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I’ve written lyrics for 50 years. Waiting for music to suddenly appear. I am old. 71. Lately I’ve done two things. Rewrote lyrics to match music I like and using a transcription service. Have tried submitting lyrics for some one else to compose lyrics and was never satisfied. Boring all my family so I thought Songstuff might be for me. Mostly write gospel

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Hi Mac Wilkey,


Welcome to Songstuff!  Great that you found us.. I know what you mean about boring the family. Haha.. friends and family aren't always the best fans of the music/lyrics.  They often like other music or just aren't into the putting together of a song/lyric.   I love good gospel music and lyrics.  With your 50 years of writing, I bet you have some really good ones.  Looking forward to seeing what you're doing and what you've done.  If you need any help around the boards just ask. Good folks around here. 



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Thanks Peggy.  Thanks John.  My facebook icon picture is the cover of a children's book I wrote a few years back.  Since I'm not an artist in the drawing sense, I had a collaborator.  I used Lulu.com and now I can't get copies of the book from them;  waited to late to ask for a new batch and they couldn't find it.


Anyway I appreciate the response.  I'm looking forward to doing my part by providing any insight that I've gained over the years (an that I haven't forgotten over the years).  Not exactly sure how to find the songs that are being posted for review, but I should be able to figure it out if I look around .

Edited by Mac Wilkey
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Patchez:  Thanks for all the helpful input.  I'm 71 and have wanted to learn the guitar for a lot of years.  Best I've done is learn to play 500 years back when I was in early 20's.  Soft nylon strings does sound beneficial.  I always say my fingers are too fat.  Roy Clarke sort of shoots that excuse down pretty well.


Anyway, I'm not that great of a singer.  I do okay in a congregation (at least did before covid 19).  


Thanks again for the warm welcomes

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You are my favorite all time co-conspirator. I remember govt HR hack. I was #t$v&a for years. Got out using the old pension.  Everybody was making 20% at the time with the company matching your contribution but naught times a bunch is still naught. I’m happy with my fixed %. 

see I can write like you if I try 🐝. Or anybody. Just hoping I get to a non-songwriter singer who needs a big hit.


see you @Patchez

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I really like the person you appear to be. Not saying you are not being real—don’t fake this—as Prince or whoever would say.  I may put you in my book—call you PotHoles so no one ties it back to you. Simple plot: Old aspiring songwriter gets future hit tunes from devil/angel and writes Christian lyrics for them. D/A gets young Christian stars to sing them then exposed scandals in their lives to discredit gospel music and Christianity in general. D/A ismurdered in chapter 1 and new cop aided by teen Agee (real brain) solves the case

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