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  1. Donna


    +JMJ+ The 1st pro band I was with came over to my house today; an army of food and mellow blessed familiar band-mates. I's 17 when I answered their ad: Drummer? Singer? We need you! Judy (I cannot legitimately call her a "band wife" because she is always Persona In Her Own Right... - you know, just a venerable, loving presence): anyway, Judy recalled at the audition that the next auditon-ee following me could sing as well as drum: so I was asked if I could sing Oh Darlin; reportedly I said I can sing that, and "you blew everyone away." I do not remember things such. But okay. I do know they gently encouraged me to sing more and more as time went on. Those two words just try reaped a lot. Just try singing Linda Ronstadt...Aretha...Lydia Pence (of Cold Blood). Bruce (keys!) and Judy'd been onhand supportive those last weeks before the untrial... today they set up lunch annd gear while we were all still at Mass and I was so happy, thinking "these are good folk, my big brothers, my Judy, who know about life and hard times and this is a homecoming." My house (I can now report) sounded very good with live music coming out of it, into the open air and sunshine (3 other musicians showed up who've been playing w/ the guys, one of whom is a drummer). In fact it sounded so good that it seems just made for live music and I'm already wondering how soon I can get musicians here again. It was v. cool and natural, how much I relied upon seeing esp. Mark, guitarist/singer (also Bruce). Mark and I just sang pretty naturally, auto-pilot-like or mmemory wise. Ken (bass) my good friend reminded me they never would do any Three Dog Night (sniff but also cause I think it was a prissy attitude o listen to album cuts then you'll understand!) but we did end up doing Try A little Tenderness and since I's singing and drumming it, coaxed them into that version whilst we played. Bruce held it together, he and Ken. Bruce...I love his organ playing, no wonder I glommed onto Tommy as a keyboardist. Those keyboard players (and in my exp. the ones who will always stand way out are men)...they are really special. Everyone is, tho. But I'd not given much thought I guess to the connection and love I have for that sound, and the interplay with the pianist. Before Bruce was Cos (when I's 13 - 16). The most formative experiences had me playing with very good pianists and I am so glad! Not everybody is that fortunate. I wanted them to stay much longer than they could. It was like we'd only had 4 pages of musical conversation, and I wanted 2 chapters. Mark is one of those musicians who can sing and play anything - and you come to expect that. He's really (still) got it all over, the cat has vocal range and can hit the Brian Seltzer rockabilly range to the high tenor. He's a tall, lotsa-energy type and cracked me up, kinda like Dr. K...quickturnuphisampthenjumpbackintotheguitarleadandohboynowthemainvocal! The other kind of Minnesotan, who talks ReallyFast and does everything reallyfast. Ken...he's quiet and strong and plays that bass all a-round! He's the walking man, he can walk that bass, I spent many a moment and phrase and section in my youth getting excited by that walk and swell. So there he is, barely visible, head back a bit, eyes closed, lost and found all at once. Kinda like Loo...I'm so used to him and comfy I don't take the time to think about his qualities, just go, "yeah, he's great." I dunno...too much rolling around in heart and mind to write anything coherent. I am just very, very pleased about the whole situation, and I think the most pleasing was Bruce saying "you're just the same, Donna, you're older and mature and a mom, but your spirit is just the same." ...that is the one goal and thing I need, to be she who was nearly smothered from me. It was nearly 30 years ago I'd auditioned, and I think 25 since we'd seen each other or played together (save I saw Ken who met me for lunch this past winter). B & J's daughter Allison was about a 9 year old girl at that time - dig it, now a grown woman in her 30's. Got to meet her husband...oh it could go on and on - plus 3 of the guys' other children came. Oh - and the alto player, she was really good + brought a friend with her, Perry. I was wishing the neighbors et al would've come over. But it was really quiet, I think people are out of town cause I was in the street listening to the music and volume, but there were no neighbors or acquaintances. And of course Dylan and Kayla, and my oldest 2 girls were here (G'ma & G'pa took the 4 youngest). I love my big brothers!
  2. Donna

    Better Than Expected

    ...at the studio. You know how it is - 5 minutes after the session I'd no idea what was put down! If it was good or bad. Hee. Just confused. Tho my parts slapshot, I asked for a mix which Scott sent. Became a dif. session that I'd expected and we ended up doing drums on that electronic kit, the keyboard bass and some 2nd guitar. I may get part of a mix to post on the SC page, just cause. Am trying to recruit Loo to play ALL the parts, or as many as he's able but the guy is gigging left and right plus a day job...so God help me once again if I'm the slob to play everything. ((can't wait to get real drums in there))
  3. Donna

    Found It!

    I found the score! My keyboard...the children forgot about it, it's been put away a looong time but this eve I will dust it off and set UP, sons and daughters! Otherwise I've been Paul Bunyon today, a-choppin and a-pruning. Lotsa fodder for the firepit. Ain't it funny...last night I had decided that this eve I was going to re-score the bass, no matter how long or time 'n energy costly an endeavor. Woo-hoo!
  4. Donna

    Finished The Funk.

    Have learned the independence beat. Exciting, ain't used to laying off the kick drum and leading w/ left hand. Stage 4 I broke down into 3 sections. You'd never know it's the same person drumming when first begun a few days back. I am playing quiet enough to hear the metronome. Studio This weekend just Scott and I, Jeff F if he can make it. Worked on Storm intro, abotu 80% of a whole other guitar line came back to memory. Broke everything down into tiny stages and looped practicing w/ the metronome. A little goes a long way. If nothing else there'll be "good enough" of a road map for others (?) players to follow or replace my lines. Then again it may be respectable - or I could end up nailing it! I hear the bass parts in my head but my thoughts trot quickly, I can't keep up with the measures. I did the bass on a keyboard and made that damn thing respond legato and stacato when necessary. I miss my score...if I've any extra time, I will ignite myself, sit down and re-score the bass by listening to the song. I'm certain that in doing so audio memory of the bass as a whole song will fasten very strongly. I may in fact do this...then I'd only have to look at the score to play it! Audio and sight reading memory will gel / travel quickly into my fingers. I'll even remember how I breathed and moved when I recorded on the 4-track 2 or so years ago. From there I'd only have to ..."ohmmmmm"....just loop that thing and practice getting it in the groove. Certain friendships are like this: the ppl don't see each other long time, yet once they connect anew it's like no time has gone by - they just pick up exactly where they left off and vroom unto richer friendship. This is what's happenng to me on a musical level. Re-connecting like no time has passed. It did rehearsing w/ Loo and Mischke, and even the absence from drumming - I dunno I guess it's been literally cooking in the oven, sitting in its own juices - found me BETTER as a player. Now it's happening in multiple musical applications! I'm kinda freaking out on it. It's very natural, too, it feels natural having knowledge/ability I didn't have before. At least I don't THINK I had it before. Could it be possible my ears couldn't hear the truth in the past? And yet I know it's not my ears past - I know myself! And what I did before, plus what I was able to do. This new whatever-it-is must however be some sort of, er trackable phenomena. A measurable stage an artist can hit upon. I'd sure like to know how such things can come about - someone must've written about it in books. Anyway now that it's happening again (esp. w/ how my mind is wrapping itself around those bass lines), seems like I'm a lot more accepting of it. During Mischke rehearsals and the gig there was something about it which unsettled me. It was over- shadowing things for awhile there and I think scaring me. No keys this weekend! (strings or organ) - 99% sure that much I've decided. No drums I don't think til Dan is there and we have that extra man to mic my kit. ____________________ Had a spiritual awakening while at the dentist. ~St. Thomas More, it's your day good father of mine, and I am remembering you ~
  5. Donna

    Anotha Music Pal

    Well, wwll, I found the old Lynn-ster, running George Benson's former recording studio in Maui! Lynn Peterson is the guy who WAIT! This is the most important part: Remember Finn giving vocal excersizes in that thread, saying you should tape your main vocal, then add 3rds (vocally), like sixteen times? Lynn kind of did this! In some of his songs I heard recordings of! These drummers! You just don't know what you're going to get. They can be a lot of trouble - but usually very worth it, I mean Lynn could do anything. I saw him DO all this stuff from building a beautiful house to mixing anything to fixing a guitar and funny as hell! Plus he sings and writes. So anyway he -ran sound for the cover band I played w/ full time in the 80's -really good drummer /ditto singer -writer -built a gorgeous studio back in Farmington MN Lynn's Maui Studio The photos link shows Lynn w/ Mick Fleetwood and Daniel Denholm for Billy Thorpe's project (+RIP+). Tech head big time but he often reminded me of a muppet. Lanky, with very long hair, extremely animated. Exactly the same hair today but silver. One time at Duffy's in Mpls - it was the pinnacle of success in my eye, he ran up to the stage after frantically signing to me from the booth...runs up like a madman but trying to be incognito, kneels next to the kit and yells "SLOW... DOWN!!!!!!" I was so excited at the gig I just took off like a kewpie doll on speed but stone cold sober, let me tell you! That was the most disciplined I can recall being, it was an athletic endeavor to play 3 sets a night, cause the drums usually kept going inbetween songs, I rarely got to stop once we began, plus I sang lead or extensive back up. I played hard w/ 5B's and drumming gave me a good build for like 22 years after the fact of that intensive training and performance. I remember Lynn working in the below 45 degrees cold to get the heater working in one of the cars...and boy things broke and he knew how to fix ANYTHING! I have no idea how we were able to snatch him for a time there. Yeah - and when we met The Metro's 1st time, Danny Mangold reminded me, it was in Duluth, and fifty below. Ya know, in a way those cats kinda dressed like The Time - or actually the other way around, cause Metro's around before The T. It was very intimidating, plus they were at the top of their game musically as a band. I was about 19, but probly looked 14. I never knew what else to do in those nervy situations but play as if my life depended on it. I recall that night Lynn said something like, "do you always screw up the tempo THAT much?" I began taping shows from then on, I think. After the gig I'd listen to the set(s). Well anyway I shot Lynn a note, we'll see. __________ Vanity: Stage 3 this eve of the independence beat. St. 4 will have to br broken down into 2 phases. While out running in the car today, I suddenly knew that it was time to learn Out To Storm instrumentation even tho I cannot find my score. Immediately I popped in the tape and began re-learning while driving. Had that feeling that I'll end up playing all the instruments. And me knowing Jared, B3 master! Et al!! Even so...I'm almost convinced I'll be the slob to play all the parts. So tonight I worked on guitar one/intro. Memory came back into my hands. G'nite ~
  6. Cool! Got this photo today from Arlo Hennings (who is Shawn Phillips' manager 16 years now!!). Arlo self-described poet had a project called Left As Is (writer/guitarist). Double album (I didn't appear on), but played some gigs (roto toms/cymbals standing up and vocals). Cool album. One fav was the long song at the end where Arlo recited his poetry (low deep voice) to the electronic/wave music, called Victims of the Glitch. During the out, he kept repeating "victims of the glitch" - then recited "glitch...of the victims" and finally "of...glitch...victim." Reminds me very much of Dylan in the hospital during that time he explained in a very ryhthymic, slow way why there is no "light" button on the patient-call-remote, in braille. Clockwise L to R: Shelly (great writer/guitarist/singer only vox in LAI) - Pugsley (keys/sequencers) - Mark (lead vox) - Arlo Hennings (w/ 45's on jacket) - Jan Hennings (vox) - me (percussion, vox). THIS was the band that, because we'd only 3 music instrument players, played "to tapes". Ran the gammit from very cool to disasterous, in application. _________________________________________________________ Various musings and irons in the fire Links to old friends and others from the TC scene I'm into. Donna's Deck: heard the MP3 at friend - and sister of Dan Coffeen- Donna's urging, on her back deck, blasted loud and full. She was right, it sounded really good. This was about 5 days after the untrial was made so and I sat there totally collapsed, musing I'm gonna do this in the open air live - I'll need singers... Baby Tired: feel as or more tired as if I'd just had a baby. Someone said doh, ya just been thru a war. Trying to be extremely nice to myself, scaling down expectations. Looks Like I'm hosting a jam/rehearsal at my house in July. Room's boomy, kinda like Jared's studio. Will have to add rugs and/or at least cover drums with towels. V. psyched about this, it shall be with my first pro-band [ sans Hal who died... ] I hope we can get some video, I'd be happy with one good tune. It'll be the boys plus others they now play with (sans their drummer so I'll be doing those duties). Don't know if we'll do originals, but I think I'll suggest my MP3 song, and ask what do they have that's instantly send-able. Already invited a violinist I recently met...we'll see. Jeff F and I didn't video today due to a very stupid reason: sunburn! Day 4 and it's still knocked me for a loop. Increasingly in touch with circa 80's Twin Cities musicians - just keep coming across people via the Web and sending them "hey it's me if you recall" messages. Am in fun conversation with Danny Mangold writer/guitarist (pricipally) of The Metro's (Metro All-Stars), who the cover band I was in warmed up for a couple times. Danny's had some great gigs since, w/ Spin Dr's and etc; and lately had replaced Nancy Wilson on maternity leave from Heart. V. cool, he and former Metro's doing a CD and was touched he sent me a track - which is very good, very tastyHUGE and sparse in its hugeness and vice versa. + scroll down for Metro's and downloads Dusty Cox of The Metro's has growed up very big and strong...incredible, downbeat jazz awards first as a reed player in the 90's, now as a conductor of "Big Band I" at Adelaide Conservatorium in Australia. Played w/ (Prof) Darius Brubeck S. Afrrica, and Grammy nominated soloist in '95! However, I know from experience Dusty's students (and he's versed pianist as well) are probably his greatest legacy. Teachers! They are so imporant! + Dustan "Dusty" Cox True to form, the exchanges have him sharing music (live at the school I Fall In Love Too Easily beautiful and calming) and Dusty encouraging me to keep playing. So I'm reaching out right now, wanto contact La Tisha Rae, WICKED bassist and an astouding lead singer/writer formerly of Slave Raider. Tho Chainsaw was the lead singer + I'd forgotten how HUGE metal was here. It was crazy, no one could've taken in the complete scene in the Twin Cities in the 80's, it covered every genre from Metal to Folk to Gospel, writers were in profusion, players & gigs. Just the Prince/Flyte Tyme (Jam and Lewis) things alone spawned I think roughly 9 bands. Can't really count all the artists recording. Checking out Terri Owen in The Oh's who I's fortunate to know and play with + I can't find Terri playing live with them...she's the black haired rythym player. So am also spending time taking in parts of that scene I could not do when it first came around, either from being underage, and then once of age, gigging myself. One can't be everywhere at once, tho I saw many performances. Jeff F's footage of The Time and then someone's else's of The Suburbs + This is a good representation. The Time is a later version I think sans Johnson, Lewis, Harris - I dunno if it's Jellybean or Michael Bland or who on drums. Searched around and Jeff F's is the best for sheer spirit /performance, but also sound unless I missed something. They just kill it, it's great fun (I think Jerome the Valet is my fav) Old Soul Asylum, and then non TwinCitian Larry Graham of Sly and then Graham Central Station....yah-yah! Writing: I's looking at a drum tutorial for 777-9311, but before I delved into it, working w/ something in my head. To my astonishment it was about indepence (of limbs), and I was doing stuff I'd not done before. I wondered if the trauma has had my actual LIMBS in prison, cause I don't see another way to explain that I could attempt this groove, much less write it. Thankfully I've picked up another tapedeck which records "in the air" so I taped me to 104 bpm, then ran outside with the guitar (this is The Naked Song, my nickname for it cause I play a bass lick for most of it on my guitar). While taping the drumming it's actually 2 separate grooves which can be put alltogether. Tonight I worked on stage 2. I think there'll be about 4 stages of welding the dif. parts. I came up w/ a juvenile-ly simple guitar riff, two notes, REALLY happy about it (that same night). Something / anything, I am in relief whenever I meet up w/ the old/real me. I have never been an independence drummer. I guess I'm beginning to now. Just went with basically what came natural, let auto-pilot and that musical-like ecstacy take hold. Not that I didn't practice or craft things. But usually not! Drums came so natural that I let me slide as in a real playground sliding or like the bird taking advantage of the wind to glide. It is easier for me to play an uptempo jazz thing than a simple funk beat if this at all involves independence. One last: That eve I drummed then played guitar to it, at a certain point I realized that I know too much about guitar playing to say I'm not a guitar player anymore. And, after 150 years the most recent time I heard Neil Young's Old Man, I discerned the banjo.
  7. -originally posted May-something or other '09 doh Mother's Day Go down to the end for the newest youtube if ya don't wanto read all this first OK, this Mother's Day is so far v. nice...here's a secret tho that every Mother's Day the mom usually has extra mom's duties. Normally I have some crisis, children sick and so on. An extra edge to get thyself in M's Day finery w/ all the drudge going on. So some yelling in the morn! (When I must yell, or call to the children, I use it as a vocal exercize...don't know how to explain this...but in my experience, there is a way to yell or call out which can actually be a vocal warm-up or workout). Anyway, the 1st communicants were at Mass and somehow I really settled and relaxed, Genevieve was in my lap long time, holding that child listening to her breathe, listening to the girls' choir, listening to me breathe deeply... Gen is 7 and had made me a stack of waffles (fork stuck straight up in the middle of 'em), place set perfectly w/ napkin, a drink, and a card, with its dandelion atop... After Mass, Dylan, Kayla and K's mom Liz came back here for a bit. We will go on, all of the children save L. who's sick to G'ma and G'pa's restaurant dinner, and a grand welcoming home. I've a gorgeous, huge basket of flowers for mom (and I bought her two cards, cause I liked them both so much). Last year we were on the run in exile...and that was blessed, too. But this...John Joseph's memorial garden is THE most gorgeous tulip tribute, it's just what I wanted. And the gifts the children made!! Hey, I've had children in school now about 15 years, and the last few, these teachers are being renewed in the gifts they have the children make. Mary made me a tile...decorated w/ me as a little red cat-creature, her in flight in a purple dress, banishing this bad guy (a fat rock) who was trying to hurt me. Gen said the rock was "Trying to crush me". Mary's a great superhero. Like Melanie, her pictures jump off the page. Dylan's presents are now grown up...cool stick-like scent vase-thing, fine (dark!) chocolates... Jeff F's Youtube Mother's Day present to me Jeff F. left a message bright and early this morn...he'd put up Angel From Montgomery, from the O'Gara's gig. I cared more about hearing that than my own tune, and Angel was lost, no one seemed to have the audio much less footage. Take it for what it is...sound's not so hot. First time I saw it (I got the 1st view on youtube yay!) I thought it was disjointed. 2nd time I went, "Oh dear Lord, this is GREAT!" Another spontaneous deal, and you need to sometimes view or listen more than once to catch the bits. We'd just done a song where Mischke went into the audience, singing and dancing. He comes back up to the stage (after threatening Joey Beier w/ the axe) and says, "boy guys, am I tied...I gotta get in shape.." So the intro has him out of breath and the little conversation which followed. I am very happy at Loo's and mine harmonies being dead on...and most of my ad libs. This was another tune barely rehearsed. One of the best moments was near the end while Mischke and I were each totally lost in the moment, me echoing his vocal lines, and this woman appears on stage, dancing come-hither, and Mischke I don't think even saw her. I didn't. I remember that. And she had wings on, too, this woman! Little angel's wings... Anyway....Donna's Angel From Montgomery
  8. Donna

    It's Over

    Thanks a lot, Mon Capitaine! Only said I "may" be lying low...
  9. Donna

    *it's Really Over*

    -while editing my blog, some entries got posted out of order so I'm re-posting this in the order it should be We settled via mediation yesterday, 6 days before trial. I am stunned. Exhausted. Am now permanently a homeowner and single custodial parent. Cannot express graditude enough. May be laying low for awhile here, don't worry if I'm not around or am silent. This was a merciful outcome, a just outcome. Gratefully, Donna... Dahl (my name now legal) + (((Seven Dwarves))) PS:edit
  10. Mischke wanted the footage pulled.
  11. Donna

    It's Over

    We settled via mediation yesterday, 6 days before trial. I am stunned. Exhausted. Am now permanently a homeowner and single custodial parent. Cannot express graditude enough. May be laying low for awhile here, don't worry if I'm not around or am silent. This was a merciful outcome, a just outcome. Gratefully, Donna... Dahl (my name now legal) + (((Seven Dwarves))) PS: edit
  12. Donna


    See June 6, 2009 entry... No, it wasn't OK, that last series of cliffs...til the entry of June 6!
  13. Donna


  14. Donna


    V. cool you posted that, Steve. You do know it's up? Out To Storm Demo
  15. Donna

    The Mp3's Online!

    MP3 of the scratch recording we made in April 2009...if the link works! This is mix #2 After you click the link, a) find "Artist/Band page of this user:" (left side) click on my name immediately below That should put you there; the link to the page proper is broken. This is a big darn deal for me!!! Everyone on here has helped, thank you big time ~ Donna Dahl - Out To Storm (Edit) Hmm, maybe this is another way in....Direct Link??
  16. Donna


    Scott's studio I took to immediately. It's a room within a room...it felt right in there.Todd's electronic kit was among the (very nice) gear. I have a hunch I will be playing that kit again. Dan of course was there. We began w/ me playing the Seagull to the click (after we set the tempo). Then we turned off the lights when I did vocals, til I got comfortable. Jeff F. I'd asked to be there, I thought a video document of things would be nice. He did the O'Gara's footage. Soon we had all three vocal lines - first time listening to me in 3-pt harmony via really good gear, on something I'd written. I'd heard in it in my head long time, but never on a good recording (unless I'm not remembering something Loo and I did previously). I LOVE Three Dog Night and all I can say is I'm not disappointed at all and that 3-pt is worth the wait. In about 2 1/2 hours we had this nice scratch (which Dan says is more than a scratch). I'm shocked it's all me. Those guys were so nice, 3 really experienced good guitarists and I'm the one doing the guitar! Jeff F. was fiddling w/ the acoustic and man did he sound good. The cat from time to time plays his saxaphone about midnight, out on the golf course. Dan seemed even more horrified than last time about not getting in the song's way. And he cautioned me from doing the same. I need time and distance to know what I think of the recording thus far. But I'm seriously thinking about posting it, as we go along, just for whoever might want to follow it. Maybe that would be a good way for me to follow it, just enough of a remove, being thru computer speakers from a music server site. I show up expecting to drum - I haven't played guitar in weeks. I thought they'd be playing it. Ulp. Then Dan and Jeff said my style of playing reminded them kinda Neil Young. (My style? I didn't know I had one). I said Dan what about you playing on it (today) he said you've got the feel of it, Donna, you are the one to play this thing. OK what am I learning time after time, in these music situations esp the past year, from rehearsal w/ Mischke, recording w/ Jared, O'Gara's, the Latin Mass Choir, solo cameo and today? That it'll be OK. I never feel prepared, even when I have time to prepare. I gotta let that go. The other thing I learned [today] was all the time I've spent recording w/ my 4-track, and before that with two casette players just in the air, has been THE best education and preparation. For everything. Doing just that has helped for every type of situation as listed above. So I'm really glad I follow my intuition and tangents. Squeal!!! Gotta little recording done too-day.......... PS: here's a link to something Jeff F. sent me. It's beautiful music and I was amazed at how calming. The very colorful art Jeff does via digital something or other:
  17. Donna

    Zooom! (my New Life)

    Wow... The day Kayla was received I began a(nother) new job. It's a wholesome enviornment, physical work but not overly taxing. In a word, perfect. I really like it! The miracle is to have obtained an understanding place. The litigation duties alone, when it's hot (cause things ebb and tide) have made it impossible to seek a regular situation. Plus the children (when a virus goes thru six younguns...thenthe last ones who got it pass it again to the 1st, oy)... Throw displaced homemaker and recession into the mix and it was a tall order to fill. The work is temporary and etc; but there's a chance I'll be retained. We are getting close to the end of the b-days - there are four in 6 weeks' time, always during Lent and then Easter. But a lot of fun! And often double celebrations of some sort (the day of, then the weekend party). I'm liking the children's choice of school friends very much. A couple of them - my children, not their friends - wanted different hair (esp Anna, whose locks were looong) and they love their new styles (which I cut). This is a good sign, the freeing and trying on either something new or what they knew they wanted. The tulips I'm now free to plant, are coming up...my lost baby's garden came up first. Next fall I'm going to triple the amt. One child's bike is fixed, the other I'll get to. Sewing alterations into between day job, and therapy for all six children who absolutely deserve and need the support etc; We cook and clean house practically every day. We often have visitors. Plus Dylan and Kayla come by every weekend. In a few days I go to record with Dan and Scott. It's good I know the 8-parter so well, there won't be a lot of time to rehearse or practice w/ b-day week and new schedule. I'm so glad I know how to mentally practice, and that I've some driving time in my regular day. The car is where I often worked on vocals, and for sure on listening to mixes when I was recording on the 4-track. There are several versions of the 8 parter sans vocals, so I can work on the 3 vocals parts in the car. Yeah...I'll be ready! Gratefully yours!!
  18. Donna


    Whaddaya call cheese that's not yours? Nacho cheese.
  19. Donna


    Kayla is 19; I've known her a couple years now. She is Dylan's girlfriend and we've been there for each other through some rough times. Also for joys. Today was one of the greatest. Kayla was received into the Catholic Church this Maundy Thursday, and I was her sponsor. I'd never before witnessed the Old Latin Rite reception, but I couldn't help thinking back to my own (Novus Ordo Rite) 15 years previous. The same Padre who I took "convert" classes from, had as first confessor and was received by, was the priest whom Kayla took convert classes from and was received by. Father also baptized Dylan many years ago. ( Unfortunately "185" couldn't be there due to work ) Thinking back to my reception, and thinking back to the past April. [One year ago in exile w/ 5 of my children, having fled my home...Dylan had fled some months previous, very soon after his discharge from Children's hospital. He and Kayla took many buses to faithfully visit each week while myself and the younger children were in the shelter...that meant everything] Kayla'd asked me to be her sponsor. She looked beautiful and had a burgundy veil. Her mom met us for the reception and Mass afterward. Father was different yet just the same. For the Old Rite, we went into the sanctuary, very close to the altar. Yes, this is the church the other Padre has been restoring. Believe you me that marble floor was incredible up there, and what a compliment to its marble altar. I couldn't believe my good fortune in being there. Kayla's voice, begun so softly, soon became loud enough to hear - the total lack of guile, the love, the complete going-for-it-even-tho-I-don't-know-what-it-all-will-mean. This is the young woman I have come to know, admire and cherish. She was so happy her mom came. Her mom got to meet other who also have come to know and love Kayla; always wonderful for a parent to see their young adult child favorably beheld. Kayla was so lovely... beauty within does shine the greatest. And Kayla's mom looked gorgeous! At one point Liz had to run to the car and we giggled w/ glee, admiring the stiletto heels and the clack-clack-clacking. Wow - I'd never seen L. so beautiful. It was High Mass. I listened closely (the choir is largely not visible due to the height of the loft)...along w/ the men, were those women or boys? Some of the evening Masses are chanted male only. When I realized it was women, I wanted to run up there. I cannot recall last time I sang w/ them, many months. Now I'm a single parent, w/ four daughters to monitor or instruct as regards the missal, so chior is on big-time hold for me. Tonight tho I was sans young-uns. I didn't wanto ditch Kayla, her first Mass as a Catholic! I asked God for direction and a moment later whispered would you mind if I went up to the choir? She smiled radiantly, no, go for it! Yes! Up there again with Dr. K (his shoes ON, his clothes immaculate...huh? Taking chances, chanting as he played organ, conducting us acapella...Jim Mils that great singer present; the stalwart regulars whom I scandulously take for granted but am always grateful for, always feel a certain safety and more with; the young girls, and one of my alto-teachers (she wouldn't know that but she is). I sighed deeply within. I have really missed chanting, missed the Latin propers especially. I've missed the ployphony, and the good long warm up of just hitting my stride after about 45 minutes of singing. At one point I was discouraged - a short alto among tall people trying to throw my voice that long way to the front of the church...then I took a psychological breath and elongated my frame, while sinking roots deep below the loft... to the ground floor, thinking of my old 17-year-old-mentor who aimed for a spot far away to throw her voice to. That's what I did, yes, amidst so many voices around me I could not hear myself (why was it chaotic in that way tonight? Probably the full moon). But that's another thing about the liturgy - the liturgical music with its especial purpose, its melodies, chant, the Latin language - all these work together to right any wrongs. And at some point (I've witnessed it time and again), the group will get onto a better track, which finally did happen. I sighed deeply again, thinking of Kayla and beautiful Liz down there, the peaceful joy of goodwill in those who love Kayla being present and my having been so close to the altar; and unfortunately me having to leave early from Mass. I checked the time. I'd just hit my singing stride, at the 40 minute mark, wanting to stay the next 45 minutes; then for rehearsal afterward. Like Treebeard drinking long, slow draughts. I finished up with the Offertory Propers and the Miserere., then ran for home, veil flying. Kayla! Squeal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. First Meeting So we met at The Black Sheep , sitting in the car, for Dan to hear via cassette my little song. There is a thread about this song on the Recording Studio Forum; specifically how a novice should go about recording 8 parts on an analogue 4-track. That was great fun, sometimes very difficult, but I learned a lot. And yes, I did eventually score all three guitar parts. I think it's actually an eleven-parter, 3 vocals and 8 instrument lines. Mike Loonan had done most of the music parts on the cassette I had and I couldn't bear to be w/out them (but couldn't get him to play again, he was in baby exile). It took a great deal of time to [learn to] score again - Mike's 2 guitars, bass (man he's all over it! mainly through what he doesn't play), strings. I did also score in a kind of tab form his hammond-like keyboards. I have versions of as far as I got w/ it, learning to eq w/ the bouncing and all the rest. It took only a week of e-mails to get together w/ Dan and put out feelers how we were both thinking of things. I gave him a tape of the Loonan version, the my-version (sans vocals), and a snippet of what I think of as the song's climax, right before the out. That part I used to have vocals on, but as I crafted anew Loonan's version (based on my original version), I came up w/ both lead string and lead organ lines, and took out the vocals completely. I wanted Dan to have that part highlighted as a supplement. To me, those four measures are the song. Sigh. It was really like talking w/ a producer - I mean someone very knowledgeable as a player, as a writer, who above all didn't want to step on my stuff but wanted direction from me. And he said this outright, and again affirmed it. At one point I asked if things were weird, was he expecting something he could stretch out on, cause this is NOT that. And you could tell, the cat was kinda horrified - "no," the big D said, not for him to intrude, but to help me make...my song and my deal. He told me in his experience the 2 methods at disposal, basically track by track getting that riverbed of rythym section down, and going back to dub or going for it live. Dan said the feel is the most important thing to him, he wants to understand, to capture that. I told him about that great book on producers (and he recalled Tony Visconti's last name where I didn't - one of Bowie's bassists and producer). I said Dan, from the heyday of Motown to Visconti, those producers interviewed said it came down to one thing: performance. So he's got the tape, and as soon as I locate the score, I'll send it - or bring it. If you recall, I'd sat in w/ Dan's band (the electronic drumkit) recently. The other guitarist (Scott) is apparently the engineer guy for their home studio and I found out we're all 3 free the same time of the week. At one point I asked, "will you play?" "O Sure, whatever you want." "Guitars! Bass! Keys?!" I ventured. "Yeah, whatever you want." He told me his thing, in case it applied, is to lay off playing the song a couple months, then rehearse just to refresh right before recording. We talked about the pros of doing live, the freshness when people are excited and the song new, and how one can get lost in overdubbing getting it just right. He again said he thinks feel most important, even at expense of perfection. As perfectionistic as I can be, this is also my philosophy and work ideal (I think - kinda depends). Naw but it's true. The energy has got to communicated, whatever that energy is - calm, jubliation, melancholy, whatever. That's an essence of someone's self. It's your mom's homemade pancakes, or the smell of her brewing coffee in the morn, hearing her tinkle w/ putting the dishes away and the nice greeting. The recording, if it can communicate something so natural as that... I had a very good day with this meeting. Then I got some more seamstress work, which I can do at home, working with some beautiful garments. Cleaned the home and reflected on how my homemaking stuff has bloomed. And the variety of musical situations and musics Dan has played over the years. He's another real-life example of someone started out young, becoming really full and rounded, simply through just doing music through life as time goes on. It is a beautiful thing, a worthy thing. Oh! And my tulips are coming up. I planted a memorial garden for my baby lost...and his flower stems just appeared yesterday.
  21. Well I tried. The newest Quicktime file stuck like the others. I was able to get one of the (now) five files to stream - and Steve taught me this option applies only to my computer. Seems the streaming has a shelf life of about 18 hours - today when I tried the stream, the file "vanished". So I have three vanished files and two stuck ones. Therefore I'm done with Quicktime for now and will find an open window elsewhere! And PS: The main thing is I got to hear it...for that I'm really glad.
  22. Just sent Steve a message asking how I can send him my (3rd) quicktime file - before it vanishes again! I have great confidence if I can get the file into Steve's hands, all shall be well, no disappearence or any marring will occur. I'm posting this note as a sort of accountability factor to simply get stuff I've done out there (recalling Lazz "audience wants to identify w/ artist's struggle" against my Scandanavian perfectionistic streak). And finally throwing in here the CD Baby guy's cool outlok: What might happen if I...?
  23. Hey Steve ~ Thanks a lot. My apologies for delay in reply. I'd love to send it - a weird thing happened, tho, the quicktime file disappeared (which I blamed on the children); JF sent another, and it too vanished. I wrote him several days ago asking for an alternative file... we'll see. Why did the file vanish, I wonder? I clicked the desktop icon, the tiny window w/ JF's "movie" came up, which was promply replaced by a larger quicktime screen w/ Mr. T and A-team and all this shyte. I clicked edit or file or something, then open, then "recent" which listed my song. Clicked on it: "file not found". That's what's happened twice. Is there a time limit on the file?
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