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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

The Southern Pigfish Album...

How’s this for a Southern Pigfish album? Not in order, of course: For Their Own Ends (folk-rock) Vampire Roumanian Babies (fast country, almost ragtime) The Strange Saga of Quoth, the Parrot (talking blues) Love Trails of the Zombie Snails (folk-rock) Born Again Barbie (Everly Brothers-style rockabilly) The Dead Sweethearts Polka (polka, of course) In the Shadows, I’ll be Watching You (mod. slow two-step) Dirty Deeds We Done to Sheep (Johnny Cash-style rock ‘n’ roll) Naked



Chris Is Better (And I Have A New Song)...

Got to see Chris in the hospital Monday; he’s out of intensive care, and can have visitors. He still can’t talk very good, and was fading in and out of consciousness a lot (I presume that was the drugs); I understand he’s nonetheless doing a lot better than he was. I took him a coffee cup from Tommy Boye the DJ, and best wishes from everybody. Talked to his nurse, too, after I saw a note on the wall saying he was scheduled for discharge the following day—but nurse advised it was not going to



Band Practice And The Play...

“The Tempest” is now history. Final night played to a packed house, I was told (couldn’t see ‘em with my glasses off), and most of the seats were pre-sold. I understand it was good financially for the Tillamook Assn. for the Performing Arts (TAPA), too. Would I do another play? Sure. Not right away, but sure. (The play TAPA is doing for Christmas has an Evil Uncle in it, and I expect being Evil Uncle would not be much of a stretch.) Friday night’s performance of the play was videotape



Fundamentals Of Cymbal Crashes, New Article

This is the first in a series of 3 articles looking at the role of cymbal crashes in modern drumming. This tutorial covers the fundamentals and basic technique with two example videos and accompanying text. Fundamentals Of Cymbal Crashes




One final performance of “The Tempest.” I find I will miss it when it’s over. The guys and girls in the cast and crew are very good at what they do, and I appreciate being part of professionalism. Even when they flub lines (and I apparently have the whole play memorized enough that I can tell when someone flubs a line), they do it in character. I expect I will be using Elizabethan slang for a while myself. I have another book to add to the Music Library—“The Indie Bible,” a resource dir



Groovemaker For The Ipad Now Available

IK Multimedia is pleased to announce that its GrooveMaker® range of remixing apps is now available for the iPad. Released for the iPhone and iPod touch in August 2009, GrooveMaker has become one of the most popular mobile loop remixing apps. The GrooveMaker Free version has consistently been in the top 100 music apps with over 600,000 downloads, and the entire GrooveMaker family features 11 style-based apps for the most popular genres of music. GrooveMaker for the new iPad offers t



Writing Songs

Songstuff has a dedicated songwriting area, with many songwriting articles, and resource links for songwriters, plus an active songwriting community . If you are keen to develop your songwriting skills, or simply just interact with other songwriters and musicians, our music community is the perfect place to spend some time with like minded people. Giving and receiving feedback is a great wway to hone your songwriting skills. Songstuff has many critique boards dedicated to lyrics writi



Concert Season...

Happy Easter, all of you within earshot (or eyeshot). A TV news report has advised there are more calories in the ears of a chocolate rabbit than most other parts. Obviously, that was essential information, or they wouldn’t have devoted time to it on the TV news with everything else that’s going on. As this is written, drummer Chris is still in intensive care, and I understand it’s been touch and go. He’s reportedly still not allowed visitors. Doug Rowland, the drummer from “Lannie and



Video Thoughts (And The Drummer's In Ths Hospital)...

Heard this morning our drummer, Chris, is in ICU in a Portland hospital. I’ll go in to see him as soon as he’s out of intensive care, but I have a feeling he’s not going to be able to drum at the April 24 gig. We will have to find a substitute. (I can make said substitute an “I Am Not Chris” T-shirt for the occasion.) About the only good news this week is Roland, the new guitarist who’s been coming to our Wednesday acoustic jam sessions at the Garibaldi Pub, seems to be interested in doi



Dr. K Choir Director!

Just filled with gratitude for Dr. John Kaess' presence as choir director. He's such a wealth and depth for All Things Liturgical. And he's got the real fire, too. There is no one like him. I can't stop being amazed with him and amazed to be in HIS Latin Mass choir. I just love him! Yeah, we rehearsed tonight There is a tenor (I believe) head of some Schola (Gregorian Chant), which one I do not know - maybe attached to St. Augustine...but he is wonderfully accomplish



Album Thoughts...

A new song to musicate! It’s by Skip Johnson, who in real life is an Adventist minister in New England (and one of the better lyricists I know). Hight “I Wish You Were Here to Hate My Boyfriends.” Maybe the best broken-home song I’ve run into yet. Of course, it’ll be country music (a nice, bouncy two-step, I think)—country music, I maintain, is an overlooked vehicle for talking about social issues, and this is another opportunity to prove the point. It would be neat if Polly Hager could sin



Whats In Your Head When You Write?

How do you write a lyric? Well for me it could be the title first or the theme, then you have to think what genre? You must remember that the first verse is very important' well the first two lines really; this is what is called the "hook". The hook itself could be vocal or instrumental' for me as a writer it would be vocal, you will find that artists that write and sing they're own work can use both. If you are looking to write a commercial pop lyric you must think between three & fo



Concert Thoughts (And The Play)...

The band have what drummer Chris calls “our homework”—the setlists and CDs. We can practice after 1 April, when Doc and his dog get back from vacation. (We don’t need the dog—just Doc—but they’re traveling together.) I’ve been in touch with the lady who’s coordinating the event; they’re raffling off some fancy prizes, too—fishing trips, and the like—and I want to make sure to promote those during the Rap. (I got the name of the other band, too. They’re called “Lannie and the Instigators.”



A Song That Sounds Blue - Featured Video

A Song That Sounds Blue © 2010 Tom Tognaci This song video has been featured on the Songstuff Channel http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_music.cfm?bandID=960660 Video made by http://roflcopter.eu for Songstuff Forum



Kayla's Book & Youtube/1St Song Live/students? (And More...)

Edit March 23 - Kayla's companion video to her book Mommy's Music + + + Whoa! whoa whoa whoa Things are moving quite fast. I am happy! So MANY new experiences that seem to fit like a glove. --- Another Kayla photography assignment, a bound book (of me). I thought it was just going to her teacher! It's a 68 page pictorial w/ about a 5 page bio. Kayla is also moving soon, we will miss her terribly! This 3rd year for her has been incredibly d



Curmudgeonly Thoughts About The Music Business...

A question from Lorelei Loveridge, founder and chief rabble-rouser of Performing Songwriters United Worldwide, about working conditions for performing artists in the music business, and what we’re doing (or can do) about it. Can one coax order out of chaos? The chaos itself has order, I think. One framework that seems to come close to defining the music industry today is the old Soviet Union Communist Party. There was—the Soviets often pointed it out—intense competition within the Party,



The Gospel Truth Choir Album Recording

Well what a night it was last night!! I arrived at CaVa studios around 6.30pm after battling through the traffic (nnggrrrr) to a cheery Bill at the front door. Bill Matthews manages The Gospel Truth Choir and booked myself and Malky (drummer) to record bass and drums for the Choir's album, their first. All we were originally told was we'd be re-working some Scottish Classics and that is all I'm giving away just now too :-) Once Malk had set up his Gretsch Kit (what an awesome sound) he start



Round This Time Of Year

Round This Time Of Year if the current Featured Video on the Songstuff Channel Free video made for Songstuff community member. For more information click on the following link: Free Video of Your Song Pat Coleman & Colin Lazzerini © Hip Pocket Music 2008 Voice: Tania Hancheroff Piano: Ross Taggart Imagery: roflcopter.eu



The April 24 Setlist...

Tentative setlist for the April 24 “Deathgrass” concert looks like: SET #1 (11 SONGS) Dead Things in the Shower (Bobbie Gallup)—mod. fast two-step Armadillo on the Interstate—slow & sleazy Things Are Getting Better Now That Things Are Getting Worse (Gene Burnett)—fast two-step Tillamook Railroad Blues—deliberate blues For Their Own Ends (Southern Pigfish)—folk-rock Eatin’ Cornflakes from a Hubcap Blues—slow & sleazy quasi-blues Our Own Little Stimulus Plan (Betty Holt)



More Updates...

Reviews and updates: The Monday Night Musical performance went well; Doc, Bill, JoAnn and I were easily more professional than the rest of the performers they had. I hope it turns into more business. I played “The Dead Sweethearts Polka” for both the Friday Night Group and our crew at the Tillamook Library, but I don’t think it’s concert material—at least, not yet; it is hard to sing in the key I recorded it in (it’s way at the bottom of my voice range), but the happy serial killer motif also



7Th Sun - From The Begining, Featured Video

Title track of 7th Sun's album "From The Beginning" is now the featured song on the Songstuff Channel. Songstuff Channel If you are interested in having your song featured on the Songstuff Channel, then please post a link to your video in your own topic here: Showcase You can also submit your video to be considered for inclusion on the channel here: Recommendations for the Songstuff Channel



Tricks To Developing More Confidence On Stage

If you have ever suffered from stage fright this article is for you. Performing your own songs, particularly for the first time, is often a nerve wracking experience. In this article Songstuff author Cheryl Hodge provides 5 confidence building tricks to help with stage performance. Tricks To Developing More Confidence On Stage Cheryl's board profile cherylhodge.com For further reading and reference check out Cheryl's book: A Singer's Guide for the Well-Trained & P



Becoming Automatic (&c.)...

“The Dead Sweethearts Polka” turned out surprisingly good. Link is http://www.soundclick.com/share?songid=8862558. While I doubt it’s album material (or even performance material), much less “the best you’ve ever done” like some people said, it is fun to listen to. Some folks had suggestions for instruments that could be added—accordion, mandolin, Jews’ harp—and I do know people who play all those things, and play them rather well. It is possible. One addition I’d be tempted to try is “Chai



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