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Suggestions For Improving Songstuff


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Hi gang

What do you like that is already here that you would like to see more of?

What do you dislike that you would prefer to see less of?

What is not here that you would like to see represented?

All suggestions are very welcome. :), please be as detailed as you can. We can't promise to fulfill your request, but we will give it serious consideration. Sometimes suggestions conflict or we cannot implement them for another reason.

Don't worry if you see your suggestion in a previous post. It is very useful to us to get an idea of the number of people who back a particular idea.

Thus is the ideal place to help shape Songstuff into the kind of place you want it to be.



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  • 2 months later...

Moved here from the Song Critique section..


I would prefer to see two Forums instead of one for Song and Recording Critique.  One called "Song and Recording Critique (with vocals)," and the other "Instrumental  and Recording Critique" - I realize there may be some ambiguity here ..an 'instrumental piece could have vocals in it, but the focus is not about the vocals - and I think most people who post here would be able to make the distinction pretty easily and consistently.

Yes, it may be semantics, but this is a pretty important distinction for a site that names itself "Songstuff." I for one am not really interested in critiquing instrumental pieces; I joined this site to become a better song-writer, so I find it to be a bit of a time-suck to listen to something for a few minutes only to find out that it's not really a "song."  It's getting to the point where I simply don't even bother to listen if I don't see lyrics posted.  One of my options is to indiscriminately post "I would love to give this a listen; please post the lyric."  I have actually done this on occasion, but I'm afraid my patience gets stretched at times. Some posters are pretty good about tagging their posts as instrumentals, but the majority are not, and the way things are set up, I don't know that it's fair to ask or require them to appropriately tag their offerings.  It would be no different than requiring someone to include a tag that indicates that the music has a lyric.  And though it might be easier for me to just open every post and cut and paste my little message into every one that doesn't have a lyric, I'm pretty sure that would not be well received by some.

Thanks for reading my rant.  There.. I feel better now.

Edited by M57
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  • 1 month later...

Hi all. This doesn't have to do with the SongStuff itself, but something I noticed on Facebook when I posted the site link. The screenshot is below:


I noticed the text in the placard was black and white and was cut off, I was thinking if it was more aesthetically pleasing, it would help get peoples curiosity, and get them clicking. It may sound like a nit-pic, and I don't want it to, it was just a thought, because for me personally, presentation can get me clicking, so I thought I would throw out the suggestion.
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Thanks... do you know what area of the site it was for?

Hi John, it was for




I have recently met up with quite a few musicians, and some are on a very professional level, so I was just thinking of ways to entice them here. Anything for my home site.

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It's on my to do list. You may have seen the server go up and down, showing mysql errors connecting to the database. This had been because several times during the last two weeks, we have been the victims of both a DDOS (distributed denial of service) attack to try to use brute force to hack the site or take the site down. At last we seem to have a possible solution in place. Time will tell how effective it is. We are looking to use server admin specialists to improve server stability, starting in a week or so. This will also free myself and Mahesh up to a degree, which will be very welcome! We'll see how that goes too!

We have a newsletter going out on Wednesday, and I have a few bits and bobs to do for that.

I should have some time to look at this issue on late Monday / Tuesday. I don't imagine it will be too hard to fix

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Oh I see, yea I noticed the server down a couple times this week....This is actually no big deal about the placard, I just thought eye candy on Facebook posts might help get some peeps to check us out is all. I know you are very busy with the site, and much more complicated issues, especially DDOS crap...Server admin specialists, should be a big help for ya hopefully

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  • 4 months later...

I'm assuming this is the Suggestion Box.


Suggestion #1 - This Forum needs to be easier to find - It took me forever. Or a Forum really should be started called Suggestion Box. Burying it in a folder called "Site Stuff" is not working for me.


Suggestion #2  - I realize this is a bit reactionary on my part because of a particular current poster on the site, but I think there should be a forum for "Completed Songs." For one, I'm thinking it would be great for those of us who initially submit to the Critique Area to be able to share/archive the mostly completed work in a separate forum, but my primary thought is that this could be a place for people to post songs for which they are not necessarily looking for critiques, but would like to share.   Yes, there is a 'setting' in the personal section that let's you specify your willingness to accept critical comments, but as far as I can tell, there's only one place to post songs - In the Critique section - and there's a disconnect there.  We'll see how it pans out if things remain as they are but I'm worried that the Song Critique section could be inundated with posts by people who are simply pushing their fully produced songs.  I'm already worried that it is having an impact of the willingness of others to share recordings that are "of lesser quality," but are much more appropriate for he the purpose of the site and perfectly acceptable for evaluating content.  In other words, it can be intimidating seeing pro work posted with no intention of considering criticism.



Edited by M57
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Thanks Mark. There is a forum for completed songs. in fact there are two: Showcase board and the Musician's Lounge. Critique only applies for works in progress, otherwise I class that as a review (that is my interpretation).


What I will do is ammend the rules displayed at the top of the critique boards pointing at the two boards and explain it is for finished songs. The board descriptions do explain this already.


As for your Suggestion Box idea, I'll get that sorted out. We used to have a board of that nature, but it was lost in the shuffle. It was actually a sub-board of Site Stuff.

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One thing I get a kick out of here is finding out what the next description for my Songstuff rating will be when I reach the appropriate level.  [Yes, I'm easily entertained by such things.]  Are there any levels currently built into the system providing for one's Songstuff rating description beyond "Cult Following"?  I've been stuck at that level for quite awhile.  Is there a new description at the 1000 point mark?  Damn it - when do I become a full-fledged "Godhead"?  Being just a cult leader has gotten so old.  <heh-heh>   :)


Geesh Dave, just couldn't wait until 1,000 to find out huh? Well, I'll spoil it for you. "Lactose Tolerant" 


So, you need to decide if that's the label you want now before you continue to help people. You'll have that tag until 1,500. :)

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