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Hey Gang   At last. Connections all made in my studio, set up complete, about to start testing and ready to start room conditioning!   It’s even beginning to look kinda pretty…     I can’t wait. Testing should start tomorrow. Yay!   I’ll update you soon!

john in Studio

Moving Home, Moving Home Recording Studio

It’s typical. Just I am happy with my home studio, I have to strip it down and move the whole fecking thing. Grrr.   It had to be done so… just suck it up and get on with it, John. (Talking to myself in the 3rd person now too!)   Moving house can be a stressful time for anyone, especially if you are a musician and have to rebuild your home recording studio. It can feel like a daunting task, but with a little bit of planning and effort, you can have your new studio up

john in Studio

System Updates

Windows 11 Upgrading   I lose a lot of time updating my recording system. Good that it is up to date, but updates take a while to do.   The most annoying bit is that every time I go through the update cycle, I restart my system. It’s a Windows 10 system. That means, every restart brings the “Upgrade to Windows 11!” Messages and software download… even when you don’t want to update! Arrggghh!   I would upgrade to Windows 11 if it wasn’t for concerns about compatibili

john in Studio

A Contented Sigh

Still working out some small kinks in my studio set up, but at least they are simpler issues. Today I was swapping my monitoring between my main monitors and my nearfield monitors. I spent an age trying to work out why I had no sound coming from my nearfields. I have 3 patch bays (2 balanced, 1 unbalanced, plus my interface routing matrix and any additional routing within my DAW. Phew! No wonder.   The long and the short of it is that I eventually found the culprit setting…. Now I just

john in Studio

Tales Of A Working Studio…

So my Studio is ALMOST tidy. Cough cough. Tidyness is not my strong point. I have my doubts that my studio will ever be truly tidy. I just have too much stuff that gets stored in my studio. Old music gear, music books, cables… more to the point, I suck at putting things away.   The good news is that my studio is up and running again. Loads to explore too. Not a completely new set up, but enough of a change that it will be a while before I am familiar with it all. The journey should be

john in Studio

The Joy Of Patch Bays

Patch bays. To the soft-studio generation patch bays are obsolete. Yet as you accumulate studio gear their need is just as vital to a studio as they ever were. They are the hub that is in the middle of a well organized studio.   They provide a central location for connecting together your gear, but they also protect your gear. Patch bay connectors take the wear and tear, saving the connectors on your expensive piece of kit. They also save you looking about the back of gear to connect y

john in Studio

At Last

Yay!   A working studio. All connected together. Flashy lights, things that go beep and everything!   A brief tidy up required and I should be good to go. I can’t wait.   Some experimenting will come fist. Maybe a track or two will drop out of the process, maybe nothing.

john in Studio

New Studio Gear

I just took delivery of a bunch of gear to revitalise my studio. It’s going to take a bit or rework in the studio, and means some old gear being sold, but that’s ok. Might as well get some cash back for gear I no longer use.   The only issue becomes when I want to recreate an old track. If I sell the gear I won’t be able to recreate them entirely.... but keeping the stems and draft mixes does mean I can rework them, and I am satisfied with that!   There are two new keyboards:

john in Studio

I Dream Of Blue Screen

“It’s all going well...”   Famous last words. The title of the post pretty well gives it away.   Just as I got it all working together, I was touring about trying instruments out, and the DAW froze, along with the whole PC, a high pitched whine came out the speakers and I had to reboot. Within an hour it had happened another 3 times.   I suspect a dodgy VST. I hope it is a dodgy VST. At least that would be an easy fix.   So tomorrow it’s Windows 10 Event V

john in Studio

Migrating Music PC

If there was one pearl of wisdom I could share with you about software and content licenses when migrating your core music PC, it would be this...   AAAAAARRGGGHH!   Dear Gods of music, enough already!   I just wish that larger chunks (if not all) of the process could be automated to take some of the pain out of the process.   On a bright note, I am almost there with this stage of upgrading my studio! The core studio software and hardware is working. A fai

john in Studio

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