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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

Day 1: Here We Go....

So I figured I'd give this a try. See how it goes and see what comes of it. Over the next week or so I'll introduce myself and tell you about the daily work thats involved in setting up and running a production company. I intend it to be honest, non-ego and sometimes factual. We get to see another side of the music industry. We link the artist to the labels and the public. We get to manipulate, inspire, focus and explore music in a very controlled way. Its not rocket science, but its a bit



Wedding Waltzes (&c.)...

Another week, I think, in which to assemble and organize the Wedding Setlist. After that, we’ll need to concentrate on practicing. We’ll have a fair amount of new material to get familiar with. 10 of 18 songs, I think. I found in my “I been to Phoenix” stuff a CD of Screamin’ Gulch songs, recorded by Wayne, our slide/steel guitarist (his guitar was literally made out of steel) live when he was testing out his recording equipment. And yes, “Lilly’s Song,” written by the drummer’s 7-year-



Triple Stroke Rolls

An excellent introduction to the triple stroke roll and how to practice around something. This tutorial contains exercises and explanations of developing a triple stroke roll. Triple Stroke Roll



Donna Dahl Joins Songstuff Writers

Please welcome Donna Dahl as a new contributer to our drumming sub-site. Donna is drummer and a singer/songwriter. In recent times she has returned to the study of her first love, drums. Dahl is currently involved in teaching drums, recording and composing, appearing live most often as a singing drummer and singer/songwriter with Thorny Swale, a blend of Twin Cities and Wisconsin players. Dahl sings regularly with the St. Augustine Latin Mass Choir of South St. Paul, Mn and is a member of M



The Gorilla Has Landed

TFunny old day today sunny but not very warm eh? Now on to the serious stuff how are we all ? Tues is our first gig since The Mint a while back and it's back to macsorley's in Glasgow and with us will be our mates from Fife The other side we are looking forward to this one, It's been a while we are still doing what needs done on the search for a perminent bassist and we have someone else comming to the studio on Monday for a try our fingers crossed t



Sept. 25 Post-Mortem (And A New Cat)...

The Deathgrass Sept. 25 concert was good. Small—very small—but appreciative crowd (we were competing for attention with three other events in the area at the same time—a contra dance, a square dance, and the final night of a very good play). Told the audience to applaud real loud, because we (and they) were being recorded by Jim Nelson, who was running sound; I told them, too, the audience was small enough so if we got album-quality cuts out of the recording, we could list them by name in the



Crafting Drum Parts For Original Songs - Part 1

How do you create the ideal drum part for an original song? Tom explores beat creation for both drummers and non-drummers alike, drawing attention to working with melody, understanding genre and developing an arrangement in this the first in a series of articles exploring this perspective on songwriting, arrangement and production. Crafting Drum Parts For Original Songs Part 1



The final mix

So - since January, I have been recording the final bits & pieces while learning to mix while mixing the album. Now it is really getting there! I also did a re-recording of several tracks - the curse of perfection! Now I am looking at sending this to mastering sometime during October - all though I have stopped making promises to anyone ... You probably also have noticed that I am a pretty rotten blogger - there I will have to improve now that that I am entering the phase of mar



Helloooooo, Out There! News From The Vocal Front...

Life gets so hectic, and exciting at the same time, in the vocal world! It's all good, though. Everyday I am discovering new truths about the voice and the joys of artistry associated with the process of songwriting. I find it very encouraging that this latest generation seems less interested in turning on and tuning out than the last. People truly thirst to know about great artists of the past. THANK GOD; I was beginning to lose hope. Still working on finishing that blues album



Showcase Your Songs On Our Showcase Board

It's an easy process. Start a topic in our Showcase board Add your lyrics and either embed your mp3 link or YouTube video link using the media tag (or use the insert media button in the post editor). For mp3 media links it must link directly to your mp3 file on the internet, otherwise simply add a normal link to a page where the song can be heard using the insert link button.



Can The Band Play Daughter's Wedding?

Quickly, because weekends are busy… Band practice Sunday afternoon (the Rocktoberfest gig is next Sunday, and we need to be ready); have to record “Take Me Back to the ‘Sixties,” and re-record “Crosses by the Roadside” and “50 Ways to Cure the Depression” (because I want to remove a verse from each one, and that’s the easiest way with the equipment I’ve got); and there’s the column to do for the paper. Finish work to finish on the door, and another door to put in (the garage, this time—carpent



Matters And Poetry

Hello world, While life is dull for me now, I find that music is always a hot ticket to a rockin world for me. The muse of my dreams, the meaning of this life here, is simply art and music! Whether its making music, creating songs, making art/paintings, listening to rock bands' music/songs, RnB or Classical music- well now! That's music to my souls ears! Here, these are just some of my random thoughts I had running through my t



Bay City Post-Mortem (And Sept. 25 Setlist)...

A draft Sept. 25 setlist: SET #1: Dead Things in the Shower—fast two-step Armadillo on the Interstate—slow & sleazy Tillamook Railroad Blues—deliberate blues Eatin’ Cornflakes from a Hubcap Blues—slow & sleazy quasi-blues Take Me Back to the ‘Sixties [NEW]—mod. fast two-step For Their Own Ends (Southern Pigfish)—folk-rock Duct Tape—mod. speed country Steamboat Bill (Shields & Leighton)—rock ‘n’ roll Things Are Getting Better Now that Things Are Getting Worse (G



Lefty's Are Special / Sitting In With The Swamp Kings Tonight

Make new friends but keep the old; those are silver, these are gold - Joseph Parry d.1903 I am the daughter of two left handed parents. It was normal, being around those opposite-handed to me. It so happens that the two gentlemen equated in my mind as the drumming buddies are left handed. Martin Applebaum was walking down an alley one day and heard drumming from a garage. About 14 at the time, he investigated who was behind the kit. It was 12 yr old me. Martin had curly hai



A Week Without The Internet...

TWO WEEKS since I’ve posted any issues of the blog? I am sorry. Not only has the new job kept me busy, but I’ve had no laptop the past week, and accordingly no access to the Internet outside of work (and I will not use the work computer for personal stuff). Got to read a lot, and play music some, despite the meetings that took two of the evenings this past week. Central Point concert came off pretty good. Despite not having played together for three years, Dan (mandolin), Gary (electric



Easy Drumming Self Evaluation

Tonight I wanted to check my technique (hands). I felt like standing up so I put the old-fashioned practice pad (triangular type wood-block base with roughly 4" square rubber pad) on top of a waist high dresser. Propped in back against the crash cymbal I placed a 3'x2' mirror. Great view from neck to waist so shoulders, neck muscles, arms, hands, sticks, pad in perfect view. I practiced w/ the metronome on one setting, fiddling around w/ as many different even fractions of speed po



The Ship Hath Sailed

How quickly moods can change. Just 3 weeks ago I was really into my up coming gigs, both last week. Then, without any forward planning or warning decided that I was not into doing gigs full stop. Why I don't know. The first one I cancelled by getting in touch with the promoter who was pretty cool about the whole thing and the second, well I got to the gig and the first act on blew the goddam PA preventing anyone else from performing anyway. Divine Intervention me thinks. Someone once told me tha



Vital (Studio) Lessons

Recently I've learned some of the most important lessons ever in my musical life. Music Vacation About 7 days ago what began as an impromptu conversation and wish for me maybe laying down a drum track for friends' material turned into a plan for one of my songs being recorded. I wasn't entirely sure until mid-week beforehand that it would actually go down, but I began the prep early in the week anyway. Another big chunk - guitar, drums and vocals. This is an account mainly



The Mcminnville Open Mike (&c.)...

Looks like I didn’t post an issue of the blog mid-week. I know I thought about it, and even had one partly written. It has been a tad busy, and commuting back and forth to the job—a 2.5-hour trip each way—has left me, by my count, all of three hours to myself, per day, if I’m lucky. It may get easier—I did find a place to stay (a room in someone’s home in Lafayette), and I’ll “move in” (clothes, guitar, laptop, recording equipment, and books) Monday. Wednesday night’s open mike in McMi



I Will Rest

Everyday in every way I will rest in the Lord my God. I will rest; I will rest In the Lord my God. For he is a help In time of trouble. Though I may stumble I will rest in the Lord my God. Through trials, temptations, Through troubles, tribulations, Through it all, through it all I will rest in the Lord my God. If the terror comes By day or by night



Come Father Praise Song Lyrics

COME FATHER Come Father, Glorify your name, The name above All names. Come Father, Fill this pain, Fill it with your train; Come meet us At our weakness. Come Father, Honor us With your presence In the name of Jesus. Come Father, Glorify your name, The name above All names.



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