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I'm a guitarist ,keyboardist, vocalist, songwriter. 62 years old, been playing all my life, grew up with the Beatles and rock groups of the 70s. Played in bands a lot of my life in Myrtle Beach, SC and up and down the southern east coast. Started out playing lead guitar in groups in the 70s but also studying piano. Finally morphed into a pianist playing in church and then country rock bands in the late 80s-mid 90s. Mostly play honky tonk style piano today but still love playing Beatles, Stones, Zep, YES,  Blues on guitar. Song writing all of my life , basically lyrics with a few decent pieces of music. I grew up in church so I know quite a bit about the bible and writing bible inspired lyrics is usually where I find myself comfortably creating . I also write love song lyrics and even a few blues inspired lyrics a bit on the naughty side. To me, regardless of the genre,  music should be fun so I try to project that in all my music endeavors. I have a channel on YouTube under the name Gorzart. It's videos of me doing covers of Beatles, Elton John, etc. Also Gorzart is on FB. I've been involved in a few recordings with groups over the years but I'm trying real diligently to sell some songs to publishers and artists now before I run out of time. I'll be submitting some of my stuff here soon.

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