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Everything posted by Steve

  1. My sentiments exactly Tom. I don't visit like I used to, But I still have a strong connection to Songstuff, and I'm happy to help out when I can.
  2. Steve


    Is there a tea room yet?
  3. "And there are people all around me, struggling to make ends meet, while those who are responsible are living down on easy street" Ray Wilson. - Easier that way
  4. Lately, you`ve seen the best of me, maybe, i`ve nothing left to give! Ray Wilson, Wait for better Days
  5. "Forever, is a long way. Forever, takes your breath away!" It's getting to the point. ELO
  6. I know everything! It's because we're identical twins!
  7. Were any rancid Vicars harmed in the making of that post?
  8. I feel cheated now! i genuinely thought there was a box of goats!
  9. I think that is incredible! So much going on! How much concentration does that take? Pretty cool sounding song as well! :)
  10. First band I ever played in, I didn't even know the difference between a major and a minor scale? We played covers, and I just learned the chords, and the guitar solo by listening to the records. It wasn't until I met a guy in the local music shop who was looking for a few gigs, and I invited him along to jam with us that I learned any music theory at all! He didn't read music, but he taught me quite a lot in the way of scales and chords that had 7ths and 3rds, and timings. And how to write out a chord sheet to follow a song. Here's one I found a few days ago! Which was pretty easy to read on stage!
  11. Can't get any links up at present. Everything too busy! Phil Taylor, ex Motorhead drummer dies age 61 From fast Eddie Clarkes facebook page 'My dear friend and brother passed away last night. He had been ill for sometime but that does not make it any easier when the time finally comes. I have known Phil since he was 21 and he was one hell of a character. Fortunately we made some fantastic music together and I have many many fond memories of our time together. Rest in Peace, Phil!'
  12. Singing songs and drinking wine While your eyes played games with mine
  13. Just tried it and not ringing any bells here either!
  14. I've spent the last 43 years tweaking my tone! Never could get it right!
  15. 6 K? Blimey! I'd want the car for that money!
  16. Damn! The best I can do is this!
  17. I'm the handsome guy on the right Mahesh! I was quite surprised to look at the photo and discover my mate (Rudi) had been replaced with an old vagrant! It was a fabulous day out playing some lovely guitars! And wearing some outrageous headwear!
  18. It costs me small fortune trying to discover what size hat you will turn up with!
  19. I would suggest that any future work be protected by sending only a sample of the finished track, and the full download on completion of the transaction. I'ts a sorry tale when this happens. Ithappens all the time in other businesses, so I guess it's no surprise that it will happen in this trade as well! Sorry to hear of your loss, and I hope it doesn't deter you too much.
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