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Posts posted by Steve

  1. You have a whole room for gear? lol


    This is my small corner of the dining room! I use Cakewalk by Bandlab. Only recently decided to go down this route after many many years using Cakewalk and then Sonar. For audio and midi input I have an M-Audio Air for the PC, and an Arturia minifuse 1 for the laptop for when I'm away from home. I use Cakewalk on both. Behringer B1 condenser, mic, SM58 mic, Blue Lava acoustic, Gear for Music semi acoustic, Line 6 Pod, M-Audio Keystation 49 MK3 midi keyboard (tucked away under the desk), Aria strat, Antoria, LP, Cheap Chinese bass from ebay.  It's all a bit of a mess, there are 4 songs on the go in this photo. all I need is more time than I have right now! (don't we all? :) )


    I have tried 5 times to attach a photo of my gear, with no joy! I shall try again later. 




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  2. Having just spent some time in a studio recording a song, at a cost of £40 per hour, I'm not surprised that this is a big benefit of home recording. I am fortunate that I was able to record all the music for the track in question before entering the studio for all the vocals. In our case, there were 14 vocalists, plus a few children on a separate occasion.  I can't record vocals at home. Far too much extraneous noise! Which includes my lovely neighbour, who is in her late 80s and enjoys nothing more than playing the keyboard quite loudly! Bless her. Long may she continue to do so. Also, when I start singing, the dog always feels like adding some harmonies. Sadly, he's rubbish at harmonies, and singing in general! Plus, there is always somebody in the house! Or the washing machine is going. Thank heavens for midi. :)


    This is the track in question! 


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  3. That's a great question. I haven't written anything for many years, but all of a sudden, I am back writing songs in quite an intensive way! And curiously, I am imagining what the song will sound like with a video, and what the video will look like to accompany the song! I have never done this previously, and am not quite sure why I am doing it now? Maybe subconsciously, it's all the YouTube videos I watch and am inspired by! I know that listening to a song on YouTube that has a static photo attached is somewhat disappointing! I think it's almost expected that a song will have a video. Maybe that's what is in the back of my mind! I think it can actually help in the process of laying out the foundations of what you want the song to be.

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  4. Hmmm. NOt a lot appears to be happening in here! Which is a shame. Cakewalk is a fantastic DAW. I have used cakewalk since version 3 I think?  It took a leap of faith for me to go from Sonar producer 3 to Bandlabs Cakewalk, but I'm glad I did. It's a fantastic piece of software and it's FREE! The backing track for my (our) latest release is all produced in Cakewalk. Vocals added in the the studio at Jamtrack records, Torquay. 


  5. We did make local radio yesterday here in Torbay (UK) :) A few of the band spent the afternoon talking to the host and getting our song played!  :) 




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  6. Funny you should ask! I've been writing some songs! :) Teamed up with a mate who is in a band and we've been penning a few songs. With a possible shot at some local radio plays later in the year! 

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  7. We now have people hunting down imaginary pokemon. If they are the ones buying music, what chance is there?


    Personally, I think there is some great music out there! If you start looking for it on mainstream radio, you'll never find it! Get out and see some bands. That's where the music is. In the pubs and clubs. The way we get music has changed. I don't see there being a return to the days when bands like the Beatles , the Stones, The Kinks etc were the norm. The industry has been by passed to a large extent! Now we see bands promoting themselves via live gigs and merch stands at those gigs! It's only TV 'Talent' shows  that try to perpetuate the past! And it's only the likes of Simon Cowel that reap the rewards for this instant gratification! Real music lovers still buy the music they love, whatever that might be? (Including death metal) It will always be there. AS stated above, stop looking for it on mainstream radio and hunt it down yourself! 

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