn from both the good and the and of the past, but I think the melting pot of major, minor and indie labels and publishers, artists and writers and the online industry may just forge some surprises. We may not recognize the industry that emerges after this recession.

    There's no quick fix this time. The shit has well and truly hit the fan.

    Personally, I think panful or not the business needs to switch back to longer term investment in a broader range of bands artists and writers. Without them there is no industry. Likewise the fans need to be nurtured, for without them there is also no industry. More blue sky investment too, fresh ideas create the markets of the future.

    Flexibility is needed. Creativity is needed. Dedication is needed.

    Sink or swim it's time labels and publishing houses really invested their time and money in the grassroots of the industry. It's all very well picking cherries but if you don't feed the plant the cherries get smaller and eventually the plant will simply die.

    As an individual musician I too cannot be complacent. I have to be active in the change, contribute, and try and have a positive effect on the outcome. The online industry does present unparalleled access to fans, unfortunately so much good music is buried beneath the depths of teenagers with mobile phones recording themselves singing the latest hits badly, or posting tunes created with songwriting tools for dummies, or their first tune on the guitar after a month of playing as if they were finished works. While all those may have their place the lack of discernment or options offered to members and visitors alike by online sites is leaving artists trying to move up a mountain in an avalanche.

    Artists are too fragmented. Too many remain unrepresented by any body or union, and lack the sense to realize that their strength is in working together for mutual benefit Too many don't value what they don't know. The celebrity culture encouraging a lottery chance "short-cut to fame" replacing a realistic plan.

    All that said, now is the time for opportunity. A time for fresh ideas both musical and business. A time to re-mold the industry we have at present.

    Quite how we find the energy or stamina does seem an elusive proposition.

    Rant over. For now.
  10. john
    New article posted discussing MIDI Synchronization:

    MIDI Synchronization

    It's a useful primer on the basic concepts with a little detail thrown in for those wanting to know a bit more.
  11. john
    Steve Mueske brings you an in-depth review of Power Suite 5, a suite of mixing and mastering plug-ins by Wave Arts.

    Steve's attention to detail and unbiased approach has become a trademark of his refreshing and informative reviews. Don't miss it!
  12. john
    Ok, ok it's been a while (again)....

    A new recording, not quite finished and posted for review.... Always On My Mind

    Please have a listen and leave any feedback either in the topic or as a comment on this blog entry
  13. john
    If you need to calculate a delay time in terms of milliseconds, midi ticks or number of sample this is the tool for you.

    Entering only a few basic details about your song you can generate all 3 delays (time, midi, samples) plus some additional information.


    Time, Midi and Sample Delay Calculator
  14. john
    If you are making a film or video and setting music for it you may need to calculate some common timings in terms of milliseconds, midi ticks or number of sample this is the tool for you.

    Entering only a few basic details about your video you can generate a lot of useful information.


    Frame Rate Tool
  15. john
    Please join me in welcoming 3 new moderators to our boards!

    Long term Songstuff forum members Lazz, Chokai and FinnArild have all taken on moderation of specific critique categories:

    Lazz - Jazz

    Chokai - Electronica

    FinnArild - Rock and Metal

    Each of these board members brings a lot of experience to the boards. Each is involved in running a record label and each of them are still very active musicians with albums available on and offline.
  16. john
    Thanks to Rob Hoogers for the help in adding the player!

    John Moxey Music Player

    Under the folder John Moxey / Videos you will find a video of Awaken, made by Rob Hoogers. Many thanks Rob!

    You can fin Rob's site here:

  17. john
    There's been a major re-organization of the boards in order to better meet the needs of the modern music business. This has resulted some boards being merged and new boards being created.


    Most noticeable is that the boards have been organized into 4 categories:

    Recording and Media

    These categories are available as tabbed menu items on the main forum index.

    Merged Boards

    Recording and Production Techniques and Songwriting Critique

    New Boards


    Practice and Performance



    The Stage

    Song and Recording Critique

    Sub Boards:

    Rock and Metal
    Modern Acoustic




    Other Instruments

    Recording and Media

    The Cutting Room

  18. john
    Songstuff Soundbank

    On 1st September we will be launching the Songstuff Soundbank, a collection of instrument samples and custom loops, sound FX and more... and it will be absolutely FREE to forum members.

    We will be expanding the Soundbank with more and more samples as time progresses and we are very willing to take requests.

    I hope you enjoy this new service and as ever welcome your feedback and comments!
  19. john
    Rob Hoogers (board member Roflcopter) has joined the site staff as a designer and developer. He brings a lot of experience with web technology and a very creative mind to the role. As such Rob will be producing some tutorials on making videos, plus the development of some excellent free tools/services that we hope to provide in the near future.

    You can find out more about Rob Here:


    Please join me in welcoming him to his new role!

    (apologies to Rob and everyone else for the delay in posting this announcement!)
  20. john
    We have introduced a new board... The Cutting Room

    The Cutting Room is about all aspects of making movies, though with the focus on making videos for your music. A great place to both showcase and to get critique plus tips and advice on creative ideas and technical methodology.

    Please support this board as best you can as it could be a significant benefit to our community and may just help you to make a great video for your music!
  21. john
    I posted up the first lyric I'm completed in a little while. here:

    I am one

    There's a few comments in the thread and some explanations of my reasoning, if not my inspiration.

    Please drop by and have a read, and if you feel like it leave a comment.

    Critique did bring up an interesting point of discussion. Several actually! The debate of directness of a lyric came up and the need for balance both within a lyric and across a portrfolio of lyrics. Ok, well it interests me!
  22. john
    Rohan's Glog (gig log) makes for some interesting reading:


    some good pics too, well not bad for a decent camera phone!
  23. john
    Similes, Metaphors and Allegories are essential tools in writing lyrics where the intent is to leave the lyric more open to interpretaion by the listener.

    So, I thought I'd bring together the descriptions in one place. I've reworded the best I found on the web in the hope that the meanings are clear.

    a simile states that A is like B
    A simile is a juxtaposed comparison of two or more subjects to draw attention to their similarities. Similes are typically identified by the use of "like" or "as" or "than", or "resembles". Similes are a specific and formulaic form of allegory.

    a metaphor states that A is B or substitutes B for A
    A metaphor is defined as an indirect comparison between two or more apprently unrelated subjects that typically uses "is a" to join the subjects

    Allegory is a type of extended metaphor, where objects, individuals, and actions in a work, are equated with meanings outside the work itself. The hidden meaning has social, moral, religious, or political significance, and often characters are personifications of abstract ideas such as greed, or envy. Allegory encompasses such forms as fable, parable, and apologue and may involve either a literary or an interpretive process.

    An allegory is a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning.
  24. john
    ok, for personal reason there's been a delay in my writing, but I will be taking the 21 in 31 challenge! Aaaargh I was so looking forward to it!

    oh well, onwards and upwards!
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