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On 1/28/2017 at 3:42 PM, Pahchisme Plaid said:

Exactly!  on all counts!  I can tell you the moment my husband walks through the door if he's in a grumpy mood even before he says anything.  He gives off this grumpy vibe that radiates right into my being.  It was the same way with my mom and dad while I was growing up.  It affects me something awful! I had a friend I dearly cared for, but I had to separate from that relationship because she called me EVERYDAY sharing her relationship problems and her symptoms with her health.  I began to have all her symptoms.  It got better when I put space between us, but I do still care for her very much.  I just can't be sick for her.


Interesting isn't it? That a person can tell another's general mood without an outward indication. We probably know our spouses better than anyone else. Maybe that's cheating :) How about total strangers? I picked up a hitch hiker last week. I don't always do that. We rode together for maybe 20 minutes and one of the first things he asked me was if i was a 'believer'. I think he had narrowed his odds because they might be more likely to do something like pick up a hitch hiker. I could read him like a book.He was only asking to see how easy I was. If you say yes to his question, he starts the God talk. If I had said i wasn't a believer he would have talked differently. He started a story about how he was taking care of his mother and needed to get out of the house. I immediately picked up on how tense he was, even though he tried to mask it. I am sure he was looking for some kind of a fix, either alcohol or drugs. He was clearly lying to me. I didn't let on to him I knew all of this.

The clincher was when he asked me if I could"spare a few bucks"..  I'll give a man a sandwich, but I'll NEVER give a man money if he's looking for a fix. I politely refused him. It only took me about 5 minutes to see how really shady he was. If I had given him money he likely would have asked me for something else. Oh, and I was ready to knock the hell out of him if he tried to do anything to me. Tough love.

You mentioned the types of people who pull your energy down. It hasn't happened lately, but I have had a few people who wouldn't leave me alone when I was a kid, so I understand that dilemma. They do pull us down. Then there are the people who listen to us and use that info as gossip. Humanity is a beautiful thing.

I have one person who regularly shows up to talk and we are almost polar opposites. He comes around after work. I see him coming and I'm thinking to myself, " oh no" , but it's a good thing in small doses. We have a little talk and I'm glad we spoke. I need slowly warming up to the social spectrum ;)


On 1/28/2017 at 3:42 PM, Pahchisme Plaid said:

This is me completely!  Sometimes I forget to eat until my body reminds me (or my husband calls to remind me).  I hate to stop what I'm doing in the middle of it!  I am no longer a good multi-tasker.  I was, but I had some health issues that impacted that significantly.


Sorry to hear of your health issues. Women generally are better at multitasking, or so they say. Something always seems to come around to interfere with me getting much done.

This is why if I'm really serious about a thing I almost need a day off in the house alone, then the phone rings or the dogs bark etc. I can't win.

On 1/28/2017 at 3:42 PM, Pahchisme Plaid said:

I am just the opposite.  I would prefer to just write and make melody.  If I HAD the skill to do music, I'm sure I would love that, too, but to play and put chords to a song on guitar is a beginner skill for me, I can't yet do what I want and when sometimes I can, it takes forever for me to do in comparison to the time it takes me to write. Plus if I am unable to practice what I've learned on guitar, It just goes badly and sometimes I have quite the stretch where I am unable to practice.  Got three kiddos, work, keep house, paperwork, bills, write songs, (sometimes have to etch time out for that) and I'm not a super-energetic person, so sometimes practice falls by the wayside.


You might do well with a program called " Band -In- A - Box". You simply type chords and a style in. It does the rest. Sometimes abbreviated online BIAB. I'm an instrumentalist first. I need to rotate practice on several different instruments and sometimes one slips and I get rusty on it.My kiddo's are grown. I did attempt a 1+1 recently uploaded as" Sweet Destiny". A first grader could have written the lyrics. I actually thought of the lyrics while I was playing it. I'm a little reluctant to admit that.

On 1/28/2017 at 3:44 PM, Pahchisme Plaid said:

Haha....Maybe I should put up a picture of an ugly old troll!  Hah!  That would be funny.

Don't do that. We already have too many ugly pics up. :)


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Didn't intend to tickle your trigger there Rob. I was just trying to help the lady out. It would take me a really long time to steal all the thunder, and that's only if I were really trying to do that.

The pit wasn't a competition to 'win' in my mind.  I only had an opinion and it wasn't competitive, at least for me. Most of those opinions still stand. I haven't lost anything and I haven't gained anything kapesh?


From now on the thunder is yours oh great poobah :)


I don't mind thunder, it's the lightning you might want to watch out for ;)

Edited by starise
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Will you guys please stop fighting. I'm so tired of going to read something and there you two are going at it, name calling and trying to … oh wait … you guys aren't fighting. Wait, you guys aren't fighting?!?!?! 


Happy New Year Huck and Poo!

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It wouldn't be the same without you guys here. Happy new Year.


Only 11 months left. Better get crackin'.


14 hours ago, RobAsh15 said:

Gawd... please don't call me that! Fate or Karma or something will bite me on the butt and that bloody moniker will stick.


I was just funnin' ya, Tim. You are still my Huckleberry, bro.


Peace and long life.


It was intended in an 'affectionate'way'. I won't call you that any more iffin' it bugged you. Poo seems   less threatening. ;)


I didn't say that though, It was Cuddly Plums. ;)





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19 hours ago, RobAsh15 said:

I was just poking him for fun.


I felt where you poked me. Ouch!!! :dancingstick: What did you use there?

Remember  facebook pokes ? 


You've been poked by Scooby Doo.  Who is Scooby Doo? Would you like to poke Scooby back? Nada....well ok maybe. Will he feel anything?


Apologies. It's Friday and I'm silly.


Look at the effect we have here on women :)  PAHCHISME took out her pic and ran the other way. 





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On 2/3/2017 at 3:03 PM, Pahchisme Plaid said:

I didn't run away.  I took the pic down because I realized that the public could see it and it can now be googled.


Glad to see I didn't scare you away. Out of curiosity I Googled my pic and since I have a very common name, my image was lost in a sea of internet fluff. My name appears beside a few articles. That's about it.  :) If they're after my bank account they'll need a lot more than my pic :)  I DO see your reasoning though. Can't be too careful I suppose. 


17 hours ago, Rudi said:

My personality has been deleted. I need a replacement.

 Deleted? Ouch! I hope you find one  you like.


Rudi. I'm fairly convinced you're the one behind the console.


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29 minutes ago, starise said:

Rudi. I'm fairly convinced you're the one behind the console.



I'm not an American. Nor even an American from outer space.


However your welcome to continue to think of me as a lost, without wit or judgement, and now with a melon head. Everyone has to climb into a ill fitting skin to register on your radar man.

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4 hours ago, RobAsh15 said:


Woosh! Why do I suddenly feel as if being labeled an American isn't very flattering ?


You know what I've noticed, Rudi?


Not sure how Tim's skin fits him, but it seems undeniable that it is, at least, incredibly thick.



Well my skin has been a bit thinner of late, but its toughening up again now. That's why I've been absent. It seemed for a while that with every post I was handing out more ammunition.


As for Americans. No, I love you fellers, but first impressions of that video was AMERICAN, which shouted louder at me than EXTRA TERRESTRIAL.


Tim wears the armour of God. It may have rusted, but its holding up for him pretty good.

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, RobAsh15 said:


Fraidy Cat...:(



Not generally :)  but eyes rolled in my LR when I read it out loud.. And so for fun, I have been mentioning the "results" just to keep it going around my place.. :D 

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