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Everything posted by TapperMike

  1. Re Crowd funding. Not that I've had money to invest in anything major. I've been involved with quite a few projects (chain restaurants) that went belly up. Investment is always a risk. From that link Tom offered stating: That's small potatoes compared to business investment. Re Bitcoin: And how were these same illegal financial activities performed before bitcoin? Banks using US dollar as currency exchange. I hate to get political here but. Remember when the US government stated they were going to track the money supply back to the source for 911 and they never did? They didn't even try, This was long long before the advent of bitcoin. So Banks which handled transactions for outrageous fees are no longer able to profit on drug, weapons, insurgencies. I'm sure they still do. Meanwhile the banking industry has gotten worse and worse for consumers. A buddy of mine and I were speaking of banks the other day. He started to mention all the limitations, penalties and charges. I thought I had it bad. The reason why I maintain a regular bank account is... payroll checks, IRS, It's a nuance and a half. It's easy to see how people get sucked into check cashing, quick loans. If I could move money around with bitcoin the same way as I do Paypal I'd be all in. Bill pay, atm, money transfers. All much more secure then traditional banks with none of the hassle.
  2. Trust me, it matters not the brand. I've gone through cars like doan's has pills. I always catch them on the way out. Maybe I'll get a year or two at best from one. I've had my fair share of boats too Pontiac, Olds, Plymouth, Mercury, Lincoln. The bigger the car the shorter the lifespan. ( at least with me)
  3. Yep circumstances change and not always for the better. But hope springs eternal. My point in buying the last car was to... get another job where the pay is better. Sadly I got lazy. Also I wanted to build up my resume a bit more. If I stay at my job for at least a full year it will look better then simply cutting and running. There is a ten year gap in my cooking experience. That saturn I had was as stripped down as a car gets for simplicity with the exception of the ecm. When I purchased the car (even now) I'd see them everywhere. Same SL2 sedan same year. There is an identical one to mine parked at the apartment building directly across from me... As well as behind my building. I see about 10 of them a day on my walks to and from work and to and from the grocery store. I haven't had a Honda yet. I did have two Nissans. well Datsuns to be precise. One was a '72.5 (the .5 is important) pickup. That thing was terrible on the road. A small orange pickup. Even looking past the holes in the floorboard which forced rain and snow back up at me as drove. I put a car engine in the bed to keep the weight down and that didn't even help. There were times I'd be sitting in the middle lane of traffic trying to make a left turn and not getting a lick of traction due to black ice. The killer was.... Once upon a time I went to a Christmas Party at my Great Aunts. It was in the hills. Lost control of the truck and used a tree for braking on the median. The cops showed up, were real nice and had me wait at the station till my father arrived. When I hit the tree It broke the idler arm. So no problem I'll simply have that replaced and a few other things and be back on the road. This was back in '79. All the auto parts stores and repair shops even datsun dealerships laughed in my face. Parts stores just said it's foreign we don't deal in foreign parts. The dealerships said they didn't carry parts for a truck that old nor could they get them. Here's the kicker. Back in 72 Datsun produced two different trucks under the same make / model. The 72.5 had a different idler arm then either the 72 or the 73. The truck sat for a year looking for the part. Meanwhile someone else who had the same truck wanted mine for parts. Which is how it finally went. As for the '74 Datsun B210 it had lousy compression and a very rough transmission. Lasted me... 6 months. Back in 86. With regards to small cars and highways.... I've found that.... my Subaru wagon (pre outback), the Saturn and my Cavalier were quite nimble. the "mid-size' sedans such as Chevy Corsica etc on the other hand were sluggish due to putting an undersized engine into an oversized car. Heavier cars have given me more issue than lighter cars.
  4. The last one was cheap the next one will be twice the price and still cheap. I don't have the credit to buy or lease. All said I spent as much as I would have for a lease with the exact same end value.
  5. Well that car didn't last long. The head blew. It's cost $1500 for a repair which is more then I'm willing to spend. As well other issues developed along the way (exhaust, struts, brakes) Too much to throw good money after band on. I'm waiting a month before doing anything. Good thing I didn't by that Variax guitar I wanted or the Kurzweil PC3
  6. Bruce Springsteen - Prove it all night
  7. @Mahesh I pay all of my online bills via paypal already. It's more secure and the payment goes through faster than my bank. There is a huge scam that banks do which often leads to monthly shortfalls and overage charges of which I can't get into depth about here.
  8. Thanks Tom. I was writing a long reply and now I've cut it in half Aside from purchases both online and via my paypal debit card. I use paypal to receive income from my job in tech support. As well I use paypal for various other uses. I can see it working for me when dealing with my siblings. We often buy in group for presents. My Dad's birthday or Christmas gift. Or other things that we all invest in. We've been doing this since we were kids. Here's a prime example where it would work for us. We are planning a family reunion in September. One sister will check for accommodation pricings So we can rent a large house for all of us to share rather then a hotel. The rest of us contribute to the cost by sending her the money. The sister who is organizing this lives in Florida most of the year and travels extensively. Other sisters live in other states. As well extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins) May also want to join in. Renting a 10 bedroom chalet is not cheap. Everyone who wants to go can chip in via PayMe to her whether they have a paypal card or not. And because we're all relatives we can use it for no charge transfers. We are expecting a larger then usual turnout this year. All my siblings, all my nieces and nephews. As well as many aunts, uncles and cousins from across the US. With PayMe they can either hitch onto my sisters plan for more rental houses / lodging or they can coordinate their own arrangements.
  9. Anyone using the new PayPal PayMe page? https://www.paypal.me/Chrysler I'm curious to what others think as opposed to the old "buy" or "donate" buttons
  10. You need to use the full url rather then the short link. Copy from the address bar at the top of your browser.
  11. I'll experiment later today. Yamaha has a Steinberg license for ASIO which limits it to 48K and it's a yamaha soundcard (essentially) that I'm using. The internal soundcard is a realtek. Regarding adding effects later in the production cycle. Way back when I was one of the first in Michigan to own a Roland VS 1680 in Michigan. It was a big deal back then. The built in COSM effects and the ability to add them after recording was something that astounded me. Though it was a little strange getting used to. I talked to a friend of mine who owned a local guitar store which didn't carry any damn digital recorders about it. He laughed in my face and told me no serious musician/engineer would do such a thing. This wasn't just any schmoe. He was a highly regarded jazz guitarist who had graced the cover of Jazz Times and had a long list of albums self produced. He kept up on all the latest technologies and for the most part loved everything new. He'd chide me about the feature from time to time as I'd come into the store for strings or to check out guitars. We were good friends. He'd come out to see my shows and I his. A few years later Fostex came out with the same feature on their multi-track recorders and he praised it to no end. Turns out he was really only upset by the fact that he wasn't an authorized Roland dealer. Everything he couldn't sell he didn't want and would express to the customers that said item was crap. It was a small store so... If he had to buy 10 Les Pauls to sell one he'd go on a rant about how he hated Gibson and the inferior quality for price etc.
  12. I enjoyed the track. Though I do agree about the harmonies.
  13. I truly could believe what you are stating except for.... Using the same Steinberg ASIO on the same Yamaha THR as a soundcard produces entirely different results on my Windows 10 machine then it does on my Windows Vista machine. Vista should be the sluggish one, not win10
  14. The pignose has lasted me since 1986. Prior to that I had another pignose which dated back to '76 Durable critters.
  15. It's funny you mention latency. I bought a Dell desktop with windows 10 pro. It's got tons of ram and the latest i7 processor. The midi latency is atroucious compared to my older AMD quad core running vista. Something's amiss. On the new dell it doesn't matter if I'm running Steinberg asio, asio4all or waspi/direct either via the hdmi, the built in soundcard or my Yamaha THR all in one amp/soundcard.
  16. Seems like a likeable guy. I had to go scouring youtube after your link. Great stuff. Every acoustic guitar I've ever had has gone to hell in a handbasket. I finally gave up buying them. People always look at me funny in the park because I'll bring an electric guitar and my pignose.
  17. Let's just move forward All Of Me , Frank Sinatra .
  18. Wow some great stories. I don't see concerts anymore. That died for me during the late 80's though I wish I'd seen Steely Dan back in the 90's I rarely go to bars as well. Between financial strains and alcoholism the only reason for me to go is prolly to meet up with an old friend who's still gigging. I much prefer the free concerts in the park. 60's through 80's cover bands. They actually make more money doing the parks and rec cuicuit then they would in bars. What's more is it's only a two hour show. The audience is all ages. Though mostly +40. Wixom / Walled Lake is strange with regards to listening habits. The kids (teens/twenties) still listen to classic rock. And those that do play instruments still work out their chops on Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Stones, Beatles and earlier works by David Bowie. Until just recently I'd worked with this 17 year old girl who plays guitar, mandolin and ukulele She'd play songs like Going to California by Zep and Rod Stewart and the faces covers. Damn well, I might add.
  19. Many just ran out of money. Kenny Loggins for example. He didn't plan, he didn't save. He honestly thought his life would be living out of a van. He finally went back to performing so his kid could go to college. The expensive ticket concerts are mostly older artists who until recently were all playing at casinos. It's hard not to go out and play when you are looking at all that money still to be made. http://ultimateclassicrock.com/expensive-concert-tickets/ They weren't pulling in this type of money in their prime.
  20. Alice Cooper could prolly retire. He's actually a lot healthier then many rockers younger and the same age as him. He's had a life of...working out and no drugs or drink (I know it sounds crazy) People like that need an audience. Les Paul retired in the 1960's after his accident. It wasn't about the accident. The music industry didn't want him anymore and he couldn't get any gigs. He'd tinker around with various inventions after the sound on sound and multi-track but many of them didn't catch on. Still he had enough money to live as he wanted to. Then Chet Atkins pulled him out of his early retirement for a few years. He would do shows and make the late night tv circuit. Then he retired again. Even though he tried to stay active his health was declining badly. Oddly the thing that got him healthy again for his last ten years was going back on stage. I'm not a fan of LP's stage presence. He's often snarky and kids his fellow bandmates. My running joke about the rolling stones back in the 70's was that they should really retire "Satisfaction" from the set. Mick Jagger could get all the satisfaction one man can handle. Stupid Rich, Beautiful wife who would host orgies on Sunday when not touring and when he was on tour he'd have guards snap polaroids of girls in the crowd from which he'd choose to bed with.
  21. I already have some understanding of notation. I can sight read though, Not at the speed I used to. I want to broaden my skills on the linnstrument with more of a foundation piano like approach. Sure I've dabbled on the keys before. I'm not afraid of learning things again in a new way. Also... please refrain from classical music. I'm more interested in pop/rock/country approaches to the instrument. Thanks
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