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List all the guitars you have ever owned


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Finn and Hari expressed an interest in knowing about what guitars everyone has )or, more likely, telling everyone about theirs! :D )

But anyway....

Should be interesting to see the variety. So I'll start

1. My first guitar was my sister's spanish guitar. You woud have thought I would have learnt to fingerpick on that, but it was the days of punk so that was discarded pretty quickly.

2. Then I had a cheap Japanese Gibson SG copy and a 5w practice amp!

3. After that I think I got my first 'proper' guitar; a black, jumbo, acoustic - an 'Eko', I think. I had it for about 6 years and sold it. Sweet tone but the action wasn't great.

4. Then I had another Japanese copy of a Srat that a friend had added a third pickup to. Rubbish. Sold it.

5. Then in 1984 I got my current Yamaha FG365SE electroacoustic. I think I paid about £200 for it then. I still like it although the electrics these days are far superior so its days may be numbered.

6. In 2000 I bought an American 1960's replica Fender Stratocaster in Cadillac Blue. The real deal ( I bought a Marshall 2x15w practice amp too)

That's all. I own only two guitars now, the Yamaha and the Fender.

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I also started playing with my sister's spanish guitar, it was an "oregon" brand, made in chile I think.

then bought my first electric which I still play, a Pearl custom (sg shaped),

I also have a 6 string acoustic made by Lito Benito who used to work at Taylor guitars as a luthier where he made guitars for people like Bon Jovi...

I had a black Ibanez with a floyd rose and extra jumbo frets, very good guitar, but I sold it to buy a fender strat plus with gold lace sensors, a lsr rolling nut and locking tuners... sold it too.

It's strange, beacuse of all that guitars the one that feels and sounds better is the pearl custom, the only bad thing about it is that the neck weights a lot so when you're playing the neck tends to go down... and you have to rise it with your left hand, so I normally play seated with that one.

I want to buy another electric, but I don't know which one or when! :D

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1: I started out with my sisters' girlfriends guitar when I was around 6

2: When I was 7 my mum and dad bought me my first guitar, a classical guitar and sent me off for 4 years of classical guitar training. Listened to a lot of Steve Hackett stuff and picked his classical pieces.

3: When I was 12 I earned some money, "borrowed some" from mum&dad and bought a black strat copy with a Peavey 10w combo. Genesis' Three Sides Live had just come out, so I learned that by heart (not that Michael Rutherford was ever a very advanced player).

4: I got a job in the railways at 18 and immediately took a loan of 80.000 norw. kroner to finance a home studio. Bought an 8 track fostex with mixer (R8), an Amiga 500, a lot of mics, cables, and stuff and: a Hamer Custom guitar that I fell in love with (costed 14.000 KR back then - divide by 8 and you've got the Euro, roughly). This is my favourite eletric guitar to this date.

5: At twenty - something I bought a Jasmine 6 string - sounds nice, plays nice.

6: In my twenties and thirties I was given quite a lot of guitars from my sisters, mother-in-law, here & there that needs to be fixed up. They are still in the basement waiting to be fixed up. Among them is a beautiful Hohner guitar with ivory fretboard ++

7: At thirty four, after stopping smoking for 6 months I could afford a Squier 5 string bass guitar for my smoking money.

Next guitar purchases:

- A new classical guitar I have fallen in love with (but need to save up for it first)

- A 12 string

- A mandolin, ukulele, sitar, banjo or whatever else stringy I can get my hands on

- A steel guitar maybe

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My first guitar was borrowed from my neighbour. It was a spanish guitar of indeterminate origin. The body was split right the way around giving the whole a 'bellows' effect. The action was so high, it was impossible to play anything above the third fret and playing a 'G' chord sounded out of tune. ... I loved it!

I started work shortly after this period in my life and quickly saved up £12 for my very own classical guitar. It is a 'Kent Valencia' and I still have it! It still plays well but the tone is not very good although at the tim, I thought it was the bees testi!

Shaortly after this, I bought my first electric guitar which was from my friends mothers mail order catalogue. I think it was a 'Hondo' Les Paul. It was crap and I promptly sold it.

The next was another Les Paul copy but I can't remember the make! Might have been a Jedson...? Sold that in favour of a CSL L6s (Les Paul type guitar) I remember that as a lovely guitar to play. Had it nicked!

Next up was a Fender Telecaster deluxe. Cost me about 4 weeks wages at that time. Most expensive piece of firewood I ever bought. Kept it for about 3 weeks and then swapped it for...

Antoria Les Paul copy. That was about 27 years ago and I still have this guitar now. It plays beautifully and I would never get rid of it!

Encore Accoustic bought about a year ago. Needs new strings.

Aria STG. Strat copy. Bought for me for Christmas. Plays well sounds pretty good considering the price tag on it! and looks very cool leaning against my computer table...

The only other guitars I've owned were two accoustics. Both of non descript origins and tones.

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Holy crap, I've owned lots of guitars

I started with a Hondo Les Paul copy

Since then I've bought:

Gibson SG--89 copy of a 69, excellent

Yamaha 12 string acoustic

Dean Explorer model

Crippled V that a Friend made

Backpacker Martin (present from my BRO)

Ibanez S series (6 string electric)-- my favorite right now

Ibanez 6 string acoustic

I know how to buy guitars, not sure how to sell them

Getting quite the collection

and that's not counting Basses

FUN STUFF [smiley=bounce.gif]

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I started out on a cheap Alvarez acoustic - not a very good guitar. Tone was horrible.

Then I got a Fender Stratocaster which I still have but don't play all that much. I just prefer acoustic.

At some point my dad picked up a red f-hole Epiphone electric - not sure of the model. But it's a decent guitar - Has a fuller sound then the Strat - better for rhythm playing.

Then I got a cheap Martin acoustic - again not sure of the model. It's an OK guitar, not spectacular. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd get a job to buy a better acoustic.

Mainly, however, I play my dad's Martin D-35. By far the best guitar in the house.

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  • 2 years later...

1/ Echo solid bodied electric. No idea what model it was supposed to be. Never saw another like it before or since. It was ancient by 1970. It had 4 pickups and a whole bank of pickup combo selector buttons (there may have been about 18 of these). The button bank looked like something off an accordion. It had a white pearl effect face and the neck was slightly bowed. NO LONGER HAVE IT.

2/ Yamaha steel strung acoustic. Can’t check the model of this either as it is at my house and I don’t live there anymore. It is an ‘F-something’. For the last 8 years it has remained in open C tuning. I bought it around ‘71 or ‘72. STILL GOT IT.

3/ Fender Stratocaster. Classic sunburst & with maple neck & trem. Used it for about 25 years. Loved the sound, hated the way it played. Part X’d it for the Jackson.

4/ Fylde steel strung acoustic. Bought this from the luthier (Roger) at that time in Kirkham Lancs about 30 years ago. I spent the day with the luthiers playing all their ‘imperfect finish’ models. Had lunch there. By the afternoon I had chosen a Rosewood back & sides model, which is now in need of a little restoration. Today these guitars now go for some serious money. I wonder what mine is worth? STILL GOT IT.

5/ Charvette solid bodied electric. Floyd Rose bridge. The budget Charvel. Bought for ‘fun’ This was the lightest most perfectly balanced guitar I ever held. Shame about the sound quality & cheap pickups. I had intended to replace the pickups but was persuaded to sell it to a friend. Asked him to give me 1st refusal if he got tired of it. He got tired of it and forgot about me. NO LONGER HAVE IT.

6/ Washburn solid bodied electric. Floyd Rose bridge. Cheap enough but has terrific tone and action. Hardly used much now as has only 22 frets. STILL HAVE IT.

7/ Jackson Soloist XL. Solid bodied electric. I disabled the Floyd Rose system by means of a lump of wood to secure the bridge. Almost perfect in every way. WILL NEVER SELL IT.

8/ Camps nylon strung Spanish guitar. Bought recently. It is a PIG to play but has a beautiful tone. I have hardly played another guitar since getting it (gigs notwithstanding). STILL GOT IT.

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  • 3 months later...
  • Noob

Wow, that's a tough one. Here's my current list, and then I'll try to remember one's I've sold.

Brice violin bass(LH)

Epiphone EB-O bass(LH)

Epiphone Flying V bass

Epiphone Rivoli bass

Epiphone SG Jr. guitar

Epiphone Supernova Union Jack guitar

Fender Jazz Bass(LH)

Fender Squier P-Bass Special(LH)

Fender mandolin

Gibson EB-2 bass(Stereo)

Gretsch Synchromatic BassVI(LH) 6-string bass

Hamer B12S 12-string bass

Hammertone electric mando-guitar

Hofner 500/1 V63 reissue Beatle Bass(LH)

Ibanez ASB140 bass

Ibanez Jazz Bass(LH)

Jerry Jones Longhorn Bass

Jerry Jones Longhorn BassVI 6-string bass

Jerry Jones Master electric sitar

Kona acoustic bass guitar

Phantom "Nigel Special" bass(LH)

Phantom BW Teardrop Hollowbody Bass

Rickenbacker 340 guitar(LH)

Rickenbacker 4001CS bass(LH)

Rickenbacker 4001S bass(LH)

Rickenbacker 4003 bass(LH)

SX Jazz Bass(LH)

SX Jazz Bass-Fretless(LH)

SX P-Bass(LH)

Steinberger L2 bass(Previously Owned by Dee Murray)

Used to own:

Hamer 12-string bass

Fender Precision Bass

Fender Jazz Bass

Rickenbacker 4001

Gibson EB-O

Gibson Les Paul Triumph Bass

Hagstrom 8-string bass

Hondo 8-string bass

Oscar Schmidt 8-string bass

Jerry Jones 6-string bass

Epiphone Viola bass

Epiphone Viola bass

Epiphone ET-285 bass

Kay bass

Hagstrom Swede bass

Fender Bass VI 6-string bass

that's all I can remember.

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Wow, that's a tough one. Here's my current list, and then I'll try to remember one's I've sold.

Brice violin bass(LH)

Epiphone EB-O bass(LH)

Epiphone Flying V bass

Epiphone Rivoli bass

Epiphone SG Jr. guitar

Epiphone Supernova Union Jack guitar

Fender Jazz Bass(LH)

Fender Squier P-Bass Special(LH)

Fender mandolin

Gibson EB-2 bass(Stereo)

Gretsch Synchromatic BassVI(LH) 6-string bass

Hamer B12S 12-string bass

Hammertone electric mando-guitar

Hofner 500/1 V63 reissue Beatle Bass(LH)

Ibanez ASB140 bass

Ibanez Jazz Bass(LH)

Jerry Jones Longhorn Bass

Jerry Jones Longhorn BassVI 6-string bass

Jerry Jones Master electric sitar

Kona acoustic bass guitar

Phantom "Nigel Special" bass(LH)

Phantom BW Teardrop Hollowbody Bass

Rickenbacker 340 guitar(LH)

Rickenbacker 4001CS bass(LH)

Rickenbacker 4001S bass(LH)

Rickenbacker 4003 bass(LH)

SX Jazz Bass(LH)

SX Jazz Bass-Fretless(LH)

SX P-Bass(LH)

Steinberger L2 bass(Previously Owned by Dee Murray)

Used to own:

Hamer 12-string bass

Fender Precision Bass

Fender Jazz Bass

Rickenbacker 4001

Gibson EB-O

Gibson Les Paul Triumph Bass

Hagstrom 8-string bass

Hondo 8-string bass

Oscar Schmidt 8-string bass

Jerry Jones 6-string bass

Epiphone Viola bass

Epiphone Viola bass

Epiphone ET-285 bass

Kay bass

Hagstrom Swede bass

Fender Bass VI 6-string bass

that's all I can remember.

Ah a mandolin player. I bought one recently myself

So many bass players on this forum that it's good to meet another mandolin player

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Steinberger L2 bass(Previously Owned by Dee Murray)

As in Elton John bassist?

Fine player.

I play Honky Tonk Women with friends and my bass playing is very very influenced by his playing on 17-11-70 or whatever the album is called.

As an aside - Elton John always had some wonderful players on (especially) his early albums (up to Madman album). There is some wonderful bass playing on Elton John album by Herbie Flowers on a string bass with a wonderfully recorded sound if I remember - "King is dead" or something

(Didn't realise he died years ago until I just looked on Wikipedia - I agree with the view that they were a good rhythm section with Nigel Olsson being a good drummer. probably Elton's funkiest time)

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  • 2 weeks later...

No-name nylon-strung learner guitar from Argos (still at my parent's house)

Marlin electro dreadnought, surprisingly good, but SOLD

Ovation Applause, tinny and awkward to hold, SOLD

Epiphone Les Paul Sunburst, put me off 'heavy' guitars for ages SOLD

Epiphone Riviera Cherry Red, Kent Armstring pickups, coil tap & Bigsby added, the first guitar I ever felt a connection with, feedback monster, still got it

Garrison G20-CE electro-acoustic, great guitar used on every acoustic track on my bands last 3 CDs, have written many songs on it,definitely a keeper

Fender Stratocaster Plus USA Black, in bad condition, I rescued it, now my FAVOURITE... this was the start of an obsession with Fenders

Line 6 Variax Black, did not cure GAS! still got it for the 12 string sounds though

Fender Jazz Bass Std wine Red, still got

Rickenbacker 360-6 Jetglo, couldn't afford to keep, so SOLD for a

Rickenbacker 330-6 Mid blue, which I SWAPPED for

Rickenbacker 330-6 Jetglo, still got it

Shapelywood, electro mini travel guitar, but I didn't travel anywhere so SOLD

Fender Roland Ready Strat, couldn't handle the technology, so SOLD

Ovation Celebrity electro, modified with contact mic & humbucker for live looping, takes a beating, still got it

Yamaha Pacifica 112 Natural, got a good offer so SOLD

Aria Grand Auditorium acoustic, put a 3-way pickup in it, hated it, SOLD

Line6 Acoustic Variax Natural, bought cheap in USA, great for (almost) silent recording, still got it

Fender Telecaster Thinline 69RI Red, reluctantly SOLD after lots of recording

Fender Telecaster Thinline 69RI Custom Crimson, installed Lace pickups and fancy switching, 2nd favourite gigging guitar, still got it

Rickenbacker 620-12 Mapleglo, did not use 12-string enough so SOLD at a good profit

Fender Roland Ready Strat Black, OK with the technology now! Fitted Lace Sensors & piezo bridge, still got it

Fender Telecaster Blonde aka 'Input Device', in bad condition, I renovated it, added hot pickups & phase switch, GAVE IT AWAY to a friend

Fender Telecaster Custom 72RI Black, great guitar with Lace Sensor & humbucker, still got it

Squier Stratocaster Black, MIJ, bargain, SOLD at profit for

Fender Jazzmaster 62RI MIJ Red, unreliable so SOLD for

Fender Jazzmaster 62RI MIJ Sonic Blue, SOLD because of the band's 'red guitars' policy!

Fender Jazzmaster 62RI MIJ Red, SD Antiquity pickups... this is my FAVOURITE gigging guitar

Martin J15-12 Mahogany, such a lightweight & resonant acoustic, added Fishman pickup, still got it

Rickenbacker 360-6 Red & Black, very rare colour and needed lots of TLC, a keeper

Squier Jagmaster MIC Silver Sparkle, project guitar, just finished fitting a Sustainiac system, now amazing... definitely a keeper

Fender Roland Ready Strat Sunburst, was cheap, SWAPPED for

Fender Jaguar 62RI Shoreline Gold MIJ, lovely guitar, but not a JM! SOLD, for almost as much as...

Fender Jazzmaster 62RI USA Black, renovated it, 2nd FAVOURITE guitar, will keep it

Steinberger Headless Black (travel guitar for when I can't take a full size one, hot SD pickups, coil taps) keeper

Art & Lutherie Dreadnought electro Crimson, super bargain, still got it until I find a decent Martin or Taylor

Gibson Les Paul Studio Copper Top, a decent LP at last, with coil tap & Sperzels! Still got it

Danelectro Baritone 59RI Limo Black, odd but very useful, still got it

Fender Jazzmaster 62RI MIJ Olympic White, just bought it cheap (will use for alt tunings)

Phew, didn't think it was that many [smiley=rockin.gif]

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Well, my first and still only acoustic, guitar is a Casa Erviti (Never heard of 'em! Maybe i'll try googling now :P) Which was given to my Dad when he repaired musical instrumetns for a living. he fixed it up with a really nice action and tone - my guitar teacher I had over the summer remarked on it, how ever It has been repaired with fibreglass twice after my lil' sis got hold of it :S

Other than that I have an Ibanez Blazer Custom, 1984ish, which i got with a huge tube amp. sadly, at the time I was knowledgeless and let my parents sell the amp :'( I still wonder just what i have lost...

And for my 18th my parents got me an Ibanez JS100, which i fell in love after merely sliding my hand down the neck... Playing it just got better :) Only problem is that it's black, so shows up my greasy paw prints!


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