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2 hours ago, Karhala said:


Oh wow i just read this and it sounds bad hahaha It seems like im angry or something but nah im very chill with my situation right now, i like what im doing and my attitude. I putted the message in a grammar corrector and it f*cked up the meaning of the small talk but you can understanding the main things hahaha.


Whatever love and peace guys! ❤️;) 


Don't worry about it! Your doing fine! I thought your reply was fantastic and in line with the context! Your positive attitude is exactly why I looked into some of your comments on the forum, prior to pinging you here. Welcome abroad Alberto! :)👍

Edited by VoiceEx
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Thanks for posting this topic John....Where is this thing going next? Such a unique environment. From my own perspective, when I set out putting the songs together, that was not in my mind. I just felt lucky and privileged to be doing this in the first place. I appreciate the mention TheGarageJump got from yourself, VoiceEx and the spirit behind a collective effort and have enjoyed reading all the other comments. Going back to your original post John, to answer the questions - approach publishers/ release songs - I am (deliberately) pretty clueless about this. My theory is that it is not too difficult to publish songs, that is why I rarely read about the nuts and bolts of it. I would be interested in finding out more about music publishing from people here. Ideally, I would like to earn a few bob from the music (to cover the purchase cost of my synth and guitar😁) and am ambitious for my songs. I have the confidence (not the ego) to consider whether or not others would stream or download GarageJump stuff. A genuine curiosity. Distrokid seems to be an option (happy to listen to others' experiences re same)- keeping the YouTube channel for experimental music. Distrokid mention that when the songs are posted, they are 'published'. I am interpreting that as the same as the songs being published on YouTube, would that be accurate? Or do this change re this when there is potentially income involved? I may have burnt exclusivity bridges already by posting the songs on YouTube....big deal.....Demos - that's all my songs are. Other than the ones which have been 'produced'/ enhanced by others. It would be great to have someone to produce and there is a lot of sound quality specialism on Songstuff. Without a decent song, there is little to produce, let's not forget that. I would love to be more skilful in that area...all takes time. Other artists - It doesn't need to be me singing. Of course. I am taking it that Kev and Solaria don't count🤣 - see 'Happy Vibes' for reference. Pitching songs/ Production companies- Maybe an inevitability in this game, though it sounds terrible. Handing over control of your creative life to someone. This is what people are writing this year. Really. I'm not sure I need that in my life. No one cares more about my songs than I do. It would be great to find out what all these elements are....and then do it all myself. I have read so many music horror stories, so this makes me want to tread carefully here. Like you said John, a sanity check. Enjoy what's left of your weekend everyone.

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12 hours ago, VoiceEx said:


Don't worry about it! Your doing fine! I thought your reply was fantastic and in line with the context! Your positive attitude is exactly why I looked into some of your comments on the forum, prior to pinging you here. Welcome abroad Alberto! :)👍

Thank you! ❤️


Really appreciate that.


Salute! ;) 

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49 minutes ago, TheGarageJump said:

Thanks for posting this topic John....Where is this thing going next? Such a unique environment. From my own perspective, when I set out putting the songs together, that was not in my mind. I just felt lucky and privileged to be doing this in the first place. I appreciate the mention TheGarageJump got from yourself, VoiceEx and the spirit behind a collective effort and have enjoyed reading all the other comments. Going back to your original post John, to answer the questions - approach publishers/ release songs - I am (deliberately) pretty clueless about this. My theory is that it is not too difficult to publish songs, that is why I rarely read about the nuts and bolts of it. I would be interested in finding out more about music publishing from people here. Ideally, I would like to earn a few bob from the music (to cover the purchase cost of my synth and guitar😁) and am ambitious for my songs. I have the confidence (not the ego) to consider whether or not others would stream or download GarageJump stuff. A genuine curiosity. Distrokid seems to be an option (happy to listen to others' experiences re same)- keeping the YouTube channel for experimental music. Distrokid mention that when the songs are posted, they are 'published'. I am interpreting that as the same as the songs being published on YouTube, would that be accurate? Or do this change re this when there is potentially income involved? I may have burnt exclusivity bridges already by posting the songs on YouTube....big deal.....Demos - that's all my songs are. Other than the ones which have been 'produced'/ enhanced by others. It would be great to have someone to produce and there is a lot of sound quality specialism on Songstuff. Without a decent song, there is little to produce, let's not forget that. I would love to be more skilful in that area...all takes time. Other artists - It doesn't need to be me singing. Of course. I am taking it that Kev and Solaria don't count🤣 - see 'Happy Vibes' for reference. Pitching songs/ Production companies- Maybe an inevitability in this game, though it sounds terrible. Handing over control of your creative life to someone. This is what people are writing this year. Really. I'm not sure I need that in my life. No one cares more about my songs than I do. It would be great to find out what all these elements are....and then do it all myself. I have read so many music horror stories, so this makes me want to tread carefully here. Like you said John, a sanity check. Enjoy what's left of your weekend everyone.

Hello! :)


If I understand you well, my opinion is that this world is an industry, like any other (technology, hospitality, etc.).


So it's good if you want to learn and achieve many goals (as I do, I like to be a musician, an engineer,...)


BUT It's impossible to encompass all the roles of the industry, you must trust other professionals, and if it helps you, reputation exists. So if someone does a bad job or has malicious intentions, you will notice it.


Here is an example of what I'm talking about that you can appreciate more directly as a musician:


If you have a band, you know that you are the specialist in your instrument (let's say guitar) so you catch this role. But your other members are much better than you at their instruments, so you must trust your drummer, on your bassist,... because you know they are BETTER than you in their ''area'' and they can do much better work in less time than if you have to do those drums, that bass line,... And this process liberates you of tedious sh*t so you can focus more to improve your main work, play the guitar.


Well now think about this but with the role of a designer (logos), visual artist (album illustrations), web creator,...

They all are better than you in that, so just trust them, pay them for their work and you are going to notice that everything is better, you have a better portfolio and you can focus on your main work, the web creator isn't going to play the guitar of your group, so let them do the work that doesn't go with you.


So you can project this thought to other areas of the industry, like a lawyer, distributors,...


I want to learn everything about the industry and apply it, that's why I root my tasks but I could be more efficient if I focused on my main work. But I do this because of pleasant, however, I have learned this thought I'm telling you right now this year, and now I'm trusting in other professionals, friends that are better than me, etc and you are creating an economy and professional relations too, both wins.


For example, I just ordered a designer to make my logo and an intro for the videos, because it's not my especially

Now this designer wants me to work on the sound of his projects too, and I can be recommended by him too

So we all can do a better portfolio, improve our main role and make professional relations.



So now I'm more selective with my task, however, I still do thousand of different things, but I like that hehe ;) 


Salute! ❤️ 

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Thank you for your comments Karhala and for reading mine.....I totally realise that I can't do it all. Maybe I should have put up a smiley emoji after that particular comment. I have difficulty trusting people....I have seen so many agendas....and been let down so many times.....and although not world weary.....I am not surprised by very much now.  This is so my problem to resolve. I am not blinded by ambition and am a pretty realistic guy. 

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One other comment. Pretty good insights Karhala, cheers. Reminded me that I paid a guy on Fiverr for some GarageJump artwork. You can find that on 'Public Opinion' on TheGarageJump YouTube channel - let me know what you think please. (I will refrain from posting the link here, that would be crass) That went pretty well. Especially since I have a problem with parting with money....btw that has nothing to do with being Scottish😁

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Well, I got "pinged" so I feel like I should respond. After reading through the thread, I'm convinced that I'm in a really different place with my music than most here. I'm old and have been writing songs, performing and recording for almost 60 years. Although I've had the good fortune to work with some high profile artists over the years, I've never had the ambition to promote myself. My satisfaction comes exclusively from the process of artistic creativity. If others appreciate what I've done, that's great, if not, that's okay too.


Because of this, I'm completely ignorant of how one would go about promoting their own music. I have no social media presence and my bandcamp website and YouTube channel are merely places that I use to archive my music. On the other hand, I really enjoy discussing songwriting and music production, and I feel my experience and knowledge in that area could be helpful to others, and I've tried to do that here on songstuff. 


On a final note, I want to add that one of the main reasons I enjoy songstuff is being exposed to other songwriters' music. I've really enjoyed listening to the original music that DIY artists around the world are creating, and there are some terrific talents here.  



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I apologize for commenting on this topic in bits since there's so much of interesting discussions having already occurred and I have a lot to catch up on. (BTW, loved the ideas you've put forward @VoiceEx. It would be great to have bigger visibility of the strategies and approaches that the artists on here are using, however small or big and regardless of experience level! I think there's something to learn from every bit. )


Responding to John's original topic,


There's a lot of things going on in my music & professional life atm and I'm kinda struggling to keep a leash on it to keep it steady.  


1. Rewire the Voice : Besides the vocal supervision and coaching I do every now and then within a studio environment, I currently am working with 15 singers in building their voice for their musical goals. This has been a huge undertaking and has kept me on a bottleneck in terms of time & energy. I'm constantly drained to do much else. So, I am working on opening up group lessons in a bid to save some hours in my usual workday. Thanks to @john & Songstuff, I will also be opening up limited slots for international students who maybe interested to work with me.  We've also been working on a singing course and a whole bunch of Rewire products as part of Songstuff Vocal Coaching Academy.  


Additionally, I'm moving to Mumbai in December for a couple months (from Bangalore, India) to be a guest faculty at a Film/Drama school. I've been a vocal coach / music teacher in schools before, but this is definitely going to be a new experience for me teaching non-musicians about music & the voice. 


2. My Music


The move to Mumbai has come at an interesting time in my musical career. I am currently working on the upcoming record "Change". It's a big one for us at RC7 Records (Team Songstuff's indie label) since it involves a huge team of musicians, many collaborations & an artist grant backing it courtesy of The Bombay Jazz Club. 


During my aforementioned stay in Mumbai, I hope to spend a lot of time in the studio producing & recording. The record will come out next year so we are currently working on the release plan and marketing strategies for the same. Out of the 5 main songs on the record, I've made 3 pre-production demos with minimal instrumentation. 2 more to go. I've used Reaper and a whole bunch of free VSTi's for this pursuit and they've served me greatly.  These demos will act as a starting point within the studio environment and to the musicians as we record the EP/album. 


3. Songstuff


It's quite unbelievable the number of things we've been working away on in the background.   From forum upgrades and features to new products and services - I am not going to be able to list them all here. John has talked about some of these upcoming plans on here but it goes without saying and I speak for myself when I say - it is a LOT of work. Like a mind-numbingly huge f*cking amount of work.  


There's a lot that we can do with the power of community. But without an infrastructure and an ecosystem that can help the community nourish itself, things can die quickly. And so, we've been spending many hours and a lot of energy and resources putting all of it together.


Atm, it's only myself, Peggy and John taking care of everything that exists on Songstuff and everything that will in the future. It can be a handful. We're just as indie & comes with it the same old working class struggles and challenges.


So, it may take a lil bit of time, but I'm excited for all that is in store for Songstuff! 





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3 hours ago, Reginald Bigsby said:

Well, I got "pinged" so I feel like I should respond. After reading through the thread, I'm convinced that I'm in a really different place with my music than most here. I'm old and have been writing songs, performing and recording for almost 60 years. Although I've had the good fortune to work with some high profile artists over the years, I've never had the ambition to promote myself. My satisfaction comes exclusively from the process of artistic creativity. If others appreciate what I've done, that's great, if not, that's okay too.


Because of this, I'm completely ignorant of how one would go about promoting their own music. I have no social media presence and my bandcamp website and YouTube channel are merely places that I use to archive my music. On the other hand, I really enjoy discussing songwriting and music production, and I feel my experience and knowledge in that area could be helpful to others, and I've tried to do that here on songstuff. 


On a final note, I want to add that one of the main reasons I enjoy songstuff is being exposed to other songwriters' music. I've really enjoyed listening to the original music that DIY artists around the world are creating, and there are some terrific talents here.  



There are quite a lot of members like you. Just not pinged by VX. It’s not even an age and experience thing. We have quite a lot of older experienced members, but it is about what people want to do next… and some people younger and still early in their musical life have the same ambition that you do. My point is we have a load of resources and people, so don’t feel you are on your own. :)

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 (I'm not going to use any corrector, so sorry for my grammar and that stuff 🥵)


Hello @TheGarageJump! :) 


No problem <3, I apreciate that :)


Well, good and bad people are everywhere, you only have to manage the situations and learn from the experience.


I think you would be interested with the term resilience


Here is an stupid but direct visual example


Como cultivar la resiliencia en la edad adulta – cTg Psicologia



This is a mental tool or maybe a workflow for your mind. I think that brain is a ''muscle'', i mean, you can train it. Of course it's difficult, it takes a lot of time, effort, pain, and discomfort, but it's the way that i think you have to grow as a person. Just to be pleasant with yourself, maybe the easy way is too look to another side and keep walking but you only grow the problem, here in Spain we have a adage ''coger al toro por los cuernos'' it means ''take the bull by the horns'' like, face your problems. I think that right now we live in a society that pretends that anyother person are going to solve our problems, and trust me, that isn't going to happen.


Okay, right now your live have a context, but the only architeq of your brain are you ;)


This is a personal thing, but i'm going to tell it. I have mental issues, like hallucinations, derealization, psychotic attacks,...


But I could (and can) modify my brain, so i can manage the situation with ''a lot'' of control. My psychiatrist and my psychologist freak out with my case, because i should be in a really worse situation than i am, but here i am :) 


And all beacuse i have been beating myself along my life, modifying how my brain works (a simply way to describe my vital process) so i have a strong mind (with a lot of resilience). Of course i have been too bad because of this, and most part of my live i havent got that resilience, BUT i think we enjoy the good parts of live and we learn from bad parts of live :), so i manage like that, a knowledge that i can use in any situation.


Why am i telling you all this? 


The way your brain works is so maleable, trust me. You know that you have that problem (trusting people, let the bad experiences sabotage the new ones,...) face that problem :) and don't worry, we all have different process and times and this isn't be an instant solution, but if you work hard, you will have results!


And the other thing!


I searched your youtube channel but i didnt see any section of ''public opinion'' (?


I don't know if I understood you well 😕

I want to ask you, what part of your content do you do?


Like, do you write the music, lyrics, do you sing, play instruments, use samples, mixing,...?


Salute! ❤️ 




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On 11/6/2022 at 1:00 PM, Reginald Bigsby said:

Well, I got "pinged" so I feel like I should respond. After reading through the thread, I'm convinced that I'm in a really different place with my music than most here. I'm old and have been writing songs, performing and recording for almost 60 years. Although I've had the good fortune to work with some high profile artists over the years, I've never had the ambition to promote myself. My satisfaction comes exclusively from the process of artistic creativity. If others appreciate what I've done, that's great, if not, that's okay too.


Because of this, I'm completely ignorant of how one would go about promoting their own music. I have no social media presence and my bandcamp website and YouTube channel are merely places that I use to archive my music. On the other hand, I really enjoy discussing songwriting and music production, and I feel my experience and knowledge in that area could be helpful to others, and I've tried to do that here on songstuff. 


On a final note, I want to add that one of the main reasons I enjoy songstuff is being exposed to other songwriters' music. I've really enjoyed listening to the original music that DIY artists around the world are creating, and there are some terrific talents here.  




Hi @Reginald Bigsby! :) 


Wow this is a very interesting comment


How can I find your content? Like your Youtube channel or something like that.


I'm presupposing that your main source of income has been sound/music, for me it would be very interesting to know your history, I have curiosity for you, and i think that what you said ''My satisfaction comes exclusively from the process of artistic creativity. If others appreciate what I've done, that's great, if not, that's okay too.'' Is very interesting, and i feel a lot of empathy with that. Personally, i don't want to be famous, I just want to live my life thanks to what I love  


Salute! ❤️ 




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Thanks for the advice. 

 This is 'Public Opinion'. I am watching 'Blur' on TV just now, wishing I'd written 'Beetlebum', 'Country House' and 'Tender' - great lyrics....I think the Songstuff plan is for individual goals. In terms of musicianship - as per my profile - no virtuosity skills - bit of synth, bit of guitar, bit of three chord wonder really....although I knew a few more than that. Enjoying the music journey, hope you are too.

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On 11/6/2022 at 4:49 PM, Mahesh said:

I apologize for commenting on this topic in bits since there's so much of interesting discussions having already occurred and I have a lot to catch up on. (BTW, loved the ideas you've put forward @VoiceEx. It would be great to have bigger visibility of the strategies and approaches that the artists on here are using, however small or big and regardless of experience level! I think there's something to learn from every bit. )


Responding to John's original topic,


There's a lot of things going on in my music & professional life atm and I'm kinda struggling to keep a leash on it to keep it steady.  


1. Rewire the Voice : Besides the vocal supervision and coaching I do every now and then within a studio environment, I currently am working with 15 singers in building their voice for their musical goals. This has been a huge undertaking and has kept me on a bottleneck in terms of time & energy. I'm constantly drained to do much else. So, I am working on opening up group lessons in a bid to save some hours in my usual workday. Thanks to @john & Songstuff, I will also be opening up limited slots for international students who maybe interested to work with me.  We've also been working on a singing course and a whole bunch of Rewire products as part of Songstuff Vocal Coaching Academy.  


Additionally, I'm moving to Mumbai in December for a couple months (from Bangalore, India) to be a guest faculty at a Film/Drama school. I've been a vocal coach / music teacher in schools before, but this is definitely going to be a new experience for me teaching non-musicians about music & the voice. 


2. My Music


The move to Mumbai has come at an interesting time in my musical career. I am currently working on the upcoming record "Change". It's a big one for us at RC7 Records (Team Songstuff's indie label) since it involves a huge team of musicians, many collaborations & an artist grant backing it courtesy of The Bombay Jazz Club. 


During my aforementioned stay in Mumbai, I hope to spend a lot of time in the studio producing & recording. The record will come out next year so we are currently working on the release plan and marketing strategies for the same. Out of the 5 main songs on the record, I've made 3 pre-production demos with minimal instrumentation. 2 more to go. I've used Reaper and a whole bunch of free VSTi's for this pursuit and they've served me greatly.  These demos will act as a starting point within the studio environment and to the musicians as we record the EP/album. 


3. Songstuff


It's quite unbelievable the number of things we've been working away on in the background.   From forum upgrades and features to new products and services - I am not going to be able to list them all here. John has talked about some of these upcoming plans on here but it goes without saying and I speak for myself when I say - it is a LOT of work. Like a mind-numbingly huge f*cking amount of work.  


There's a lot that we can do with the power of community. But without an infrastructure and an ecosystem that can help the community nourish itself, things can die quickly. And so, we've been spending many hours and a lot of energy and resources putting all of it together.


Atm, it's only myself, Peggy and John taking care of everything that exists on Songstuff and everything that will in the future. It can be a handful. We're just as indie & comes with it the same old working class struggles and challenges.


So, it may take a lil bit of time, but I'm excited for all that is in store for Songstuff! 






Hello @Mahesh! :)


This is a really interesting comment too! How do you work in RC7 Records? I mean, when i joined Songstuff, i didn't see anything about this.


Your future move (Mumbai) sounds very interseting, hope its a good experience for you :)


Mmm talking about Songstuff @john, i said that the interface is so user friendly, but i didnt said that this is when you sign in, in my opinion the ''home'' page needs a polished! :) 


I join this because i was like ''let's see what we have here'' and once y joined Songstuff, the thing chaged a lot, in terms of interface and content. I'm saying this because if you want more movement here, maybe an upgrade of the ''home'' page (like a modern minimalistic interface) could be more attractive for the potential user.


Salute guys! ❤️ Your work here is great ;) 

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10 minutes ago, TheGarageJump said:

Thanks for the advice. 

 This is 'Public Opinion'. I am watching 'Blur' on TV just now, wishing I'd written 'Beetlebum', 'Country House' and 'Tender' - great lyrics....I think the Songstuff plan is for individual goals. In terms of musicianship - as per my profile - no virtuosity skills - bit of synth, bit of guitar, bit of three chord wonder really....although I knew a few more than that. Enjoying the music journey, hope you are too.


Hi @TheGarageJump! :)


The illustartion is great, acording with the music, but in my opinion, you should create like an album with this cover, i like this. 


I think that if you use the video/animation format (as your last video) it would be better than a channel plenty os static images :)


Another thing to say is that this style of music renember me a lot to the 80's esthetic, it's not my favourite esthetic but it sounds really cool bro! 


I think that if you work more on the mixing of the song it would increase a lot the potential of your content.


Do you have spotify?


The last thing:


Sorry if i encroach the limits before, i was talking without a context, i like to help people and i thought that what i said could help you :) 


Salute! ❤️ 



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18 minutes ago, Karhala said:



Hi @Reginald Bigsby! :) 


Wow this is a very interesting comment


How can I find your content? Like your Youtube channel or something like that.


I'm presupposing that your main source of income has been sound/music, for me it would be very interesting to know your history, I have curiosity for you, and i think that what you said ''My satisfaction comes exclusively from the process of artistic creativity. If others appreciate what I've done, that's great, if not, that's okay too.'' Is very interesting, and i feel a lot of empathy with that. Personally, i don't want to be famous, I just want to live my life thanks to what I love  


Salute! ❤️ 




Hola Karhala!


First, let me say that I'd be happy to share some of the details of my personal music history with you via private messaging if you're interested, but I'll tell you now that creating music has not been my main source of income for most of my life. That's not to say that music has ever been anything less than my one true passion. Having a reliable source of income other than music has allowed me to be true to my muse and to never have had to compromise my artistic vision for the sake of money. 


If you'd like to check out my content on bandcamp and YouTube, you'll find the links below, and I thank you for your interest. I hope you'll like what you hear/see.

https://waltleuzinger.bandcamp.com/              https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv3zdNRU_QGS0VB0W4rHGgA







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20 hours ago, Reginald Bigsby said:

Hola Karhala!


First, let me say that I'd be happy to share some of the details of my personal music history with you via private messaging if you're interested, but I'll tell you now that creating music has not been my main source of income for most of my life. That's not to say that music has ever been anything less than my one true passion. Having a reliable source of income other than music has allowed me to be true to my muse and to never have had to compromise my artistic vision for the sake of money. 


If you'd like to check out my content on bandcamp and YouTube, you'll find the links below, and I thank you for your interest. I hope you'll like what you hear/see.

https://waltleuzinger.bandcamp.com/              https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv3zdNRU_QGS0VB0W4rHGgA








Hola @Reginald Bigsby! ;) 


Man your work is incredebly good!


I really like that, you should have a spotify account, i would like to hear this on my car :)  


What you said ''Having a reliable source of income other than music has allowed me to be true to my muse and to never have had to compromise my artistic vision for the sake of money.'' is a really interesting thought. Have you ever feel the necessity to try this in a professional way (like pretend to earn all your money from music)?


I really like your sound man! Do you use analog preamps/processors/mixer/recorders? or your stuff is full digital?


I really like your crispy hi end, so crystalline, it renembers me to the classic neve mixers sound.


My stuff is super distorted and with a lot of low end, i mean, it is on purpose, i really like feeling that my speakers are dying or something like that and i like the the sound of a low bit rate. 


However, now im having more feelings with your type of productions (crystaline sound with goods hi ends)


So i will experiment with this focus hereinafter


These songs blew my mind:




I think you will like this songs too!:




Here is my actual sound portfolio, there are some links to demos from my stuff, just in case you have curiosity ;) 


I'm going to remove my phone number and my adress from the pdf, just for privacy, you know


Do you think that i should delete the file or not?


Salute! ❤️ 








Edited by Karhala
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3 hours ago, Karhala said:


Hola @Reginald Bigsby! ;) 


Man your work is incredebly good!


I really like that, you should have a spotify account, i would like to hear this on my car :)  


What you said ''Having a reliable source of income other than music has allowed me to be true to my muse and to never have had to compromise my artistic vision for the sake of money.'' is a really interesting thought. Have you ever feel the necessity to try this in a professional way (like pretend to earn all your money from music)?


I really like your sound man! Do you use analog preamps/processors/mixer/recorders? or your stuff is full digital?


I really like your crispy hi end, so crystalline, it renembers me to the classic neve mixers sound.


My stuff is super distorted and with a lot of low end, i mean, it is on purpose, i really like feeling that my speakers are dying or something like that and i like the the sound of a low bit rate. 


However, now im having more feelings with your type of productions (crystaline sound with goods hi ends)


So i will experiment with this focus hereinafter


These songs blew my mind:




I think you will like this songs too!:




Here is my actual sound portfolio, there are some links to demos from my stuff, just in case you have curiosity ;) 


I'm going to remove my phone number and my adress from the pdf, just for privacy, you know


Do you think that i should delete the file or not?


Salute! ❤️ 







Alberto_Medina_Bosch.pdf 7.94 MB · 2 downloads

Thank you for your kind words concerning my music. Very much appreciated! 


I really enjoyed the Khruangbin video. Unfortunately, the other video you posted was not available for me to view.


Your portfolio is beautifully done! I listened to your bass and beat demos and watched a couple of the videos for which you had done the musical editing. Excellent work! I assume that with your impressive skillset (including acting!), you are in demand for audio and video production, and that you are earning a living doing so. Kudos to you! 


As for my approach to sound, and what I use for recording and production, I use Logic Pro X as my DAW, and everything is pretty much digital except for instruments such as guitar, bass, and keyboard (although I do also use the synth that is built into Logic), microphones and interface. I mostly use the plugins that come with Logic for processing, but I've found that Ozone and RX plugins from Izotope to be especially helpful in post production work.


When I started recording back in the early 1970s I used multi-track reel-to-reel tape decks. I still think a quality reel-to-reel tape machine produces the best sonic results as an audio recording medium, but the inherent mechanical maintenance issues such as tape head alignment, electrostatic and oxide buildup, tape fragility and expense, and the difficulty of splice editing make working in the digital realm much more appealing to me. And, the results with digital can certainly rival those of tape. 


It was also back in the early 1970s that I tried to do music as a full time career. In those days that meant joining a band and performing on a regular basis, which I did. It took me about a year to figure out that I hated touring, and so I made the decision to find some other way to make a living where I could have a stable home life. But, I never stopped writing, playing and recording music. Through some extremely good luck over the years, my musical skills got noticed by some very talented folks in the music industry, and I got the opportunity to work on my own terms with them in various capacities. 


I hope that you'll find success and contentment with a career in whatever creative endeavors you choose to become involved in. Just remember to trust your talent and your muse. 



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On 11/8/2022 at 8:49 PM, Reginald Bigsby said:

Thank you for your kind words concerning my music. Very much appreciated! 


I really enjoyed the Khruangbin video. Unfortunately, the other video you posted was not available for me to view.


Your portfolio is beautifully done! I listened to your bass and beat demos and watched a couple of the videos for which you had done the musical editing. Excellent work! I assume that with your impressive skillset (including acting!), you are in demand for audio and video production, and that you are earning a living doing so. Kudos to you! 


As for my approach to sound, and what I use for recording and production, I use Logic Pro X as my DAW, and everything is pretty much digital except for instruments such as guitar, bass, and keyboard (although I do also use the synth that is built into Logic), microphones and interface. I mostly use the plugins that come with Logic for processing, but I've found that Ozone and RX plugins from Izotope to be especially helpful in post production work.


When I started recording back in the early 1970s I used multi-track reel-to-reel tape decks. I still think a quality reel-to-reel tape machine produces the best sonic results as an audio recording medium, but the inherent mechanical maintenance issues such as tape head alignment, electrostatic and oxide buildup, tape fragility and expense, and the difficulty of splice editing make working in the digital realm much more appealing to me. And, the results with digital can certainly rival those of tape. 


It was also back in the early 1970s that I tried to do music as a full time career. In those days that meant joining a band and performing on a regular basis, which I did. It took me about a year to figure out that I hated touring, and so I made the decision to find some other way to make a living where I could have a stable home life. But, I never stopped writing, playing and recording music. Through some extremely good luck over the years, my musical skills got noticed by some very talented folks in the music industry, and I got the opportunity to work on my own terms with them in various capacities. 


I hope that you'll find success and contentment with a career in whatever creative endeavors you choose to become involved in. Just remember to trust your talent and your muse. 




Hi Reginald! :) 


Thanks to you sir! You melted my heart hahaha ;)❤️.


And thanks for your words! The audiovisual works were made in classes in a funny way with my mates for a class work hahaha. For example, I don't speak like that, it was like a parody :)


I have wondered if i should delete that to make a cleanner portfolio. What do you think?


And thank you, im searchig for my place in the industry :).


Now i want to start recording new music groups among other things. So let's start!


I will keep a look on the Izotope RX, its so interesting. 


And yes, i think recording in analog is a thedious experience. it seems to be beautifull, but you need a lot of time, money, knowledge, ... And the fact that you can't use the command ctrl+Z hahaha.


I want to now more of your history! Could you send me a DM? I don't now how to do it.


One more time, thanks you for your words and your time :) ❤️.



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 OKAY. Time to answer some questions! Sorry for the late response @john! 😅 The marketing and promotional nature of my content inherently limits what I am willing to discuss publicly. However, I can provide a brief summery for general context.


As a songwriter, what  are your options?


I'm primarily a freelance composer and independent sound engineer, which specializes in developing 'theme based' oriented Scores, and producing audio-visual media related material intended for commercial use and distribution. I'm close to my retirement, which opens the door for me to produce music and art which I actually enjoy producing, without being limited by my current obligations, or by the time limitations imposed on me due to my schedule.


Over the years I have worked on projects which required me to tackle a wide array of genres, and for multiple different purposes. So to that end, I would say that its not so much a question of which 'options' I could pick from, but rather, which goals I decide to set for myself, and on what sort of music or creative projects I would prefer to focus on.


What can YOU do with YOUR songs?


As a former content creator and working composer, I'm aware of the acute benefits and efficacy of teamwork and establishing beneficial partnerships. So to that end, its not a question of what 'I' can 'do' by myself, but rather, a matter of allocating resources, and developing a strategy step by step and workshoping said progress by consulting with experts and producers whom I trust. Some of which are also a part of Songstuff. In other words: While there is a lot I could do on my own, and have already accomplished independently, I could accomplish much more through working with others.


Do you plan to release songs as an artist?


That's a great question! Well, that depends. Since I'm still weighing in options, I'm constantly contemplating whether or not to feature myself as an artist, performer, or as a primary creative director/producer.


What about end goals?


My end goal has always been to bring both my music and stories to life (independently), through whichever means and skill-sets that would require, and reaching a level of production which is satisfactory for me. This was a goal I have already achieved on my own, way before I ever considered to use my skills to generate a profit. So to that end, in a way, you could say that my current goal's are to evolve my original concept and explore that narrative in audience form.


Do you want other artists to perform your songs?


I don't like ruling out options. So for the time being, I'd say that's worth exploring later down the line.


Do you intend going after production companies as your main priority?


No. I would only consider approaching a production company if I'm either: already at a point where I don't "need" them, or if working with them will vastly outweigh what I originally intended.


Although I started this topic here for general discussion, if anyone wants to explore their options, plans and tactics, we can perhaps start individual topics and workshop your plans?


If there was one field I think would be universally interesting to discuss and explore in public format, I would say its probably discussing the production of variety content and visual assets. Though maybe that's just me, as I have noticed that alot of people here aren't really 'into' that sorta thing.

Edited by VoiceEx
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