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Fibonacci Sequence

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@Capo3tanya I wish the world were full of those kinds of people. The kind that just want harmony, peace and unity. I think it is commendable for anyone to have the goal to be peaceable with others and to live in peace. Even if others don't act this way we still have the power to act like this. 

I don't believe music is only numbers and intervals. Music is only a tool to convey the soul. Notice how mechanical the video example you gave sounded. This would be music without a soul. Any computer can make a beat.

@Rudi  I guess I can't speak for anyone else. In looking at the music example Capo gave I can see the structure in even the most simple of things. The higher things come from unseen things. This is notable in nature. Complex music is based on tones and intervals usually regarded as the building blocks of music. Are the unseen things greater or lesser? Once again I only speak for myself here, I think they would necessarily need to be greater to produce complexity in the material world. 

I would further rationalize then that the material world is subject to the unseen making it subservient to it since it is a product of it. Going a step further with this, it would seem that sentient beings would naturally look to the unseen as their roots......but I digress, this gets into religion for some and science for others. 

I think music is an extension of the unseen. I mean, where does it come from? Music is clearly based on some kind of order as Capo's example shows.

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8 minutes ago, starise said:


@Rudi  I guess I can't speak for anyone else. In looking at the music example Capo gave I can see the structure in even the most simple of things. The higher things come from unseen things. This is notable in nature. Complex music is based on tones and intervals usually regarded as the building blocks of music. Are the unseen things greater or lesser? Once again I only speak for myself here, I think they would necessarily need to be greater to produce complexity in the material world. 

I would further rationalize then that the material world is subject to the unseen making it subservient to it since it is a product of it. Going a step further with this, it would seem that sentient beings would naturally look to the unseen as their roots......but I digress, this gets into religion for some and science for others. 

I think music is an extension of the unseen. I mean, where does it come from? Music is clearly based on some kind of order as Capo's example shows.


Order in music? Certainly. But trying to extrapolate too much from that is dangerous. The odd time signatures such as 5/4 and 7/8 trick the mind. They can sound wonderful but they function like sort of benign tongue twister. They are inherently false. The same can apply to note intonation and timing. The inaccuracies within musical performance (where driven by emotion) are where the energy is to be found in a spirited performance. That's not woolly surmise;  its measurable.


I suspect music comes to us from nature (*) and has been codified into our genes over generations. By this I mean the listener is as important as the musician is. Music has to be decoded by us in order to be understood. Sometimes the listener has to work harder (listen diligently) in order to do this. We carry those tools around inside of ourselves.


* examples: ie: Imagine a supported hammer falling onto an anvil. It will bounce several times and the the bounce intervals accelerate until it stops. This occurs in 'intuitive' musical phrasing also. That's why the musician plays it that way. He has an intuitive grasp of the physics. Harmony is also found in nature. Its literally an incorporation of resonant frequencies that we hear in many materials (metal, rock, wood etc) when that are struck or otherwise agitated. A 5th is clearly heard when a gong is struck because its how sound (acoustics) function in air. Most of the physics of it were well understood since the time of ancient Greece.


As for seen and unseen. Time is unseen. Yet we experience it. I suspect its unprofitable to consider it in terms of size because size, like time, is relative. Of course they are relative to each other also, coming as they do as part of a package. 





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22 hours ago, starise said:

@Capo3tanya I wish the world were full of those kinds of people. The kind that just want harmony, peace and unity. I think it is commendable for anyone to have the goal to be peaceable with others and to live in peace. Even if others don't act this way we still have the power to act like this. 

I don't believe music is only numbers and intervals. Music is only a tool to convey the soul.


The meek shall inherit the earth!  One day lol. 


I think this ENTIRE PLACE is a song!  When I saw the cymatic patterns for the first time I was blown away.  What is matter anyway, but energy vibrating at different frequencies?  Mostly empty space?  Different frequencies generate the most elegant patterns, not drawn by man's hand, drawn by sound and vibration itself.  There's all sorts of fascinating implications.  For one, there's a good possibility that this is behind why the bees are dying.  I think the earth's "homeostatic" frequency is 7.83 hz, don't quote me on that it's off the top of my head.  And all the cell towers, wi-fi, all the technology is polluting the earth's natural frequencies. Watched a cool documentary about it.  OOo also, have you ever heard of Royal Rife?  I watched this tremendous documentary about him, he cured cancer.  He literally cured cancer, but bureaucracy and greed shut him down.  What an amazing story! It was this genius microscope that he invented and he used frequencies to kill the cancer. If you're interested I can post the link, it was enthralling and I also learned quite a lot about microbiology.  Top notch documentary EXTREMELY thorough examination of wtf happened.  Very sad. 

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22 hours ago, Rudi said:

Order in music? Certainly. But trying to extrapolate too much from that is dangerous. The odd time signatures such as 5/4 and 7/8 trick the mind. They can sound wonderful but they function like sort of benign tongue twister. They are inherently false.


That's a cool way to look at it.  My first experience with unusual time signatures of course like most everyone was "Take Five".  Absolute genius!  

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22 hours ago, Rudi said:

Harmony is also found in nature. Its literally an incorporation of resonant frequencies that we hear in many materials (metal, rock, wood etc) when that are struck or otherwise agitated. A 5th is clearly heard when a gong is struck because its how sound (acoustics) function in air. Most of the physics of it were well understood since the time of ancient Greece.


Yes how true is this!  I hear harmony in everything!  Even in some strange dissonant sounds.  I know it sounds like wacky hippie nonsense, but you know those crystal bowls?  That ringing sound, it really does have an effect on you physically.  The power of sound is largely untapped as of yet.

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18 hours ago, Rob Ash said:



I feel a real "Vuja De" moment coming on...


Seems like I've fallen into this trap in the "Song Title Association Game" thread so many times I have lost count.


Rudi, how are "size" and "time" related?




Hi Rob,


Well it could all just be a problem of Chinese Whispers, but...


1/ What Tim meant by greater was figurative, even though he was talking about the material world.

2/ I referred to his greater as size. I was also speaking figuratively but again also speaking of the material world.


3/ When I said size and time were related I was speaking of space (geometric size) and time. So if Big Bang is the origin of all things material (and what else is there really?) then time begins at the same instance that mass and space does. That's what I meant by 'they come as a package'. They cant separate or exist independently. 

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5 hours ago, Capo3tanya said:


Yes how true is this!  I hear harmony in everything!  Even in some strange dissonant sounds.  I know it sounds like wacky hippie nonsense, but you know those crystal bowls?  That ringing sound, it really does have an effect on you physically.  The power of sound is largely untapped as of yet.


Yes. Dissonance can sound wonderful in context. A diminished chord only sounds really good in transit. Ie: linking one chord to another.


When I was 16 and music was becoming important to me. I bought a book about acoustics. I think it was 'Teach Yourself Acoustics'. It deals with the physics of sound. The formulae mostly went over my head but the science of sound is fascinating.

Example: when two sustaining notes occur together of similar pitch they collide and you can hear (or feel) the fallout. So if one note is 600 Hz (cycles per second) and the other is 606 Hz you can feel the 6Hz difference as an oscillation. 


You can experience the effect using an electric guitar.

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On 8/24/2018 at 8:57 AM, Capo3tanya said:


The meek shall inherit the earth!  One day lol. 


I think this ENTIRE PLACE is a song!  When I saw the cymatic patterns for the first time I was blown away.  What is matter anyway, but energy vibrating at different frequencies?  Mostly empty space?  Different frequencies generate the most elegant patterns, not drawn by man's hand, drawn by sound and vibration itself.  There's all sorts of fascinating implications.  For one, there's a good possibility that this is behind why the bees are dying.  I think the earth's "homeostatic" frequency is 7.83 hz, don't quote me on that it's off the top of my head.  And all the cell towers, wi-fi, all the technology is polluting the earth's natural frequencies. Watched a cool documentary about it.  OOo also, have you ever heard of Royal Rife?  I watched this tremendous documentary about him, he cured cancer.  He literally cured cancer, but bureaucracy and greed shut him down.  What an amazing story! It was this genius microscope that he invented and he used frequencies to kill the cancer. If you're interested I can post the link, it was enthralling and I also learned quite a lot about microbiology.  Top notch documentary EXTREMELY thorough examination of wtf happened.  Very sad. 


I definitely think there is something to the bees dying and cell phone towers. I think I might have mentioned it here. Though around here where I live it isn't prevalent. I'm still buying honey. Lots of beehives. I believe it has affected them though same as the whales that occasionally beach for no apparent reason. Cancer is  a genetic breakdown of the bodies protective cells. The body begins to split mutations of regular cells. People can be more genetically prone to it and it can be exacerbated by chemicals and the environment. Sometimes the wayward mutations can me managed and eliminated, sometimes they get out of hand and nothing can be done. Diet plays a big part. Vitamins B12, D3 and antioxidants help. My cancer has so far been managed and they can't find it on my tests any more. I am drinking water more often and staying away from a lot of fatty food and lots of sugar. Not everyone is so lucky. I am pushing vitamins and beta carotene. So far so good. Eating the wrong things sets up your protective cells for failure. They need the right food and water to function correctly. Although when I went for radiation there was a woman there, a vegetarian who regularly eats well and exercises and SHE had cancer. Go figure. Goes to show environment and genetics might be playing more of a role than diet. We are all going to die from something one day. 

Vibrations...yeah. Vibrations are big both in science and in some religions. I think there is something to it, but some give them more credit than they deserve. "Vibrational Energy" . I think there is a strong possibility that certain frequencies were used to move large object in the past. Higher intelligence than humans is at play, but I think there are strata of that and some play into the hands of lower nefarious beings. Everyone over there is not a friend. JMOP.

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14 hours ago, starise said:


I definitely think there is something to the bees dying and cell phone towers. I think I might have mentioned it here. Though around here where I live it isn't prevalent. I'm still buying honey. Lots of beehives. I believe it has affected them though same as the whales that occasionally beach for no apparent reason. Cancer is  a genetic breakdown of the bodies protective cells. The body begins to split mutations of regular cells. People can be more genetically prone to it and it can be exacerbated by chemicals and the environment. Sometimes the wayward mutations can me managed and eliminated, sometimes they get out of hand and nothing can be done. Diet plays a big part. Vitamins B12, D3 and antioxidants help. My cancer has so far been managed and they can't find it on my tests any more. I am drinking water more often and staying away from a lot of fatty food and lots of sugar. Not everyone is so lucky. I am pushing vitamins and beta carotene. So far so good. Eating the wrong things sets up your protective cells for failure. They need the right food and water to function correctly. Although when I went for radiation there was a woman there, a vegetarian who regularly eats well and exercises and SHE had cancer. Go figure. Goes to show environment and genetics might be playing more of a role than diet. We are all going to die from something one day. 

Vibrations...yeah. Vibrations are big both in science and in some religions. I think there is something to it, but some give them more credit than they deserve. "Vibrational Energy" . I think there is a strong possibility that certain frequencies were used to move large object in the past. Higher intelligence than humans is at play, but I think there are strata of that and some play into the hands of lower nefarious beings. Everyone over there is not a friend. JMOP.


Hi Starise, I'm so sorry that you have such up close and personal experience with cancer, but am happy that you are scanning negative that's awesome!  That makes me think you might really be interested in the Royal Rife documentary, honestly it was quite well done and fascinating. No hippie-dippie metaphysical hogwash, just a straightforward pragmatic analysis of the events that took place, with original footage and audio as well.  Detailed information about the microbiome and pleomorphistic states of cancer cells, and microbiology and microscopy. I tried to find a free link to this documentary for you but I'm not good at that I'm afraid, and the subscription I have of course won't allow me to share a link to this one.  But it's called "The Rise and Fall of a Scientific Genius".  Here is a link to a brief history, if you are so inclined.  I know you may think I'm some silly flaky lady, but I'm telling you if you aren't familiar with this you should be!  


Oh and P.S. I really like your music 🌼



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