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How do you interact with your fans or respond to your fans as a music artist?


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11 minutes ago, Peggy said:

If the audience is Songstuff, and I'm a member of staff with one of my roles being that of the Moderator then I would say fair, open, helpful and reasonable. 🙂


Oh absolutely! :)Although.. I was more referring to you're public image as an independent musician outside of Songstuff. You know, where you're main audience is more likely to be. Unless of course you're main audience are indeed Songstuff members. If that's the case, i'd have no further questions 👍

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49 minutes ago, VoiceEx said:

Oh absolutely! :)Although.. I was more referring to you're public image as an independent musician outside of Songstuff. You know, where you're main audience is more likely to be. Unless of course you're main audience are indeed Songstuff members. If that's the case, i'd have no further questions

Oh no, it's a valid question but Songstuff has played an important part in my music.  Let me try a put a summary together.

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3 hours ago, VoiceEx said:


You know, I love how this process sounds like prepping up a bunch of pampered supermodels which somehow managed to develop the most severe case of social anxiety and insecurity issues ever known to man 😅


I'm just joking of course. You're absolutely right and I agree with you 100%. In fact, I don't know anybody that goes in warts and all because of how unwise that would be. Not being prepared is like doing a live show without doing a sound check. Nobody does that unless they intentionally want to sabotage themselves.


Though I do have an interesting question that's goes out to ya'll. Obviously, you don't have to answer if you don't want too.


@john @Peggy In terms of facing the audience, how would you define you're own public image?

Just look on Twitter and you’ll find a whole bunch who claim behind the scenes means “warts and all” because they “heard” that’s what they should do to be authentic. Anything else is a betrayal of the fans. Of course they do hide some things that are natural to keep from other’s eyes, but they share far beyond what is healthy as an artist.




It’s been years since I’ve actively pursued my music. Although it’s not quite, as I progress through releasing my new material I consider myself starting at the bottom. Just now I am busy assembling the various assets I will need to move forwards in a coordinated, planned way. I still have a fair amount to do.


For listeners, I barely figure on the radar of a tiny percentage. I suppose I still have a few fans from long ago, but I don’t want to count on them.


I have to build from the ground up. I am not chasing fame. I am happy simply building an audience for my music, wherever that takes me.


So, musically, I don’t quite know how people see me. 

What I do know, is that I will establish how people see me through a PR campaign that will help to build my image. I will do that while working with others to collectively achieve our goals.




As for me, from Songstuff, staff member, going by what people say, they see me as helpful, knowledgeable, fair. Going by what they don’t say, lol, there are those who see me as the problem. Kind of ironic in that without me, it wouldn’t exist. In all honesty, I don’t have a strong idea about how people see Songstuff me. I would hope that they view me with a little respect. Maybe some even appreciate my efforts and the efforts of the other staff. Who knows?

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3 hours ago, Peggy said:

Oh no, it's a valid question but Songstuff has played an important part in my music.  Let me try a put a summary together.


4 hours ago, VoiceEx said:

I was more referring to you're public image as an independent musician

Originally, I had a niche audience, mostly gained through events.  Probably not one that you would imagine .. political and protests  ..  my one pretty successful song was the first one written and performed, recorded and produced in my home studio.  The vocals, final mix where done in a recording studio, and mastered by another.  The CD and posters were part of event packaging and event tables.  Guess you could call that creative marketing.😅 Fun and rowdy! 


I joined Songstuff to help me develop and expand my lyric writing and song development.  I write in many genres, pretty edgy mostly, and so my  target audience now is a mix of people that enjoy a variety of music types.  



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2 hours ago, Peggy said:


Originally, I had a niche audience, mostly gained through events.  Probably not one that you would imagine .. political and protests  ..  my one pretty successful song was the first one written and performed, recorded and produced in my home studio.  The vocals, final mix where done in a recording studio, and mastered by another.  The CD and posters were part of event packaging and event tables.  Guess you could call that creative marketing.😅 Fun and rowdy! 


I joined Songstuff to help me develop and expand my lyric writing and song development.  I write in many genres, pretty edgy mostly, and so my  target audience now is a mix of people that would enjoy a variety of music types.  

So how do you think they perceive you?

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2 hours ago, john said:

how do you think they perceive you?

I didn't collect email addresses so there's little to no ability to get back on an individual basis, so it was a lost opportunity as far a moving forward with any new music or keeping in touch and building upon the experience.  At the time we were in sync and the perception was good and would guess, that in many ways, if I ever did something like that again, which is very doubtful, the audience and I would still have some commonality.  Royalties still trickle in but there are many things I've learned about lyrics, recording, production, promo and marketing that would have been good to know back then.  

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11 hours ago, john said:

So how do you think they perceive you?

l think this is a important area that new ones in the music scene need to ask. In my opinion, the interaction between music artist and the followers has changed dramatically,

l was watching last night a lot of Ren interviews that's on youtube. He is the new era of what is a happening and l feel will continue to happen in the music scene. What l mean is ,his connection he has with his followers.

Just read what his followers are saying on all his youtube downloads, whether it's on his officla lchannel or other downloads from other people.

l spent a lot of time last night reading their comments and it was so interesting. The theme through them all was 'thank you for your music and words, l feel you really understand me and  know what im going through'.  

and that was the over whelming theme in all  the comments l read, from kids to over  70 yr olds.

l havent read comments like that any where else. Yes big Artist who spend millions on PR get big followers,' listening to the music and they will write on youtube such comments as' oh your lyrics really help me through my breakup etc etc. But somehow l feel they sound very shallow compared to what l read on The Artist Ren.

l think he has brought about a new change in that regard, that he does actually 'feel' whats going on inside of all of us. 

l watched an interview of him where he sang  his first song, he was very young, l think maybe 17 (he's now 33 l think ) The lyrics of that song was so heartfelt l had'nt read anything like that in a song lyric for a very long time. He absolutely poured his heart out and the comments replied as such.

l dont think any PR can do that for a musician.

Is it healthy for an Artist to bare his soul to his fans, l think it is and the time we are living in, l think the fans want it.



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17 hours ago, Peggy said:

Originally, I had a niche audience, mostly gained through events.  Probably not one that you would imagine .. political and protests  ..  my one pretty successful song was the first one written and performed, recorded and produced in my home studio.  The vocals, final mix where done in a recording studio, and mastered by another.  The CD and posters were part of event packaging and event tables.  Guess you could call that creative marketing.😅 Fun and rowdy! 


First of all, thank you so much for providing a quick summery! To be honest I wasn't sure that you would, so I greatly appreciate it! :)


Also. You'd be surprised, but you and I have quite a few things in common. You see, while I am primarily a fictional writer, one of the first I songs I ever released which achieved success was in a sense inspired by real world politics. And, like most of my songs, it was written, preformed, recorded and produced by me in my home studio. All the final mixing and mastering were also done by me.


One of the marketing tactics I used was that after the official release, I had also intentionally "leaked" several variations of the song for free (but in lower quality), along with instructions on how to access hidden features and additional digital content which I had embedded in the tracks, in order to expand the experience. A sort of introduction to the idea of there being 'functional' aspects to my music, as well as there being a complex multi-layered narrative.



I'd like to note that this sort of 'treatment' only applies to songs which are related to my personal project. Like, this is not something I typically do when i'm working on a soundtrack, unless I am asked too.


17 hours ago, Peggy said:

I joined Songstuff to help me develop and expand my lyric writing and song development.  I write in many genres, pretty edgy mostly, and so my  target audience now is a mix of people that enjoy a variety of music types.


I'm glad to hear that you have benefited from being here on Songstuff! I think that having a diverse set of listeners is a good thing, as it means you have more creative freedom. Honestly I wish more people took you're approach. This place has also helped me as well, albeit in different ways.

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4 hours ago, Jac said:

l think this is a important area that new ones in the music scene need to ask. In my opinion, the interaction between music artist and the followers has changed dramatically,

l was watching last night a lot of Ren interviews that's on youtube. He is the new era of what is a happening and l feel will continue to happen in the music scene. What l mean is ,his connection he has with his followers.

Just read what his followers are saying on all his youtube downloads, whether it's on his officla lchannel or other downloads from other people.

l spent a lot of time last night reading their comments and it was so interesting. The theme through them all was 'thank you for your music and words, l feel you really understand me and  know what im going through'.  

and that was the over whelming theme in all  the comments l read, from kids to over  70 yr olds.

l havent read comments like that any where else. Yes big Artist who spend millions on PR get big followers,' listening to the music and they will write on youtube such comments as' oh your lyrics really help me through my breakup etc etc. But somehow l feel they sound very shallow compared to what l read on The Artist Ren.

l think he has brought about a new change in that regard, that he does actually 'feel' whats going on inside of all of us. 

l watched an interview of him where he sang  his first song, he was very young, l think maybe 17 (he's now 33 l think ) The lyrics of that song was so heartfelt l had'nt read anything like that in a song lyric for a very long time. He absolutely poured his heart out and the comments replied as such.

l dont think any PR can do that for a musician.

Is it healthy for an Artist to bare his soul to his fans, l think it is and the time we are living in, l think the fans want it.



The interesting thing is, he’s doing a lot of what we’ve been suggesting to artists for ages (not everything) and taken a few things really pretty far. It’s impressive.


From my perspective he’s really useful as an example they can see. When I say to artists “do this” I am sure more than a few think “what you say sounds good, but does it really work?” Or some variation of that. Sure, for some of my recommendations you can see mainstream artists doing them, but some things mainstream artists do would not work for independents. At the same time, some recommendations for independents are not mainstream artist activities.


I didn’t push my own music for many years, for a number of reasons. Unfortunately people often then question advice (as they should) because they think if my advice is so good, why didn’t I use it? Or worse they look at where I am with my music and think I did apply it and look where I am.


Fortunately a lot of what I suggest Ren and other successful indies are doing. I can explain marketing activities, give them context, connect them together, and point to artists like Ren who are actively using them or a variation of them. Belief in what you are doing helps artists to act decisively and with confidence.

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21 hours ago, john said:

Just look on Twitter and you’ll find a whole bunch who claim behind the scenes means “warts and all” because they “heard” that’s what they should do to be authentic. Anything else is a betrayal of the fans. Of course they do hide some things that are natural to keep from other’s eyes, but they share far beyond what is healthy as an artist.


Oh sadly i'm aware that this trend exists. Though I still think that it is a sloppy and ridicules way of doing things, and I have no intention of ever doing something so obviously stupid and self damaging 😅 I mean, If an artists wants to take selfie in the bathroom or something, sure they can go ahead and do that. Not on my watch though.


Besides. Why on earth would anyone even 'want' to see the 'warts'? Call me old fashion but I really don't get it. On what few times where i'm forced to look at social media, I prefer seeing a wholesome of dose of quality entertainment, neatly packaged, and in a manner which doesn't make me feel sorry for people. Call it a personal preference of mine.


I don't care if its "fake" or the "best version" of someone. I'd rather see some magic that fits in the pipeline, not leftovers that should have been tossed down the drain.


21 hours ago, john said:

It’s been years since I’ve actively pursued my music. Although it’s not quite, as I progress through releasing my new material I consider myself starting at the bottom. Just now I am busy assembling the various assets I will need to move forwards in a coordinated, planned way. I still have a fair amount to do.


I'm excited to hear what you've got in stored! I've heard you're music and I liked it 👍 Though many I ask, when all is said and done, are you also planning on sharing you're music here on Songstuff as well?


21 hours ago, john said:

I have to build from the ground up. I am not chasing fame. I am happy simply building an audience for my music, wherever that takes me.


As you know, I will be retiring from the soundtrack business (hopefully) in early 2024 in order to pursue a new creative journeys. One's which are far more open entered than my previous one. I also have no intention of chasing fame, and i'm not doing this for the money. In other words: I can relate 👍


21 hours ago, john said:

So, musically, I don’t quite know how people see me.


What I do know, is that I will establish how people see me through a PR campaign that will help to build my image. I will do that while working with others to collectively achieve our goals.


I don't know how people see you musically, but if it helps, I think you're music is cool 👍


21 hours ago, john said:

As for me, from Songstuff, staff member, going by what people say, they see me as helpful, knowledgeable, fair. Going by what they don’t say, lol, there are those who see me as the problem. Kind of ironic in that without me, it wouldn’t exist. In all honesty, I don’t have a strong idea about how people see Songstuff me. I would hope that they view me with a little respect. Maybe some even appreciate my efforts and the efforts of the other staff. Who knows?


"Helpful, knowledgeable, fair". That sounds like a very solid and positive image to me! In fact, having that image in mind, makes it difficult for me to understand why anyone would call you "the problem" lol. I mean, sure, i've seen you get into a few arguments here and there, and there may have been occasions where perhaps you came out a bit too strong. But to go as far as calling you a "problem"? That's an incredible stretch of the imagination. Besides. If anyone has an issue with you, they could simply talk to you, no? And even in a scenario were neither side can find common ground, they could simply choose not to talk to you. Its not like you'd ban them just for that.


I dunno man. The internet is strange 😅 Well I for one REALLY appreciate you're efforts! For me this place is like no other, and the fact is that none of us would be here if it wasn't for you 👍

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1 hour ago, VoiceEx said:

Oh sadly i'm aware that this trend exists. Though I still think that it is a sloppy and ridicules way of doing things, and I have no intention of ever doing something so obviously stupid and self damaging 😅 I mean, If an artists wants to take selfie in the bathroom or something, sure they can go ahead and do that. Not on my watch though.

I never for one minute thought you would, my friend. If I knew you were, believe me I would very strongly advise you against it. I would pester you to change your mind.


Most of the Twitter tactics being pursued by artists… on other platforms too, but especially micro-blogging platforms (as they used to be called), are really a bad, bad idea.

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1 hour ago, VoiceEx said:

I'm excited to hear what you've got in stored! I've heard you're music and I liked it 👍 Though many I ask, when all is said and done, are you also planning on sharing you're music here on Songstuff as well?

I shared some early, one take drafts recorded on my phone in Steve’s New Music Fridays topics. I will be posting relating to my music in several places in the community. I will post up my draft tracks in a new community subscriber critique board (more on that later), I will be starting a club I hope to use for building a skilled core street team. As I roll forward I hope to add some unskilled/semiskilled to the team too.


I’ll do a lot more besides, building on the community.


1 hour ago, VoiceEx said:

I don't know how people see you musically, but if it helps, I think you're music is cool 👍

Thank you! I wasn’t fishing for compliments, but I am thankful either way. :)


1 hour ago, VoiceEx said:

"Helpful, knowledgeable, fair". That sounds like a very solid and positive image to me! In fact, having that image in mind, makes it difficult for me to understand why anyone would call you "the problem" lol. I mean, sure, i've seen you get into a few arguments here and there, and there may have been occasions where perhaps you came out a bit too strong. But to go as far as calling you a "problem"? That's an incredible stretch of the imagination. Besides. If anyone has an issue with you, they could simply talk to you, no? And even in a scenario were neither side can find common ground, they could simply choose not to talk to you. Its not like you'd ban them just for that.

Mostly it’s been passing shots from people banned for good reason.


1 hour ago, VoiceEx said:

I dunno man. The internet is strange 😅 Well I for one REALLY appreciate you're efforts! For me this place is like no other, and the fact is that none of us would be here if it wasn't for you 👍

Thanks again :)

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On 8/21/2023 at 12:37 AM, john said:

I never for one minute thought you would, my friend. If I knew you were, believe me I would very strongly advise you against it. I would pester you to change your mind.


Most of the Twitter tactics being pursued by artists… on other platforms too, but especially micro-blogging platforms (as they used to be called), are really a bad, bad idea.


My friend you are always welcome to talk to me about anything, and indeed to advise me and pester me if you see fit. Thank you for that! :)


You'll be glad to know that I have been actively pushing against this sort of nonsense for a very long time. There are also those who are actively trying to push me into the TikTok bandwagon, calming its an "easy cash cow with unlimited reach". Which I wouldn't care even if it was. I'm not touching it. If making more money was the only thing I cared about, I wouldn't need TikTok for that.

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7 hours ago, VoiceEx said:

There are also those who are actively trying to push me into the TikTok bandwagon, calming its an "easy cash cow with unlimited reach". Which I wouldn't care even if it was. I'm not touching it. If making more money was the only thing I cared about, I wouldn't need TikTok for that.

Good to hear you say that. 

It's just me expressing my personal opinion but what a garage pit/app  TikTok is .... not to mention the exposure with access, storage and collection of personal information. I wouldn't recommend using it for ANYONE and that definatly covers musicians, artists or any creative wanting to expand their reach.  

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19 hours ago, Peggy said:

Good to hear you say that. 

It's just me expressing my personal opinion but what a garage pit/app  TikTok is .... not to mention the exposure with access, storage and collection of personal information. I wouldn't recommend using it for ANYONE and that definatly covers musicians, artists or any creative wanting to expand their reach.  


I think you're absolutely right. TikTok is cesspool and it drives me nuts how so many people have eagerly 'accepted' and normalized it, established their career on it - despite everyone knowing that its basically spyware and despite all the numerous studies that were conducted how it has negatively affected society on a global scale. Every single warning sign a person could possibly imagine has been on display for years! its ridicules! lol

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