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Using Existing Lyrics With New Melody In A Worship Service


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My church has a song that has been sung for years. The words are amazing, but after years of singing it the song is about to be retired. Out of love for the lyrics, I found myself oneday come up with a new melody for it that my friends seem to really like. My worship pastor heard it and wants to use it in church services. Because we all love the lyrics, the new melody is simply a surprise we'd like to put into our services.


I'm not looking to make any money off of the new melody, and for license reporting purposes we would just turn in records saying we'd used the original song in our serivce.


I have questions that I hope someone here can answer:


  1. Are we violating any laws by using the existing words with a new melody in a worship service (does section 110 of the Copyright Law allow us an exclusion)?
  2. If we need to, how would I go about getting permission to use the new melody?

Thank you!

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When was the original song written?


Copyright exists for the life of the writer plus 70 years. Maybe you won't be stepping on a thistle after all?


Can't help with Section 110 as I'm not a lawyer nor where you are, I doubt. However if you know who the original writer is you could write to them or their publisher. As yours is a non-profit organisation I doubt you will have any problems, but that is a lay-persons' opinion, not a legal one.



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When was the original song written?


Copyright exists for the life of the writer plus 70 years. Maybe you won't be stepping on a thistle after all?


Can't help with Section 110 as I'm not a lawyer nor where you are, I doubt. However if you know who the original writer is you could write to them or their publisher. As yours is a non-profit organisation I doubt you will have any problems, but that is a lay-persons' opinion, not a legal one.



Exact time period depend on nation.

As Kel says, if you have the original author's name you could recaps contact them and seek permission.

Where are you based? USA would be my guess.

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